
A photo taken on August 18, 2012 shows ongoing construction in the inner Mongolian city of Ordos. Miss China won the coveted title of Miss World on August 18, triumphing on home soil during a glitzy final held in a mining city on the edge of the Gobi desert. The city has grown rich over the past decade on the back of a coal mining boom that has transformed it from a sandstorm-afflicted backwater into one of the wealthiest places in China. The boom triggered a frenzy of building in the city, but the local government has struggled to fill the vast tower blocks that sprung up, earning it the title of China's biggest ghost town. AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones (Photo credit should read Ed Jones/AFP/GettyImages)
A photo taken on August 18, 2012 shows ongoing construction in the inner Mongolian city of Ordos. Miss China won the coveted title of Miss World on August 18, triumphing on home soil during a glitzy final held in a mining city on the edge of the Gobi desert. The city has grown rich over the past decade on the back of a coal mining boom that has transformed it from a sandstorm-afflicted backwater into one of the wealthiest places in China. The boom triggered a frenzy of building in the city, but the local government has struggled to fill the vast tower blocks that sprung up, earning it the title of China's biggest ghost town. AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones (Photo credit should read Ed Jones/AFP/GettyImages)
ED JONES via Getty Images



アメリカ 100年間で45億トン

中国 3年間で66億トン




なお、ゲイツ氏が紹介しているバーツラフ・シュミル氏は、チェコ出身のカナダ・マニトバ大学名誉教授で、『中国の環境危機』等の邦訳書がある。ゲイツ氏は前述の記事で、シュミル氏の新著『Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization』を動画やインフォグラフィックも掲載しながら詳しく紹介している

[Mark Gongloff (English) 日本語版:湯本牧子、合原弘子/ガリレオ]

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