竹田恒泰氏、籠池理事長を酷評 「ホントしつこい。金出してくれって散々言われたんです」【森友学園】

Tsuneyasu Takeda, a member of one of the 11 former princely houses that were abolished after Japan's defeat in World War Two, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Tokyo February 16, 2006. With the blood of an emperor flowing through his veins, but Takeda has been making waves by suggesting distant royal relatives should be ready to help preserve Japan's tradition of male imperial succession. REUTERS/Toru Hanai
Tsuneyasu Takeda, a member of one of the 11 former princely houses that were abolished after Japan's defeat in World War Two, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Tokyo February 16, 2006. With the blood of an emperor flowing through his veins, but Takeda has been making waves by suggesting distant royal relatives should be ready to help preserve Japan's tradition of male imperial succession. REUTERS/Toru Hanai
Toru Hanai / Reuters






