野菜から牛乳まで 食べ物は冷凍すればどれくらい保存できる?






パン・お菓子(01 of09)
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パン 2〜3カ月\n・クッキー 6〜8カ月\n・クッキーの生地 3カ月\n・焼き菓子 2〜3カ月\n・アップルパイ 6〜8カ月\n・チーズケーキ 2〜3カ月\n・マフィン 6〜12カ月\n・パンケーキ 3カ月\n・ワッフル 1カ月
(02 of09)
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牛肉 3〜4カ月\n・鶏肉 3〜4カ月\n・羊肉 9カ月\n・子牛肉 9カ月\n・丸鶏 12カ月\n・鹿肉 3〜4カ月\n・豚ひき肉 3〜4カ月\n・ハム 2カ月\n・ベーコン 1カ月\n・ソーセージ 1〜2カ月\n・ポークチョップ 4〜6カ月\n・ローストポーク 4〜12カ月\n・ステーキ 6〜12カ月\n・ローストビーフ 最大12カ月\n・タン・内蔵 3〜4カ月\n・フライドチキン 4カ月\n・チキンナゲット 1〜3カ月
魚介類(03 of09)
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脂肪が少ない魚(赤身など) 6カ月\n・脂肪が多い魚 2〜3カ月\n・料理した魚 4〜6カ月\n・薫製にした魚 2カ月\n・貝類 2〜3カ月\n・ロブスター 12カ月\n・カニ 10カ月\n・エビ・ホタテ 3〜6カ月\n・イカ 3〜6カ月\n・生ガキ 2〜3カ月\n・魚の缶詰(開けたもの) 2カ月
乳製品・卵(04 of09)
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バター 6〜9カ月\n・マーガリン 12カ月\n・カッテージチーズ 1カ月\n・ハードチーズ(水分を取り除いて熟成させた固いチーズ。エダムチーズなど) 6カ月\n・ソフトチーズ(水分が多くやわらかいチーズ。カマンベールチーズなど) 6カ月\n・アイスクリーム 2カ月\n・ヨーグルト 1〜2カ月\n・生卵 1カ月
野菜・果物(05 of09)
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野菜 8〜12カ月(下記の冷凍に向かないものを除く)\n・かんきつ類 3カ月\n・かんきつ類以外の果物 9〜12カ月\n・ナッツ類 3カ月
スープ(06 of09)
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肉のスープ 2〜3カ月\n・野菜のスープ 2〜3カ月\n・シチューの肉 3〜4カ月
飲み物(07 of09)
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牛乳 3〜6カ月\n・自家製ジュース 6カ月\n・濃縮ジュース 12カ月
その他(08 of09)
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炊いたご飯 3カ月\n・ゆでたパスタ 3カ月\n・ピザ 1〜2カ月\n・スパイス・ハーブ類 12カ月
冷凍に向かないもの(09 of09)
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Eggs(01 of10)
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Eggs are nature’s perfect food. Packed with protein, satisfying, and super quick and easy to make, a couple of eggs with some toast and greens is the perfect meal, whatever time of day. Eggs can also be used as an excellent source of protein in salads, or as portable snacks when they’re hard-boiled. Huge bonus: eggs have been vindicated of their cholesterol-raising reputation. Most people can safely eat one to two eggs a day with no side effects, so stop throwing the yolks out! (credit:shutterstock)
All-Purpose Whole Wheat Flour (02 of10)
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Whole wheat, all-purpose flour can be used in a wide variety of ways. Season it to dredge meat, tofu, and fish before pan-frying them, pull it out when the kids want to bake cookies at 7 p.m. on a weekday evening, or use it in a roux when making macaroni and cheese, or thick sauces. Select the all-purpose type so you can cook and bake with it. (credit:wayneandwax/Flickr)
Greens (03 of10)
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Greens are a simple way to get your five to seven servings of vegetables a day. Since a serving of salad is 1 cup, you can easily knock three to four servings off in one meal. Arugula, romaine and spinach make great staples. They can be eaten raw, or sautéed and thrown into pasta, eggs, or used as a side dish sautéed in garlic and olive oil with pine nuts and currants. (credit:Rain Rabbit/Flickr)
Italian tuna (04 of10)
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Avoid the white Styrofoam, otherwise known as white tuna in water. It tastes like crap and it’s also super-high in mercury. A tastier, lower-mercury choice is Italian-style tuna, which is canned in olive oil. Make sure it’s skipjack, which is a light variety that’s low in mercury compared to yellowfin or albacore. Italian tuna needs little to no mayonnaise (unlike Styrofoam, which needs about a gallon to make it palatable), and it’s a lot more than just sandwich filling. It can be added to pasta, salads, or macaroni and cheese. (credit:shutterstock)
Greek yogurt (05 of10)
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Filling and delicious, Greek yogurt will satisfy you with its high protein content, and its thick texture. Get the 2% kind so you get a bit of fat with your yogurt. Greek yogurt can also be added to smoothies, or to hot oatmeal for a protein boost. You can bake with it, make dips and marinades with it, and eat it on baked potatoes instead of sour cream. Entire Greek yogurt cookbooks have been written, making it easier to find a recipe you’ll love. (credit:Veganbaking.net/Flickr)
Prepared Proteins(06 of10)
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If you don’t batch cook, you should really start. It’s the only way to ensure you’ve got prepared, home-cooked food in your kitchen during the week. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself scrambling after working all day, or while you’re trying to pack your lunch. A tray of chicken breasts, a pork loin, a batch of marinated tofu, some chipotle black beans with maple syrup. If you cook off two of these, you’ll eat happy for at least three to four days, without the stress or resorting to processed or restaurant food. (credit:lynn.gardner/Flickr)
Frozen Fruit (07 of10)
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Frozen fruit can be picked locally and frozen, and retains its nutrients because it’s not sitting on a truck all the way up from Florida or Mexico. It’s frozen at the peak of ripeness, right where it’s picked. It doesn’t go bad , and is perfect for adding to yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, baking, and even a sauce for chicken. (credit:Pawel Pacholec/Flickr)
Coconut Milk(08 of10)
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Coconut milk should be a staple in your pantry, use it along with lime to marinate fish, in oatmeal to add flavour, or in your baked goods. You can even add it to smoothies, curries, and as a non-dairy milk alternative in recipes. (credit:John Revo Puno/Flickr)
Mini Chocolate Chips (09 of10)
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Semi-sweet mini chocolate chips add big flavour to pancakes, trail mix, and cookies. A tablespoonful of them when you’re craving something sweet does the trick. You can even melt them over low heat to make a fondue dip for fruit. (credit:{-Maria-}/Flickr)
Garlic And Onion(10 of10)
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Do you really have to ask? Use them for everything savoury. (credit:highboom/Flickr)
