
だれもが旅行の基本的なルールを知っている (予約しないと泊まれない! 荷物は詰め過ぎるな!)。でもそれは何年も仕事-旅行-仕事-旅行と繰り返すうちにだんだんすり減ってきて、単なる空呪文、旅行時の退屈な習慣へと変わっていき、もはや新たな経験の役には立たなくなる。

だれもが旅行の基本的なルールを知っている (予約しないと泊まれない! 荷物は詰め過ぎるな!)。でもそれは何年も仕事と旅行を繰り返すうちにだんだんすり減ってきて、単なる空呪文、旅行時の退屈な習慣へと変わっていき、もはや新たな経験の役には立たなくなる。



1. 旅行の2か月前に予約する

飛行機の予約に熟達した人たちによると、国内線の航空機のチケットは平均して出発のちょうど54日前に一番の安値になるそうだ。この54日前に気づかなくても、旅行日の通常104日から29日前までのあいだに予約をしよう。この 「最適予約期間」 なら、一番の安値が得られる。

2. 旅行中は仕事から離れる。

「人は望む以上のことを成し遂げることはできない」 と、仕事を辞めて一年間旅に出たクレイトン・B・コーネルは言う。「もし旅に出かけるなら、旅のことのみを考えるべきだ。見るべきものはたくさんあるし、行く先々で思いがけない冒険に遭い、思いもよらないことが待ち受けているだろう。そのために旅に出るのではなかったのか。」

3. 80/20のルールに従う。


4. スラングを学ぶ。

旅先の国の言葉を二言三言覚えていけば、その土地の人々はあなたがいかにその土地を思っているかを知るので、旅先で出会う人々から敬意を集めることになる。「(土地の言葉が) わかればお互いに大きく理解し合える」 とジャーナリストのホイットニー・リシェルが書いている。「スラングを使えば土地の人との会話が俄然楽しくなる」

5. ネットには繋がないこと

アメリカ人の38%は休暇中でもeメールのチェックを欠かさないそうだ。でも旅の達人はそんなことはしない。テクノロジーから解放された旅が精神の健康を保つのにどれほど大切かを知っているからだ (メラトニンの生産が加速され、満足感が増え、家に帰ってからも長期にわたって集中力を持続できるようになる)。旅の達人たちは飛行機に乗る前までに、重要な連絡は済ませて留守番メッセージに切り替え、旅行中は携帯電話で呼び出されないようなアプリを使うのだ。

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6. 一人で出かける。


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7. 旅行用グッズは要らない。


8. 飛行機事故の際にどうすべきか知っている。

「飛行機事故に関して、生存者について調べたり模擬実験で実施した多くの研究結果から、体を守る姿勢の良し悪しが飛行機事故の際の生死を分けることが明らかになった」 とスマーター・トラベルは書いている。「FAAの発表によると、まず座席をまっすぐの位置に戻して正しく座ること。それから頭を下げて胸が脚につくようにし、両手でかかとか下肢を掴むようにする。顔を下に向けて膝の上に載せたままじっとしていること (横を向いたりしてはいけない)。」

9. 文化の違いについて手短に説明する


10. クレジットカードの特典をうまく利用する

「システムをうまく使えば、山のような無料の航空券やホテルの宿泊、休暇、それに現金だって手に入れられる」 とマット・ケプネスは語る。格安旅行サイトとして賞も貰っている「Nomadic Matt」の著者だ。自分のクレジットカードを旅行の特典付きのカードに取り換えて、何千マイル分ものマイレッジやファーストクラスの航空券、ホテルの宿泊などを何年も待つことなく手に入れたのだ。こうした良い特典のあるクレジットカードを手に入れるのは、思ったより簡単らしい。

11. トコジラミをチェックする。


12. 窓側の席を頼む。


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13. 地元の人と話をする。

旅行ガイドを読み終えたら、夕食にどこがいいか地元の人に聞いてみてはどうか。値段が全然ちがうのにレベルの変わらない良い店を教えてくれるはずだ。「いい旅というのは、人々との出会い、人々との会話、そして人々から学ぶことだ」 とリック・スティーブズは語る。

14. 私心を忘れて旅をする。

自分中心の旅行者ほど、他の人に 「好きなものを食べ、好きな時に眠り、好きなように楽しみなさい」 とプレッシャーをかけるものだ、とマナーを教えているリッチー・フリーマンが書いている。利己的な振る舞いが過ぎると旅行会社といざこざが起こるので、旅の達人はみんなの意見に気を配って公平さを保ち、旅行会社の都合にも相応の配慮をするのだ。

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15. 理想の目的地を心に描き、費用を抑えた第2案を選ぶ。


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16. パレード中に雨が降っても何も濡らさない。


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[(English) Translated by Gengo]

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ハフィントンポスト日本版はFacebook ページでも情報発信しています


Best Travel Destinations 2014
Sikkim, India(01 of11)
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Picking up national accolades in 2012 for being India’s cleanest state with the most innovative tourism project, Sikkim has set new benchmarks for responsible travel in the country. \n\nCheckbox sightseeing has rapidly made way for sustainable community-based tourism in less developed areas, while ecofriendly policies have lent new vigour to the virginal Himalayan wilderness that drapes the region’s mountains. \n\nClearly, Sikkim is showing the way for what could be the future of India’s tourism industry, and the time to experience it is now. With a new airport scheduled to open near Gangtok in 2014, you can now shave off several hours of transit time and fly in directly from major Indian metros. If that isn’t cool, what is? (credit:Getty)
The Kimberley, Australia(02 of11)
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The Kimberly is one of the most sparsely populated regions on the planet and one of the most starkly beautiful, carved by giant gorges, dimpled with deep, cool pools, and home to a coastline that could make Australian eastcoasters weep. \n\nThere’s more to this outback beauty than just bush camping, billy tea and beer, though. It’s also a region where Aboriginal culture rubs shoulders with exotic Asian influences, traditional landowners negotiate with international resources companies, the rich come to spend their millions on world-class pearls, and celebrities fly in for a luxurious sojourn in the vast open spaces.\n\nHow long this area will remain below the radar is up for debate. Last year the resources-rich Kimberley narrowly missed out on becoming the site of one of the largest natural-gas projects to be given government approval in Australian history. Explore the area now, before big business encroaches further. \n (credit:Rex)
Yorkshire, UK(03 of11)
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If the good people of Yorkshire were proud of their heritage before, the 2012 London Olympics only served to cement what they have always thought: that their county is better than – and really the best of – all the English counties. \n\nAs if basking in Yorkshire’s glory, last year a poll revealed the North Yorkshire spa town of Harrogate was the happiest place in Britain. \n\nWe’re not surprised. Recently this rough-around-the-edges gentleman of the north has kicked away the walking cane. Bradford has become the world’s first Unesco City of Film, fashion-thirsty Leeds has cut the ribbon on an ambitious retail development at a time when malls elsewhere in the UK are stalling, a new state-of-the-art gallery in Wakefield is giving London a run for its money, and Yorkshire now has more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other county outside London. (credit:Getty)
Hokuriku, Japan(04 of11)
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Hokuriku, on Honshū’s west coast, bordered by the Sea of Japan and the magnificent Japan Alps, comprises four prefectures aturated with culture, history and striking natural beauty: Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata.\n\nThe city of Kanazawa is king. Even so, Kanazawa is often overlooked by time-poor visitors who favour the more accessible sights to the east. \n\nThat’s all about to change. In March 2015, the first of the long-anticipated Hokuriku shinkansen (bullet trains) will roll into town, slashing travel times from Tokyo and giving visitor numbers a meteoric boost. Until they arrive, beds are cheap, cheerful and plentiful. (credit:Alamy)
Texas, USA(05 of11)
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Say adiós to your Stetsons and via con dios to your gas-guzzling pick-ups: 2014’s message to y’all is that the two extremes of the Texas image – yahooing cowboy country and oil-rich business districts – aren’t the only things cooking up on the multifaceted menu of Lone Star State diversions. \n\nFor starters, the long-absent scent of greenery is galvanising Texas’ big cities, with Houston’s Buffalo Bayou Park getting a 9.3-hectare enhancement, bedizened by hiking trails and promenades, and Fort Worth’s historic heart is being shaken up with a major new plaza (bye, bustling traffic). \n\nBut oh, the food… Celebrity chefs have worked wonders to breathe new life into Texan tucker. Fast food has gone gourmet and authentic Tex-Mex means corn from the Mexican plains for your tortillas and Chiapas beans for your coffee. (credit:Getty)
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe & Zambia(06 of11)
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Providing one of Africa’s most epic sights, this ain’t your ordinary waterfall, as it unleashes itself with unbridled fury in a torrent of water that stretches like a curtain drawn from Zimbabwe to Zambia. \n\nIts raw power will not only blow you away visually, but the sound of its steady violent rumble and the spray that you’ll breathe in and taste – and that will leave you soaked – is an all-round sensory encounter with mother nature. Victoria Falls is shared by the tourist towns of Vic Falls (Zimbabwe side) and Livingstone (Zambia side). \n\nLeading into 2014, both were on top of their game after multi billion-dollar makeovers for their role as co-hosts of the 2013 General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization. Each has its own unique set of charms and points of difference. (credit:DeAgostini/Getty Images)
Mallorca, Spain(07 of11)
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Over the past few years Mallorca has been busy reinventing itself as somewhere altogether more genteel than its booze-and-football-chants past. Of course, when an island tries to reinvent itself, it helps if it’s breathtakingly beautiful, amazingly diverse and highly cultured. \n\nThe energetic capital, Palma de Mallorca, is filled with art galleries and fabulous restaurants. The south and east coasts are the home of crystal white-sand beaches and shimmering blue waters that’ll leave you gasping. \n\nBut it’s the northwest that most defies the clichés of Mallorca. It offers some of Spain’s best hiking and cycling, with numerous walking trails ranging from short family-friendly strolls to a multiday transisland traverse criss-crossing the range. (credit:Rex)
West Coast, New Zealand(08 of11)
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Hemmed in by the Tasman Sea and the Southern Alps, the South Island’s remote and sparsely populated West Coast lays claim to three national parks and large tracts of three more. In 2014, the two major cycling and hiking trails will open as part of the newly established New Zealand Cycle Trail network. \n\nThe Cape Foulwind seal colony can be visited on a revitalised walkway, as can the mesmerising mirror lake of Matheson and Hokitika Gorge, a hidden jewel. The Heaphy Track, the country’s longest Great Walk, now boasts new huts and bridges. \n\nNew paths deftly cut through ancient forest link the villages of Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers to their glacier trailheads. Those who think they’ve seen it all should prepare for some enlivening surprises. (credit:Rex)
Hunan, China(09 of11)
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Just when it seemed like everything old would have to make room for the new in China, the government points the spotlight on Hunan. \n\nThe province is a born star – scenically unparalleled and culturally rich, with remote corners still largely unseen. Until recent decades, the northwestern mountains were known only to the minority groups that called them home. \n\nA gleaming new network of highspeed trains, superhighways and regular direct flights have put them in easy reach of every major city, domestic and abroad. This comfortable mix of old and new isn’t what you’d expect in China, which is exactly why you should go. (credit:Rex)
Ha’apai, Tonga(10 of11)
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It would be pretty hard to be much more remote than these 62 islands in the Kingdom of Tonga, way out in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. It takes an adventurous sort just to get to Tonga, but to venture to its central island group of Ha’apai, well… \n\nWhat we’re talking about here is lush, reef-fringed islands, swaying palm trees, tropical sunshine, breaching humpback whales, technicolour tropical fish, scintillating sea kayaking, and even a smoking volcano – all amid a sleepy, seductive Tongan outlook on life. \n\nThese are the South Pacific islands that dreams are made of, and they’re virtually untouched. Sooner or later, the word is going to get out and we reckon the time to go to Ha’apai is now, before the crowds catch on.\n (credit:Getty)
(11 of11)
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