「イスラム国」が化学兵器使用か イラクで使われた「マスタードガス」とは?

FILE - In this Nov. 13, 2015, file photo, a Kurdish peshmerga fighter stands next to a destroyed building inside the town of Sinjar, northern Iraq. The Islamic State militants who stormed into the Iraqi town of Sinjar in 2014, massacring members of the Yazidi minority and forcing women into sexual slavery, are gone. But Sunni Muslims who lived alongside the Yazidis there for generations say their own nightmare is far from over and many have yet to return, saying they fear revenge attacks. (AP Photo/Bram Janssen, File)
FILE - In this Nov. 13, 2015, file photo, a Kurdish peshmerga fighter stands next to a destroyed building inside the town of Sinjar, northern Iraq. The Islamic State militants who stormed into the Iraqi town of Sinjar in 2014, massacring members of the Yazidi minority and forcing women into sexual slavery, are gone. But Sunni Muslims who lived alongside the Yazidis there for generations say their own nightmare is far from over and many have yet to return, saying they fear revenge attacks. (AP Photo/Bram Janssen, File)





アメリカ中央情報局(CIA)長官のジョン・ブレナン氏は2月14日、CBS の「60ミニッツ」に出演し、「ISは、塩素ガスやマスタードガスを、少量ながら製造する能力を有しているとCIAは考えている」とコメントしている。


