アメリカ人「どの宗教にも属さない」が22% 宗教事情はどう変わったのか(調査結果)

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woman praying, tranquil scene, freedom concepts.


公共宗教研究所(PRRI)が発表した新しい「American Values Atlas」(アメリカ人の価値観調査)によると、「どの宗教にも属さない」と答えたアメリカ人は全体が22%を占めた。




「2つ以上の宗教の信条や慣習に従っている」と答えたアメリカ人は16%に上った(2013年10月実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。
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「自分はどの宗教にも属さない」という人が多数派、もしくは幾つかの多数派グループのうちの1つに属している州の数は23に上る(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。\n
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どの宗教にも属さない人が「2番目の多数派」となっている州の数は15に上る(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。
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「どの宗教にも属していない」と答える人は、18歳から29歳の34%に上る。一方、65歳以上ではわずか11%だ(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。
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白人のキリスト教徒が少数派である州の数は19に上る。最も少ないのは、ハワイ州(20%)とカリフォルニア州(25%)で、ネヴァダ州やアリゾナ州も比較的少ない(36~38%)。反対に、最も多い州はサウスダコタ州(77%)とノースダコタ州(72%)だ。(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。
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アメリカ人の既婚者のうち24%が、「配偶者は自分とは異なる宗教を持つ」と答えている(2013年10月実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より。以下同じ)。\n
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18歳から29歳の白人のプロテスタント福音派のうち45%が、同性婚を支持している(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)\n
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若年層で見ると、「どの宗教にも属していない」と答える人の割合は、白人アメリカ人の場合は38%、アジア系アメリカ人の場合は39%に上る。ヒスパニック系アメリカ人の場合は27%、アフリカ系アメリカ人の場合は23%だ(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。\n
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「どの宗教にも属さない人」に加えて、「その他の宗教を信じる人」の数も増えている。仏教徒、イスラム教徒ならびにヒンズー教徒がそれぞれ人口の1%を占め、2007年のピュー研究所調査時より増加している(2014年実施のPRRI「American Values Survey」調査結果より)。



アメリカ各州の多数派宗教グループ (2014)
Alabama(01 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (39%)\n\nSecond largest: Black Protestant (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Alaska(02 of50)
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Unaffiliated (28%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (15%) (credit:Getty Images)
Arizona(03 of50)
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Unaffiliated (25%)\n\nSecond largest: Hispanic Catholic (16%) (credit:Getty Images)
Arkansas(04 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (39%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (14%) (credit:Getty Images)
California(05 of50)
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Unaffiliated (27%)\n\nSecond largest: Hispanic Catholic (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Colorado(06 of50)
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Unaffiliated (28%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Connecticut(07 of50)
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White Catholic (31%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (22%) (credit:Getty Images)
Delaware(08 of50)
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Unaffiliated (25%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Florida(09 of50)
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Unaffiliated (21%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Georgia(10 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (28%)\n\nSecond largest: Black Protestant (22%) (credit:Getty Images)
Hawaii(11 of50)
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Unaffiliated (26%)\n\nSecond largest: Other non-white Protestant (24%) (credit:Getty Images)
Idaho(12 of50)
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Unaffiliated (27%)\n\nSecond largest: Mormon (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Illinois(13 of50)
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Unaffiliated (22%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (19%) (credit:Getty Images)
Indiana(14 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (29%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (21%) (credit:Getty Images)
Iowa(15 of50)
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White mainline Protestant (25%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (24%) (credit:Getty Images)
Kansas(16 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (26%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (24%) (credit:Getty Images)
Kentucky(17 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (39%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (19%) (credit:Getty Images)
Louisiana(18 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (20%)\n\nSecond largest: Black Protestant (18%) and White Catholic (18%) (credit:Getty Images)
Maine(19 of50)
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Unaffiliated (28%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (25%) (credit:Corbis)
Maryland(20 of50)
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Black Protestant (19%) and Unaffiliated (19%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (16%) (credit:Getty Images)
Massachusetts(21 of50)
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White Catholic (32%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (22%) (credit:Getty Images)
Michigan(22 of50)
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Unaffiliated (24%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (18%) and White Catholic (18%) (credit:Getty Images)
Minnesota(23 of50)
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White mainline Protestant (24%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (22%) (credit:Getty Images)
Mississippi(24 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (37%)\n\nSecond largest: Black Protestant (32%) (credit:Getty Images)
Missouri(25 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (27%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (20%) and White mainline Protestant (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Montana(26 of50)
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Unaffiliated (29%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (26%) (credit:Getty Images)
Nebraska(27 of50)
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White Catholic (23%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (22%) (credit:Getty Images)
Nevada(28 of50)
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Unaffiliated (27%)\n\nSecond largest: Hispanic Catholic (15%) (credit:Getty Images)
New Hampshire(29 of50)
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Unaffiliated (35%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (28%) (credit:Fletcher6/Wikipedia)
New Jersey(30 of50)
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White Catholic (27%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (18%) (credit:Getty Images)
New Mexico(31 of50)
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Unaffiliated (21%)\n\nSecond largest: Hispanic Catholic (19%) (credit:Getty Images)
New York(32 of50)
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Unaffiliated (22%) and White Catholic (22%)\n\nSecond largest: Hispanic Catholic (9%) (credit:Getty Images)
North Carolina(33 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (30%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (18%) (credit:Getty Images)
North Dakota(34 of50)
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White mainline Protestant (25%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (24%) (credit:Dennis Macdonald)
Ohio(35 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (23%) and Unaffiliated (23%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (17%) and White mainline Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Oklahoma(36 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (33%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Oregon(37 of50)
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Unaffiliated (37%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Pennsylvania(38 of50)
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White Catholic (25%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (19%) (credit:Getty Images)
Rhode Island(39 of50)
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White Catholic (34%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (21%) (credit:Getty Images)
South Carolina(40 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (33%)\n\nSecond largest: Black Protestant (19%) (credit:Getty Images)
South Dakota(41 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (29%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (27%) (credit:Getty Images)
Tennessee(42 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (43%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Texas(43 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (19%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (18%) and Hispanic Catholic (18%) (credit:Getty Images)
Utah(44 of50)
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Mormon (56%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (20%) (credit:Getty Images)
Vermont(45 of50)
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Unaffiliated (32%)\n\nSecond largest: White Catholic (17%) and White mainline Protestant (17%) (credit:Getty Images)
Virginia(46 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (21%) and Unaffiliated (21%)\n\nSecond largest: White mainline Protestant (16%) (credit:Getty Images)
Washington(47 of50)
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Unaffiliated (33%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (16%) (credit:Getty Images)
West Virginia(48 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (40%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (21%) (credit:Getty Images)
Wisconsin(49 of50)
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White Catholic (22%), Unaffiliated (22%) and White mainline Protestant (22%)\n\nSecond largest: White evangelical Protestant (16%) (credit:Getty Images)
Wyoming(50 of50)
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White evangelical Protestant (32%)\n\nSecond largest: Unaffiliated (22%) (credit:Getty Images)


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