
Harry Franqui-Rivera, Ph.D.

Historian, Public Intellectual, Blogger, Cultural Critic

Dr. Harry Franqui-Rivera is a Historian, public intellectual, cultural critic and blogger. He blogs about current issues, from geopolitics and economics to social and cultural matters and publishes in online magazines. My views do not represent the opinion of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College or CUNY. He specializes in Caribbean, Latino and Latin American History and focuses on the 19-20th centuries. Among other interests he addresses the issues of nation building, national identities, military institutions and imperial-colonial relations. His book, Fighting for the Nation: Military Service and Modern Puerto Rican National Identities, 1868-1952, will be published by the University of Nebraska Press. His second book book, Glory, Shame and Redemption: The Ordeal of the All-Puerto Rican 65th Infantry during the Korean War, will be published by Centro Press. His most recent academic work includes; “‘A New Day Has Dawned for Porto Rico’s Jíbaro’: Manhood, Race, Military Service and Self-Government during WWI” in Latino Studies, Palgrave, Vol. 13.2 (2015); Puerto Rican Veterans and Service Members’ Well-being and Place within the Diaspora, in Edwin Meléndez and Carlos Vargas-Ramos, eds., Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium, (CENTRO Press), New York, (2014), and “National Mythologies: U.S. Citizenship for the People of Puerto Rico and Military Service” in Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla Colombia, No.21 (2013). Find his academic work at http://www.academia.edu/ Find his social media articles: Latino Rebels http://www.latinorebels.com/author/harryfranquirivera/ Centro Voices http://centropr.hunter.cuny.edu/centrovoices/meet-the-authors/harry-franqui 80 Grados http://www.80grados.net/author/harry-franqui-rivera/ Visit his blog: https://incoherentthoughtsblog.wordpress.com/ Follow him on Twitter: @hfranqui