睡眠時間が、多い職業と少ない職業 ランキング(インフォグラフィック)

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しかし、睡眠不足が事故の引き金になるのは、交通業界だけに限ったことではない。勤務者の疲労が深刻な業界を調べる為に、マットレスのメーカーであるSleepy社は、アメリカ疾病管理予防センター (CDC) が2012年に行った国民の健康に関する聞き取り調査のデータ (現在入手できる最新のデータ) を分析した。そして、勤務者の睡眠の充足度に基づき、ワーストな職業とベストな職業を上位20位まで順位付けした。



Lawyers 弁護士

Police Officers 警察官


Economists 経済学者

Social Workers 社会福祉士

Computer Programmers コンピュータプログラマー

Financial Analysts 財務アナリスト

Plant Operators プラントオペレーター

Sceretaries 秘書

Teachers 教師

Aircraft Pilots パイロット

Engineers 技術者

Landscapers 造園家

Athletes アスリート

Construction Workers 建設労働者

Bartenders バーテンダー

Sales Representatives 営業担当員

Hairstylists ヘアースタイリスト

Forest/Logging Wokers 林業労働者

Most Well-Rested: Forest/Logging Workers(01 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 20 minutes\r\n\r\n\r\nFlickr photo by Wayne National Forest (credit:Flickr:Wayne National Forest)
2nd Most Well-Rested: Hairstylists(02 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 16 minutes\r\n\r\n\r\nFlickr photo by jumpyjodes (credit:Flickr:jumpyjodes)
3rd Most Well-Rested: Sales Representatives(03 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 15 minutes (credit:Alamy)
4th Most Well-Rested: Bartenders(04 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 14 minutes (credit:Alamy)
5th Most Well-Rested: Construction Workers(05 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 13 minutes\r\n\r\nFlickr photo by USACEpublicaffairs (credit:Flickr:USACEpublicaffairs)
6th Most Well-Rested: Athletes(06 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 13 minutes\r\n\r\n\r\nFlickr photo by battlecreekcvb (credit:Flickr:battlecreekcvb)
7th Most Well-Rested: Landscapers(07 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 13 minutes (credit:Alamy)
8th Most Well-Rested: Engineers(08 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 12 minutes (credit:Alamy)
9th Most Well-Rested: Aircraft Pilots(09 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 12 minutes\r\n\r\n\r\nFlickr photo by aSIMULAtor (credit:Flickr:aSIMULAtor)
10th Most Well-Rested: Teachers(10 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 12 minutes (credit:Alamy)
10th Most Sleep-Deprived: Secretaries(11 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 8 minutes (credit:Alamy)
9th Most Sleep-Deprived: Plant Operators(12 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 7 minutes (credit:Alamy)
8th Most Sleep-Deprived: Financial Analysts(13 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 5 minutes (credit:Alamy)
7th Most Sleep-Deprived: Computer Programmers(14 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 3 minutes (credit:Alamy)
6th Most Sleep-Deprived: Social Workers(15 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 3 minutes (credit:Alamy)
5th Most Sleep-Deprived: Economists(16 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 3 minutes (credit:Alamy)
4th Most Sleep-Deprived: Physicians/Paramedics(17 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 2 minutes (credit:Alamy)
3rd Most Sleep-Deprived: Police Officers(18 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours, 1 minutes (credit:Alamy)
2nd Most Sleep-Deprived: Lawyers(19 of20)
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Average sleep length: 7 hours (credit:Alamy)
Most Sleep-Deprived: Home Health Aides(20 of20)
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Average sleep length: 6 hours, 57 minutes (credit:Alamy)
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[(English) Translated by Gengo]

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異常におなかがすく(01 of06)
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食事を抜いたのでもないし、運動を増やしたのでもないのに1日中おなかがすくときは、睡眠不足かもしれない。\n睡眠不足だと、食欲を増進させるグレリンというホルモンが増えるとされている。さらにこのホルモンが増えると、カロリーが多い食品が食べたくなるということだ。 (credit:Flickr:Christine Rondeau)
妙にイライラする(02 of06)
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2007年の研究によると、睡眠不足だと、否定的な画像やイライラさせる画像に、60%以上も感情的に反応しやすいという。睡眠不足だと、脳の原始的な部分への制御が効かなくなりやすいと説明されている。 (credit:Flickr:Aimanness Photography)
忘れっぽかったり、ボーっとする(03 of06)
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You might be tempted to blame your trouble focusing on your age or stress or your overflowing email inbox, but a lack of sleep could be the true culprit.\n\nToo few hours in dreamland has been linked to a whole host of cognitive problems, like difficulty focusing and paying attention, confusion, lower alertness and concentration, forgetfulness and trouble learning, WebMD reports. \n\nSo next time you find yourself forgetting where you put your keys, consider how much sleep you got last night. (credit:shutterstock)
風邪をひきやすく、治りにくい(04 of06)
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2009年の研究によると、平均睡眠時間が7時間より短いと、そうでない人と比べて3倍も風邪を引きやすいという。\n (credit:Flickr:anna gutermuth)
いつもより不器用(05 of06)
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First you knock the alarm clock off the dresser, then you spill the milk as you\'re pouring your cereal, then you stub your toe on the way out the door -- you\'ve become a klutz overnight. \n\nResearchers don\'t know exactly why, but sleepy people seem to \"have slower and less precise motor skills,\" Clete Kushida, M.D., Ph.D., director of Stanford University Center for Human Sleep Research told Prevention. Reflexes are dulled, balance and depth perception can be a little wonky and since you may also have trouble focusing, reaction time can be slowed, meaning you can\'t quite catch the egg carton before it hits the floor.\n (credit:Alamy)
セクシーな気分になれない(06 of06)
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睡眠不足はコルチゾンというホルモンを増大させ、性的欲求の減少につながるとされている (credit:shutterstock)