中国がテロ対策部隊を海外派遣へ 法案承認の見通し

In a picture taken on September 23, 2010 Chinese anti-terrorism police S.W.A.T. unit members show off their hand-to-hand combat skills during an exercise on the outskirts of Beijing. The Beijing police S.W.A.T. unit was established in 2005 to deal with terrorism and riot control particularly during the Beijing Olympics and unrest in Xinjiang. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
In a picture taken on September 23, 2010 Chinese anti-terrorism police S.W.A.T. unit members show off their hand-to-hand combat skills during an exercise on the outskirts of Beijing. The Beijing police S.W.A.T. unit was established in 2005 to deal with terrorism and riot control particularly during the Beijing Olympics and unrest in Xinjiang. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
STR via Getty Images

[北京 27日 ロイター] - 中国は、テロ対策部隊の海外派遣の法的枠組みとなる法案をまもなく承認する見通し。中国は昨年11月、主に国内のテロ対策を強化する目的で反テロ法の草案を発表した。この草案は現在2度目の審議が行われており、数週間、もしくは数カ月以内に承認される見通し。




