リビア外相「援助なければ、次のシリアになりかねない」 イスラム過激派を警戒

リビアのMohamed Dayri外相は23日、ロイターとのインタビューで、同国は分裂した政府をまとめ、イスラム過激派と戦う上での援助を得なければ、次のシリアになりかねないとの見解を表明した。
A member of the Libyan army stands on a tank as heavy black smoke rises from the city's port in the background after a fire broke out at a car tyre disposal plant during clashes against Islamist gunmen in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on December 23, 2014. Forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar and to internationally recognised Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani have been battling for weeks against Islamists who have taken control of much of Libya's second city, and the capital Tripoli. AFP PHOTO / ABDULLAH DOMA (Photo credit should read ABDULLAH DOMA/AFP/Getty Images)
A member of the Libyan army stands on a tank as heavy black smoke rises from the city's port in the background after a fire broke out at a car tyre disposal plant during clashes against Islamist gunmen in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on December 23, 2014. Forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar and to internationally recognised Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani have been battling for weeks against Islamists who have taken control of much of Libya's second city, and the capital Tripoli. AFP PHOTO / ABDULLAH DOMA (Photo credit should read ABDULLAH DOMA/AFP/Getty Images)
ABDULLAH DOMA via Getty Images

リビアのMohamed Dayri外相は23日、ロイターとのインタビューで、同国は分裂した政府をまとめ、イスラム過激派と戦う上での援助を得なければ、次のシリアになりかねないとの見解を表明した。








