中国LCC・春秋航空が日本国内線に参入 低価格競争に拍車か

NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 28: A plane takes off at John F. Kennedy Airport on February 28, 2013 in New York City. Should the $85 billion in automatic federal budget cuts, known as the sequester, go into effect Friday as scheduled, airport control towers in a number of states could close, putting pilots and staff members at risk. In addition to the closed control towers, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers could be furloughed, leading to long waits and confusion at many airport security checkpoints. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 28: A plane takes off at John F. Kennedy Airport on February 28, 2013 in New York City. Should the $85 billion in automatic federal budget cuts, known as the sequester, go into effect Friday as scheduled, airport control towers in a number of states could close, putting pilots and staff members at risk. In addition to the closed control towers, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers could be furloughed, leading to long waits and confusion at many airport security checkpoints. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
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共同通信 2013/05/09 12:06 )


春秋航空によると、同社は中国初の民間航空会社。LCCはLow Cost Carrierの略。上海と茨城、高松、佐賀の各空港を結ぶ国際線では最安値が片道数千円からと格安の料金設定であり、気軽に海外に行ける航空会社として人気がある。



