
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiles after he delivered a speech at the 50th anniversary ceremony for the normalizing relations between Japan and South Korea, hosted by the South Korean embassy in Tokyo on June 22, 2015. South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se is here to attend the ceremony. AFP PHOTO / POOL / Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images)
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiles after he delivered a speech at the 50th anniversary ceremony for the normalizing relations between Japan and South Korea, hosted by the South Korean embassy in Tokyo on June 22, 2015. South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se is here to attend the ceremony. AFP PHOTO / POOL / Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images)
YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images


執筆者:丸橋 勇



The Abe Administration's Arrogance of Power Moment


On the cusp of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II when Emperor Hirohito made his historic speech of surrender, the Abe government is attempting to drive through the Diet 11 security bills that will forever alter the landscape of Japan's postwar history. The nation that does not wage war will be no more if it gets its way.

Guided in its efforts is a military-industrial complex that is salivating to get Japan to share the burden of fighting with its closest ally, the United States. Japan has recently expressed interest in joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization missile-building consortium, a move in seamless alliance with this New Normal for Japan, a normal that we believe threatens global security.

As scholars from Japan and the U.S., we oppose the new security bills and call on anyone who is unfamiliar with what's happening to get informed. What we have here is legislation without representation; at its worst, tyranny.


military-industrial complex



Arrogance of Power


on the cusp of


drive through

一般的に「〜を自動車で通り抜ける」等の意味ですが、この場合は、強引さを強調する意味合いで使われているので、"drive through a red light"(「赤信号を無視て通り抜ける」の用法に近いと思います。したがって、「11の法案を強引に可決しようとしている」ぐらいが適訳ではないでしょうか。

alter the landscape




legislation without representation

「代表なき立法」の意味。アメリカの独立戦争が起こった一つの理由は、イギリスの"taxation without representation"(「代表なき課税」)とされていますが、その言葉をもじったものでしょう。

at its worst

一般的にこの節は、"~ is at its best ~, at its worst ~"のように使われることが多い。「〜が良くて〜で、最悪の場合〜となる」の意味。







丸橋 勇(フリー通訳・翻訳業)

