投票管理者の「ご苦労さんです」に激怒 公選法違反容疑で男逮捕【大阪ダブル選】

Residents enter a polling station in Osaka on May 17, 2015 to voite on a referendum to reform the city administration into a metropolitan government. The people of Osaka started voting on a plan to streamline Japan's second city in the mould of global metropolises like London, New York and Tokyo, as the one-time commercial capital seeks to recapture its glory days. JAPAN OUT -- AFP PHOTO / JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)
Residents enter a polling station in Osaka on May 17, 2015 to voite on a referendum to reform the city administration into a metropolitan government. The people of Osaka started voting on a plan to streamline Japan's second city in the mould of global metropolises like London, New York and Tokyo, as the one-time commercial capital seeks to recapture its glory days. JAPAN OUT -- AFP PHOTO / JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)
JIJI PRESS via Getty Images





【大阪ダブル選】投票管理者の「ご苦労さんです」に激高 「机の角を脳天に突き刺すぞ!」 会社員を逮捕 - 産経WESTより 2015/11/23 21:05)



