



「そこには必ず、不確実である、破滅的であるといった要素が絡んできます」彼は、ハフポストアメリカ版に語った。もっと明確に原因が指摘できる (例えば壁に蜘蛛がいるとか) 「恐怖」とは異なり、人々が「心配」する対象は、「漠然とした、将来の不透明性を伴う脅威——起きるかもしれない悪い出来事」なのである。







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モーザー博士は、「the Journal of Abnormal Psychology」にある論文を掲載したが、その研究によると、ストレスが掛かる状況下では心配症の人の脳とそうでない人の脳とが実際に異なって機能することが明らかとなったのである。研究のためモーザー博士と同僚は71人の女性被験者に対して、大まかに言って、物事を良い方に考えるか、あるいは悪い方に考える/心配症であるか、予め回答してもらった。次に被験者は、女性が覆面をした男によって喉元にナイフを突き付けられているといったような、嫌な場面の画像を見せられた。その間、被験者の脳の活動が測定され、記録された。





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問題を作り出すという心配症の人がやってしまいがちなことから離れ、問題解決に集中することが大切である。「心配症の人は、自分が建設的なことをしていると考えます—— [将来の問題を] 予測すれば、何らかの役に立つと思うのです」とパードン博士は言う。「ある程度は合理的な考えですが、彼らはいったんそれを始めてしまうと止まれないのです」


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「人がなぜ心配事に囚われるかというと、『これは今なんとかしなくてはならない問題だ。予測を立て、結果に対する計画を立てねばならない』と考えるからです。注意を向けていなければならないこと、仕事、配偶者、子供、等々に集中できなくなります」とパードン博士は説明する。そこでパードン博士は、「心配椅子」と呼ばれる方法を使うことを勧める。こういう仕組みである——昼間、自分ひとりで心配事について考え、熟慮できる時間を15分設ける。その15分以外は心配しない。そして毎日必ず同じ場所でそれを行うようにする (「心配椅子」という名称はそこから来ている)。





先に紹介した「the Journal of Abnormal Psychology」に掲載された研究で、モーザー博士が使った画像を例に取ってみよう。あなただったら、覆面をした男性にナイフを突き付けられている女性の画像を見たら、次に何が起きると思うだろうか。心配症の人は最悪の結果しか思いつかないだろうが、心配症でない人は、「あの女性は窮地に立たされている。でもうまく攻撃の手を逃れ、安全な場所に逃げ出せるかもしれない」と考える余裕があるとモーザー博士は説明する。心配症でない人は、悪い出来事から良い結果が生まれる可能性を見出すことができるのである。


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[(English) Translated by Gengo]

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20 Reasons To Love Meditation
It Lowers Stress -- Literally(01 of20)
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Research published just last month in the journal Health Psychology shows that mindfulness is not only associated with feeling less stressed, it\'s also linked with decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Lets Us Get To Know Our True Selves (02 of20)
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It lets us get to know our true selves. Mindfulness can help us see beyond those rose-colored glasses when we need to really objectively analyze ourselves. A study in the journal Psychological Science shows that mindfulness can help us conquer common \"blind spots,\" which can amplify or diminish our own flaws beyond reality. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Can Make Your Grades Better(03 of20)
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Researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that college students who were trained in mindfulness performed better on the verbal reasoning section of the GRE, and also experienced improvements in their working memory. \"Our results suggest that cultivating mindfulness is an effective and efficient technique for improving cognitive function, with widereaching consequences,\" the researchers wrote in the Psychological Science study. (credit:Flickr:David Ortez)
It Could Help Our Troops(04 of20)
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The U.S. Marine Corps is in the process of seeing how mindfulness meditation training can improve troops\' performance and ability to handle -- and recover from -- stress. (credit:Flickr:MilitaryHealth)
It Could Help People With Arthritis (05 of20)
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A 2011 study in the journal Annals of Rheumatic Disease shows that even though mindfulness training may not help to lessen pain for people with rheumatoid arthritis, it could help to lower their stress and fatigue. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Changes The Brain In A Protective Way (06 of20)
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University of Oregon researchers found that integrative body-mind training -- which is a meditation technique -- can actually result in brain changes that may be protective against mental illness. The meditation practice was linked with increased signaling connections in the brain, something called axonal density, as well as increased protective tissue (myelin) around the axons in the anterior cingulate brain region. (credit:Alamy)
It Works As The Brain's "Volume Knob"(07 of20)
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Ever wondered why mindfulness meditation can make you feel more focused and zen? It\'s because it helps the brain to have better control over processing pain and emotions, specifically through the control of cortical alpha rhythms (which play a role in what senses our minds are attentive to), according to a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (credit:Alamy)
It Makes Music Sound Better(08 of20)
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Mindfulness meditation improves our focused engagement in music, helping us to truly enjoy and experience what we\'re listening to, according to a study in the journal Psychology of Music. (credit:Flickr:U.S. Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia)
It Helps Us Even When We're Not Actively Practicing It(09 of20)
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You don\'t have to actually be meditating for it to still benefit your brain\'s emotional processing. That\'s the finding of a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, which shows that the amygdala brain region\'s response to emotional stimuli is changed by meditation, and this effect occurs even when a person isn\'t actively meditating. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Has Four Elements That Help Us In Different Ways(10 of20)
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The health benefits of mindfulness can be boiled down to four elements, according to a Perspectives on Psychological Science study: body awareness, self-awareness, regulation of emotion and regulation of attention. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Could Help Your Doctor Be Better At His/Her Job (11 of20)
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Doctors, listen up: Mindfulness meditation could help you better care for your patients. Research from the University of Rochester Medical Center shows that doctors who are trained in mindfulness meditation are less judgmental, more self-aware and better listeners when it comes to interacting with patients (credit:Shutterstock)
It Makes You A Better Person (12 of20)
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Sure, we love all the things meditation does for us. But it could also benefit people we interact with, by making us more compassionate, according to a study in the journal Psychological Science. Researchers from Northeastern and Harvard universities found that meditation is linked with more virtuous, \"do-good\" behavior. (credit:Alamy)
It Could Make Going Through Cancer Just A Little Less Stressful(13 of20)
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Research from the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine shows that mindfulness coupled with art therapy can successfully decrease stress symptoms among women with breast cancer. And not only that, but imaging tests show that it is actually linked with brain changes related to stress, emotions and reward. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Could Help The Elderly Feel Less Lonely (14 of20)
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Loneliness among seniors can be dangerous, in that it\'s known to raise risks for a number of health conditions. But researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, found that mindfulness meditation helped to decrease these feelings of loneliness among the elderly, and boost their health by reducing the expression of genes linked with inflammation. (credit:Alamy)
It Could Make Your Health Care Bill A Little Lower(15 of20)
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Not only will your health benefit from mindfulness meditation training, but your wallet might, too. Research in the American Journal of Health Promotion shows that practicing Transcendental Meditation is linked with lower yearly doctor costs, compared with people who don\'t practice the meditation technique. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Comes In Handy During Cold Season(16 of20)
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Aside from practicing good hygiene, mindfulness meditation and exercise could lessen the nasty effects of colds. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Health found that people who engage in the practices miss fewer days of work from acute respiratory infections, and also experience a shortened duration and severity of symptoms. (credit:Flickr:anna gutermuth)
It Lowers Depression Risk Among Pregnant Women (17 of20)
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As many as one in five pregnant women will experience depression, but those who are at especially high risk for depression may benefit from some mindfulness yoga. \"Research on the impact of mindfulness yoga on pregnant women is limited but encouraging,\" study researcher Dr. Maria Muzik, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, said in a statement. \"This study builds the foundation for further research on how yoga may lead to an empowered and positive feeling toward pregnancy.\" (credit:Flickr:phalinn)
It Also Lowers Depression Risk Among Teens(18 of20)
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Teaching teens how to practice mindfulness through school programs could help them experience less stress, anxiety and depression, according to a study from the University of Leuven.\n (credit:Shutterstock)
It Supports Your Weight-Loss Goals(19 of20)
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Trying to shed a few pounds to get to a healthier weight? Mindfulness could be your best friend, according to a survey of psychologists conducted by Consumer Reports and the American Psychological Association. Mindfulness training was considered an \"excellent\" or \"good\" strategy for weight loss by seven out of 10 psychologists in the survey. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
It Helps You Sleep Better(20 of20)
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We saved the best for last! A University of Utah study found that mindfulness training can not only help us better control our emotions and moods, but it can also help us sleep better at night. “People who reported higher levels of mindfulness described better control over their emotions and behaviors during the day. In addition, higher mindfulness was associated with lower activation at bedtime, which could have benefits for sleep quality and future ability to manage stress,\" study researcher Holly Rau said in a statement. (credit:Alamy)