水木しげるさん死去、93歳 「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」の漫画家

To go with Japan-history-WWII-anniversary-soldiers,FEATURE by Kyoko HASEGAWAThis picture taken on May 12, 2015 shows Japanese 93-year-old comic artist Shigeru Mizuki displaying his graphic novel 'Complete Collection of Shigeru Mizuki's Manga Works - Showa: A History of Japan' at his studio in Tokyo. Mizuki uses manga, graphic novels, to spread his message of the horror of war. In his works, including the award-winning 'Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths', Mizuki describes the lot of enlisted soldiers sent to New Britain island, now part of Papua New Guinea. In an essay with a hundred of sketches he drew as 'a war chronicle', Mizuki tells of how he was the only survivor when his unit came under attack in 1944. AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images)
To go with Japan-history-WWII-anniversary-soldiers,FEATURE by Kyoko HASEGAWAThis picture taken on May 12, 2015 shows Japanese 93-year-old comic artist Shigeru Mizuki displaying his graphic novel 'Complete Collection of Shigeru Mizuki's Manga Works - Showa: A History of Japan' at his studio in Tokyo. Mizuki uses manga, graphic novels, to spread his message of the horror of war. In his works, including the award-winning 'Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths', Mizuki describes the lot of enlisted soldiers sent to New Britain island, now part of Papua New Guinea. In an essay with a hundred of sketches he drew as 'a war chronicle', Mizuki tells of how he was the only survivor when his unit came under attack in 1944. AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images)
YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images



貸本漫画として「墓場鬼太郎」「河童の三平」「悪魔くん」 などの代表作を生みだした後、1965年から「墓場の鬼太郎」を週刊「少年マガジン」に連載。これが「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」としてアニメ化されて大ヒットしたことで、妖怪漫画の第一人者となった。


【UPDATE】当初は水木さんの死因を心筋梗塞と記載していましたが、47NEWSによると水木プロダクションが、水木しげるさんの死因を訂正し、多臓器不全と発表したため、そのように修正します。(2015/11/30 17:48)

