


しかし、退職が解決策となるのはいつでしょうか?ただ耐え抜くべきだというのはどのようなときでしょうか?HuffPost LiveのCaitlyn Beckerは答えを探るべく、複数のストレス専門家にインタビューを行いました。

まず、仕事は本当にそれほど重大な問題を引き起こすストレス因子であるのかという疑問について、ストレス管理の専門家Paula Davis-Laack氏に回答を伺いました。


しかし、ストレスの原因が本当に仕事であった場合、起こりうる健康への影響を考えると、問題への対策が必須となります。それも、早急にです。緊急治療室の医師Carol J. Scott氏は、解決策のないまま緊張状態が高まり続ければ「ストレスに対する反応は生物学的な形で現れてくる」と警告しました。極端な場合、心臓発作や、グルコースの量と糖尿病のリスクを上昇させるような代謝の変化を引き起こす可能性があります。


こちらのHuffPost Liveで、職場ストレスに関するビデオを見てみましょう。

[(English) Translated by Gengo]

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De-Stress At Your Desk
Take A Two-Minute Mini Vacation(01 of10)
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Choose one of your favorite vacation memories and relive it -- all while skipping the airfare! \n\n\"Every single one of us has memories from our favorite places. You can relive the best moment of your life to feel like you did when you were there,\" author Jon Wortmann says.\n\nWhy it works: It helps you recognize you have a choice in how you feel in a stressful moment. (credit:Shutterstock)
Surf Around On A Zen-Friendly Website(02 of10)
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It might seem counterintuitive to find solace on your screen (because unplugging is important), but you can do exactly that with the many centering sites out there. Here are 10 of our favorite URLs that inspire us. (credit:calm.com)
Download A De-Stressing App(03 of10)
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Your smartphone might be partly to blame for the stress you\'re feeling (hello, non-stop emails and phantom vibes), but it\'s also a great resource for de-stressing tools. Try a couple of our favorite de-stressing apps, and download the GPS for the Soul app here. (credit:Apple)
Keep Essential Oils At Your Desk(04 of10)
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Essential oils will do more than mimic an escape to the spa: A whiff or two could actually help you relax. Aromatherapy has been shown to decrease stress levels, so shop around for a scent you fancy and get sniffing. \n\n (credit:Shutterstock)
Swivel(05 of10)
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Since work-related stress can be physically exhausting, you might benefit from a little movement for an instant energy lift. An action as small as swiveling in your chair with a couple of deep breaths can help you get back to business, Glamour reports. (credit:Shutterstock)
Bounce It Out(06 of10)
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If your employer allows it, you might consider swapping your desk chair for something a little more fun. While there is yet to be conclusive research that a stability ball improves posture, the ball does allow more room for fidgeting -- which can wake you up and help get you back into the zone. (credit:Flickr:weldonwk)
Handwrite Your To-Do List(07 of10)
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Think of your handwritten to-do list as a sacred document, kept away from distractions of the inter-webs. You\'ll know exactly where to find it when you need to refer back to it since it won\'t be lost among the many open tabs of your browser.\n\nPlus, the act of physically writing down your tasks may help you organize your thoughts and remember them more clearly, which, in turn, will help you to be more focused and less stressed. \n\nFear you\'ll forget your to-dos on your desk one rushed night? Make a point to snap a photo with your phone at the end of each day. (credit:Shutterstock)
Snack On An Orange(08 of10)
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Your co-workers will think you\'re just craving a juicy mid-day snack, but besides satisfying tummy grumbles, you\'ll be reaping the benefits of the stress-relieving powers of citrus. A 2002 study found that a dose of vitamin C helped people bounce back more easily from a stressful situation. (credit:Flickr:Jude Doyland)
Take A Screen Break(09 of10)
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You\'ll have to get up for this one, but it will be worth your while: Just a five-minute break from your desk will have you returning refocused and a little less anxious. Plus, your eyes will appreciate the rest. (credit:Flickr:Jiri Brozovsky)
Try A Breathing Exercise(10 of10)
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Stress.org says breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. That\'s good news, since it\'s an exercise you can perform anywhere, sans candles or gongs. Try out a few ofthesetechniques to see which you like best. (credit:Flickr:USFWS Headquarters)