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だが、ほとんどの技術的進歩と同じく、バーチャルコミュニケーションという贈り物には、副作用の影がつきまとっている可能性がある。パリ在住の写真家ジュリアン・モーヴ氏に聞いてみればいい。同氏の作品「Lonely Window」(孤独な窓)は、直接会わずに人とつながることが増えた結果、新しい種類の孤独が姿を現しているという現実を示したものだ。


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「Lonely Window」では、コンピューターを使っている人々の顔が、光を放つ物体によって照らし出されている様子が捉えられている。閉じられた口、動かない目、そしてうつろな表情は、従来のイメージでは、喪失や失望といった感覚を連想させるものだ。しかし、その光がコンピューターのディスプレイによって作り出されたものだということに気づくと突然、彼らの沈んだ表情がそれほど珍しい光景ではないと思われてくるのだ。


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[KATHERINE BROOKS(English) 日本語版:佐藤卓、合原弘子/ガリレオ]

ハフィントンポスト日本版はFacebook ページでも情報発信しています


Dogs Dressed As Owners
(01 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(02 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(03 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(04 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(05 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(06 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(07 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)
(08 of08)
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Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 27, has cleverly spliced the features of four-legged friends with the head and shoulders of their owners.\n\nIn a series called \'Underdogs\', the Swiss photographer shot the owners and their respective pets in the same portrait style.\n\nThen he used expert photo-manipulation techniques to seamlessly transplant the canine faces onto the human bodies.\n (credit:Sebastian Magnani / Rex / Rex USA)