


アルバータ大学のマシュー・ジョンソン准教授が率いる研究チームは、人生で3つの異なるステージにある2970名の人を調査した。その結果、調査対象者の保護者との関係が、現在の彼らの恋愛関係の質と直接関連していることがわかったという。論文は、『Journal of Marriage and Family』誌の2月号に掲載される予定だ。








[Taryn Hillin(English) 日本語版:佐藤卓/ガリレオ]

ハフィントンポスト日本版はFacebook ページでも情報発信しています


アメリカにおける離婚した女性の数は増加している。(01 of09)
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米国女性のうち、離別・死別した女性は15%。1920年にはその率は1%に満たなかった (credit:altrendo images via Getty Images)
飲酒習慣が異なっているカップルは離婚しやすい(02 of09)
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A November 2013 study concludes that heavy drinking is a marital deal breaker when spouses consume different amounts of alcohol. \n\nResearchers at the University at Buffalo followed 634 couples through the first nine years of marriage. What they found? \n\nFifty percent of couples in which one partner was imbibing significantly more than their spouse ended up divorcing. However, that number dropped to 30 percent for couples who possessed similar drinking habits, regardless of if they were heavy or light drinkers. (credit:Shutterstock)
「卒業写真が笑顔かどうかで離婚傾向がわかる」(03 of09)
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デポー大学の心理学教授の研究によると、卒業写真で大きく笑っている人の結婚生活は、あまり笑っていない/まったく笑っていない人と比べて、長続きする傾向が高いという。\n (credit:COMSTOCK IMAGES VIA GETTY IMAGES)
離婚は男性の健康状態に悪い影響を与える。(04 of09)
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According to a paper published in the Journal Of Men\'s Health in September 2013, divorce can take a great mental and physical toll on men. Specifically, divorced and unmarried men have higher rates of mortality and are more prone to substance abuse and depression than married men.\n\nThe researchers also found that divorced men are more likely to partake in risky activities such as abusing alcohol and drugs, and divorced or separated men have a suicide rate that is thirty-nine percent higher than that of married men. Depression is also more common for divorced men than married men, and divorced men undergo psychiatric care ten times more often than married men do.\n
通勤時間が長いカップルは離婚しやすい。(05 of09)
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According to research published in August 2013 by Erica Sandow of Umea University in Sweden, people who commute at least 45 minutes one-way to work are more likely to divorce than people who have shorter daily commutes.\n\nThe study analyzed data that tracked millions of Swedes from 1995 to 2005. Sandow focused on people who were married or living with a partner for her research.\n\nShe found that around 11 percent of the couples she studied had split by 2000, and more commuter couples separated than those who worked close to home. Fourteen percent of couples in which one or both partners commuted at least 45 minutes called it quits, while only 10 percent of non-commuter couples broke up.\n
孤独になるという不安が、望ましくない関係に向かわせている。(06 of09)
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A study published in December 2013 in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology says the fear of being single may drive adults to stay in bad relationships or settle for less-than-desirable partners, all because they\'d rather have someone than no one.\n\nStephanie Spielmann, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Toronto, conducted seven different studies focused on how the fear of loneliness affects romantic relationships.\n\nThe researchers concluded, \"During relationship initiation and maintenance, those who fear being single may prioritize relationship status above relationship quality, settling for less responsive and less attractive partners and remaining in relationships that are less satisfying.\"\n
Facebookを過剰に使う人は、関係性の問題をかかえやすい。(07 of09)
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Research published in June 2013 suggests that people who use Facebook excessively (interpreted by the researchers as checking it more than hourly) are more likely to \"experience Facebook–related conflict with their romantic partners, which then may cause negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating, breakup and divorce.” (credit:Getty Images)
離婚の子供への影響は、子供が小さいほど大きい。(08 of09)
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Research published in September 2013 suggests that children whose parents divorce when they are very young have a more difficult time establishing close relationships with their parents later in life.\n\nThe study, which appeared in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, found that children whose parents divorced when they were between birth and 3 to 5 years old had a greater level of insecurity in their parental relationships than children whose parents divorced when they were older, according to a press release.
つらい経験をした人は、現在の幸せをより感じられる傾向がある。(09 of09)
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過去につらい体験をした人は、現在のできごとをより楽しめるようになる、という研究結果が発表された(日本語版記事)。\n\nThe researchers surveyed 14,986 adults and discovered that \"individuals who had dealt with more adversity in the past reported an elevated capacity for savoring.\" In other words, those who had previously experienced pain were more likely to appreciate life\'s small pleasures.