浸水地域鬼怒川など8県72河川 床上浸水5,000棟超す

JOSO, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 11 : Firefighters and Japan Self-Defense Force conduct search and rescue operations in Joso city, Ibatraki region after flooding in the northern of Japan on September 11, 2015. Flooding in the northern of Japan forced the evacuation of thousands of people and left large parts of one town submerged in Japan on September 11, 2015. Many parts of central and eastern Japan have been hit in recent days by torrential rain and heavy winds caused by Typhoon Etau. (Photo by David Mareuil/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
JOSO, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 11 : Firefighters and Japan Self-Defense Force conduct search and rescue operations in Joso city, Ibatraki region after flooding in the northern of Japan on September 11, 2015. Flooding in the northern of Japan forced the evacuation of thousands of people and left large parts of one town submerged in Japan on September 11, 2015. Many parts of central and eastern Japan have been hit in recent days by torrential rain and heavy winds caused by Typhoon Etau. (Photo by David Mareuil/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images






・ハイライト・高橋 裕 氏(2015年日本国際賞受賞者)「優れた自然観と論争が河川技術を発展させた
