アカデミー賞の候補、白人が独占 スパイク・リー監督はボイコット表明

IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR TV ONE - Filmmaker Spike Lee on the set of TV One's News One Now discussing his upcoming release of Chi-Raq and Hollywood diversity on Friday Nov. 20, 2015. (Rodney Choice/AP Images for TV One)
IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR TV ONE - Filmmaker Spike Lee on the set of TV One's News One Now discussing his upcoming release of Chi-Raq and Hollywood diversity on Friday Nov. 20, 2015. (Rodney Choice/AP Images for TV One)
AP Images for TV One



「俳優部門の候補20人全員が、2年連続で白人ばかりってことがあり得るのか? 他の部門は言うまでもない。2年間に白人俳優40人で、味もそっけもない。私たちは演技ができないというのか?なんだこりゃ!」

#OscarsSoWhite... Again. I Would Like To Thank President Cheryl Boone Isaacs And The Board Of Governors Of The Academy Of Motion Pictures Arts And Sciences For Awarding Me an Honorary Oscar This Past November. I Am Most Appreciative. However My Wife, Mrs. Tonya Lewis Lee And I Will Not Be Attending The Oscar Ceremony This Coming February. We Cannot Support It And Mean No Disrespect To My Friends, Host Chris Rock and Producer Reggie Hudlin, President Isaacs And The Academy. But, How Is It Possible For The 2nd Consecutive Year All 20 Contenders Under The Actor Category Are White? And Let's Not Even Get Into The Other Branches. 40 White Actors In 2 Years And No Flava At All. We Can't Act?! WTF!! It's No Coincidence I'm Writing This As We Celebrate The 30th Anniversary Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday. Dr. King Said "There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Position That Is Neither Safe, Nor Politic, Nor Popular But He Must Take It Because Conscience Tells Him It's Right". For Too Many Years When The Oscars Nominations Are Revealed, My Office Phone Rings Off The Hook With The Media Asking Me My Opinion About The Lack Of African-Americans And This Year Was No Different. For Once, (Maybe) I Would Like The Media To Ask All The White Nominees And Studio Heads How They Feel About Another All White Ballot. If Someone Has Addressed This And I Missed It Then I Stand Mistaken. As I See It, The Academy Awards Is Not Where The "Real" Battle Is. It's In The Executive Office Of The Hollywood Studios And TV And Cable Networks. This Is Where The Gate Keepers Decide What Gets Made And What Gets Jettisoned To "Turnaround" Or Scrap Heap. This Is What's Important. The Gate Keepers. Those With "The Green Light" Vote. As The Great Actor Leslie Odom Jr. Sings And Dances In The Game Changing Broadway Musical HAMILTON, "I WANNA BE IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS". People, The Truth Is We Ain't In Those Rooms And Until Minorities Are, The Oscar Nominees Will Remain Lilly White. (Cont'd)

Spike Leeさん(@officialspikelee)が投稿した写真 -


We must stand in our power!

We must stand in our power.

Posted by Jada Pinkett Smith on 2016年1月18日




