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とはいえアメリカ人たちは、「男性56グラム、女性46グラム」という推奨値をはるかに上回るタンパク質を、すでに摂取している。農務省の最新報告書(英文PDF)「What We Eat In America(アメリカ人は何を食べているのか)」によれば、20歳以上の男性は1日平均98.9グラム、20歳以上の女性は68グラムのタンパク質を摂っているのだ。







■ 体重が増えつつある

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■ 腎臓に負担が生じる


■ 脱水状態になる

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ろ過の段階で腎臓が排出する老廃物の1つに、血中尿素窒素(Blood urea nitrogen:BUN)がある。血液尿素窒素の濃度は、研究者や医師が腎機能の状態を診断する際のバロメーターになるほか、体内の水分量を推し量る目安にもなると「WebMD」が伝えている


[Sarah Klein(English) 日本語版:遠藤康子、合原弘子/ガリレオ]

Best And Worst Foods For Allergies
Best: Fish(01 of07)
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In some studies, omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to lower the risk of developing allergies and to reduce symptoms. Look for them in fatty fish like salmon, as well as in nuts. The anti-inflammatory properties of those omega 3s is likely to thank for that allergy relief.\n\nThe downside is that it takes quite a bit of omega 3 fatty acids to see even minimal benefit says Neil L. Kao, M.D., an allergist and clinical immunologist in practice in South Carolina.\n\nHowever, in cultures where people eat more fish and less meat all throughout their lives, overall asthma and allergy responses are less frequent, says Bielory. But \"it\'s a whole culture,\" he points out, not the difference between having a tuna sandwich for lunch or a burger. (credit:Flickr:stevendepolo)
Best: Apples(02 of07)
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An apple a day doesn\'t exactly keep the pollen allergy away, but a powerful combo of compounds found in apples might help at least a little. Getting your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C mayprotect against both allergies and asthma, WebMD reports. And the antioxidant quercetin, found in the skin of apples (as well as in onions and tomatoes), has been linked with better lung function.\n\nOther good vitamin C sources include oranges, of course, but also more surprising picks like red peppers, strawberries and tomatoes, all of which contain a number of other nutrients essential to healthy living beyond simply allergy relief, says Bielory. (credit:Flickr:slightly everything)
Best: Red Grapes(03 of07)
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The famed resveratrol, the antioxidant in the skin of red grapes that gives red wine its good name, has anti-inflammatory powers that might reduce allergy symptoms, says Kao.\n\nIn a 2007 study of children in Crete who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet, daily fruit intake including grapes, oranges, apples and tomatoes was linked with less frequent wheezing and nasal allergy symptoms, Time.com reported. (credit:Flickr:eflon)
Best: Warm Liquids(04 of07)
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If your allergies present themselves as congestion or a mucus-y cough (sorry), consider turning to one of the tried-and-true sips to ease cold symptoms: a steamy drink. Warm liquids, whether it\'s hot tea or chicken soup, may help thin out mucus to ease congestion. Not to mention, it\'ll help you stay hydrated. Not in the mood for soup? Inhaling in a steam shower can do the trick, too, says Bielory. (credit:Flickr:jseliger1)
Worst: Celery(05 of07)
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Because some of the most common spring allergy triggers come from the same families of plants as various foods, certain fruits and veggies can cause what\'s called Oral Allergy Syndrome. Rather than sniffling or sneezing, these foods are likely to cause an itchy mouth or throat, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).\n\n\"Corn is a grass, wheat is a grass, rice is a grass,\" says Bielory, \"so if you\'re allergic to grass you can have a cross-reactivity to foods.\" \n\nCelery, peaches, tomatoes and melons might cause problems for people allergic to grasses, according to the AAAAI, and bananas, cucumbers, melons and zucchini can trigger symptoms in people with ragweed allergies. Typically, allergists will go over lists of families of plants with patients so you\'ll know what to avoid at the grocery store, says Bielory. (credit:Flickr:TheDeliciousLife)
Worst: Spicy Foods(06 of07)
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Ever bit into a spicy dish and felt it all the way in your sinuses?\n\nCapsaicin, the compound that gives hot peppers their kick, really does trigger allergy-like symptoms. You nose might run, your eyes could water, you may even sneeze, says Kao.\n\nThese reactions occur via a different pathway than true allergies, says Bielory. But if spicy foods mimic your already bothersome symptoms, you might want to skip the jalapeños until you\'re in the clear. (credit:Getty Images)
Worst: Alcohol(07 of07)
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Ever find your nose runny or stopped up after a drink or two? Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, the same process that gives your cheeks that rosy flush, and might make allergy sniffles feel worse.\n\nThe effect changes from person to person says Kao, but if you\'re already feeling sneezy before happy hour, it might be a good idea to take it easy, since having allergies may increase your likelihood for alcohol-induced sniffles, according to a 2005 study.\n\nThere\'s also some naturally-occurring histamine in alcohol, made during the fermentation process. Depending on how your body processes it, this could also lead to more allergy-like symptoms after drinking, the New York Times reported. (credit:Getty Images)
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