15歳未満で結婚する女性が3割 児童婚が蔓延するバングラデシュ(画像)

MANIKGANJ, BANGLADESH - AUGUST 20: 15 year old Nasoin Akhter is consoled by a friend on the day of her wedding to a 32 year old man, August 20, 2015 in Manikganj, Bangladesh. In June of this year, Human Rights Watch released a damning report about child marriage in Bangladesh. The country has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 29% of girls marrying before the age of 15, and 65% of girls marrying before they turn 18. The detrimental effects of early marriage on a girl cannot be overstated. Most young brides drop out of school. Pregnant girls from 15-20 are twice as likely to die in childbirth than those 20 or older, while girls under 15 are at five times the risk. Research cites spousal age difference as a significant risk factor for violence and sexual abuse. Child marriage is attributed to both cultural tradition and poverty. Parents believe that it 'protects' girls from sexual assault and harassment. Larger dowries are not required for young girls, and economically, women's earnings are insignificant as compared to men's. (Photo by Allison Joyce/Getty Images)
MANIKGANJ, BANGLADESH - AUGUST 20: 15 year old Nasoin Akhter is consoled by a friend on the day of her wedding to a 32 year old man, August 20, 2015 in Manikganj, Bangladesh. In June of this year, Human Rights Watch released a damning report about child marriage in Bangladesh. The country has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 29% of girls marrying before the age of 15, and 65% of girls marrying before they turn 18. The detrimental effects of early marriage on a girl cannot be overstated. Most young brides drop out of school. Pregnant girls from 15-20 are twice as likely to die in childbirth than those 20 or older, while girls under 15 are at five times the risk. Research cites spousal age difference as a significant risk factor for violence and sexual abuse. Child marriage is attributed to both cultural tradition and poverty. Parents believe that it 'protects' girls from sexual assault and harassment. Larger dowries are not required for young girls, and economically, women's earnings are insignificant as compared to men's. (Photo by Allison Joyce/Getty Images)
Allison Joyce via Getty Images











32歳の男性との結婚式当日、身を清める15歳のネイソワン・アクタールさん。2015年8月20日、バングラデシュのマニクガンジ地区で撮影。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

アクタールさんのために、ゴールドのウエディング・ジュエリーが用意される。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

結婚式の当日、隣家の戸口に立つアクタールさん。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

結婚式の当日、美容室で化粧をしてもらうアクタールさん。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

32歳の結婚相手、モハマド・ハサムール・ラーマンさんが、結婚式の会場に到着する。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

結婚式の当日、親戚がアクタールさんを新居に向かう車に連れていく。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

親戚のひとりが写真撮影のためにアクタールさんをベッドの上に引き寄せる。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

ベッドの上でビデオ撮影されるアクタールさん。Allison Joyce via Getty Images

ベッドの上でアクタールさんの横に立つ、新郎のラーマンさん。Allison Joyce via Getty Images



