アメリカとキューバ、54年ぶり国交回復 大使館再開

米国とキューバは20日、54年ぶりに正式に国交を回復し、双方の首都に互いの大使館を再開させた。 米ワシントンにあるキューバの利益代表部は大使館に格上げされる。
Workers at the US Department of State add the Cuban flag at to the display of flags inside the main entrance at 202 'C' Street at 4am local time (0800 GMT) in Washington, DC on July 20, 2015. The United States and Cuba formally resumed diplomatic relations on July 20, as the Cuban flag was raised at the US State Department in a historic gesture toward ending decades of hostility between the Cold War foes. AFP PHOTO / Paul J. Richards (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)
Workers at the US Department of State add the Cuban flag at to the display of flags inside the main entrance at 202 'C' Street at 4am local time (0800 GMT) in Washington, DC on July 20, 2015. The United States and Cuba formally resumed diplomatic relations on July 20, as the Cuban flag was raised at the US State Department in a historic gesture toward ending decades of hostility between the Cold War foes. AFP PHOTO / Paul J. Richards (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)
PAUL J. RICHARDS via Getty Images




両国は1961年に国交を断絶した。国交正常化は昨年12月、オバマ米大統領とキューバのラウル・カストロ国家評議会議長が発表した。[ワシントン 20日 ロイター]


