035 | How to トレイルランニング 第三回、ギアを揃えよう。




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小松俊之(以下、小松) これは、たまたまです(笑)

桑原慶(以下、桑原) 僕たち、元々「イノヴェイト」が好きでよく使ってきたんですよ。

小松 軽くて、フィット感があり、ソールも厚すぎずちょうど良いんです。

桑原 石がゴロゴロしているところでは、ソールが薄い方がいい。


桑原 ソールが薄いと、足の裏で地面が掴みやすいんです。裸足に近い方が、足の裏で大地を感じられて、バランスが取りやすい。ソールが厚いと確かに衝撃を吸収してくれるんですが、反面地面の状況が掴みにくくなります。どちらが良いと言うわけではなくて、それぞれの特徴によって一長一短があるので、お店の人や周りの詳しい人に相談してみましょう。シューズの特徴以外にも足先の幅や甲の高さなど、足そのものが人それぞれ違いますから自分の足に合ったものを探してみてください。

小松 シューズは一緒でも、ふたりそれぞれ靴ひもの通し方が微妙に違うでしょう。自分の足や走り方に合わせて、靴ひもの通し方で足全体のフィット具合などを微調整しているんです。


桑原 何よりも、地図です。同行する人がコースを把握していても、必ず自分でも地図は持参しておきましょう。最初は読み方が分からなくても事前に目を通しておくことでコースのイメージが掴めますし、緊急時や体調不良時に当初の予定から外れてエスケープする際にも必要です。慣れてくると地図を見ながらルートを考えることが楽しくなってきますよ。

小松 それらの荷物を入れるザックも必要になりますね。今は、ラン用に軽量化された体にフィットするザックが色々出ています。中に入れるのは、栄養補給のための菓子パンやおにぎり。食べたいものを入れておきましょう。

桑原 走っているとお腹にたまるものがあまり食べられないという人には、ハイカロリーのジェルタイプのものも売られていますよ。あと標高が上がれば気温が下がるので、防寒着はマスト。山の天気は変わりやすいので、防水機能があるものを揃えると良いと思います。

小松 山に入る格好としては、トレイルランナーはかなりの軽装ですからね。でも、経験者が初心者を連れて行く場合には色々と余分に用意していくものですから、まずは同行者に何が必要か聞いてみるのが良いでしょう。

桑原 最初に色々と買ってしまって宝の持ち腐れになってしまうのはもったいないですが、ギアを揃えることでモチベーションが上がるならば、買ってしまうのも手だと思います(笑)。








1975年、静岡県生まれ。フットサルカフェなどの経営を経て、2013年3月に、トレイルランニングやランニングのギアショップ〈Run boys! Run girls!〉をオープン。



1969年、新潟県生まれ。2009年、岩本町に〈OnEdrop cafe.〉をオープン。店内外で新たな「出逢い」を生み出す各種イベントを開催している。



10 Energizing Yoga Poses
Half Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)(01 of10)
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Sun Salutation sequences are traditionally performed as a way to awaken the body. \"This is great to do upon rising, even before you have had your first cup of coffee,\" Bielkus says. \n\nTo perform the sequence, stand up straight in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with the feet together and arms at the side of the body with open palms. Sweep the arms up and extend them over the head on the inhale, then exhale and bow forward into a forward bend. On the inhale, lift the torso halfway up, place your hands at your shins and extend the spine. Fold forward again on the exhale. When you inhale, sweep back up and bring the palms together into prayer. Repeat this sequence three or four times. \n\nClick here for a video tutorial. (credit:Getty Images)
Camel Pose (Ustrasana)(02 of10)
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The gentle heart-opening stretch of the camel pose -- performed either with the hands on the lower back or reaching down to touch the heels -- can be highly invigorating for the entire body. \n\n\"Camel is great because it\'s a total front-body opener,\" Bielkus says. \"You have the front of the legs moving forward. ... The core is stretching and the torso is lengthening up. The chest is really opening and expanding so that the lungs can expand full of breath.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)(03 of10)
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\"This pose combines both leg strengthening and mild back bending, bringing energy into the body,\" Bielkus says. \"Just like the name suggests, this pose awakens the warrior within -- power and strength, but with ease.\"\n\nClick here for basic Warrior II instructions, and try adding what Bielkus calls the \"breath of fire\" for an extra energy boost. \n\n\"A great way to rev up this posture is to add in breath of fire -- rapid belly breath, focusing on the exhalation,\" Bielkus says. \"To start, take a deep breath in and then pump the navel in as you exhale. The inhale will take care of itself.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) (04 of10)
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After Warrior II, try going into a restorative Triangle Pose. Straighten the front knee and extend the arm forward and then down to the shin, the floor next to the leg, or a block. Reach the other arm up and turn to face the sky, breathing deeply for five breaths, Bielkus advises. Then, repeat on the other side. \n\n\"This pose is about fully expanding not contracting,\" Bielkus says. \"Focus less about stretching and more about expanding and bringing breath and energy to every cell, every skin pore, every fiber of your being.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Side Plank (Vasisthasana)(05 of10)
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For the whole body-strengthening Side Plank, start in a plank pose. Turn to the right side, stacking the feet on top of each other, and lifting the left hand. Breath deeply for five breaths before repeating on the other side. If you\'re looking to modify the pose, Bielkus suggests bringing either the bottom knee or the forearm down to the ground. \n\n\"Yoga brings our mind to a oneness and a focused attention,\" Bielkus says, regarding the balancing poses. \"The more that we\'re coming into a mental clarity or focus, the less energy we\'re expending on that stress. The cortisol levels can drop and then we feel a little more energized.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)(06 of10)
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The dynamic Chair Pose is performed by standing with the feet together or hip-width apart, and bending the lower body down as if you were sitting on a chair. Raise the arms to the ears and raise the chest up to complete the pose. \n\n\"This pose is literally translates from Sanskrit as \'powerful\' pose,\" says Bielkus. \"Sometimes in class, I refer to it as lighting bolt pose because [of] the amount of energy it creates in the body by using the big muscles of the legs and glutes while also creating a slight backbend, which awakens the spine.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Half-Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) (07 of10)
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In addition to warding off stress and anxiety, the Half Moon Pose can be therapeutic for fatigue, according to Yoga Journal. In a forward fold, bring the right hand about 10 inches in front of you and slightly to the right, extending the left leg up while the hips and torso open. Extend the left arm up and hold the pose for five breaths before repeating on the other side. \n\n\"Any balancing poses are great for finding that inner balance,\" Bielkus says. (credit:Getty Images)
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)(08 of10)
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\"Back bends are all about unlocking the energy of the spine and nervous system,\" Bielkus says. \n\nLying on your back, bend the knees and place your feet flat on the floor with arms by your sides. Lift the hips up high and interlace the hands together or leave the arms at the sides of the body. Breathe deeply for five breaths and repeat several times. (credit:Shutterstock)
Locust Pose (Salabhasana)(09 of10)
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For this strengthening pose, lie on your belly with arms by your side and palms down. Then, gently lift the arms, legs, chest and head off the floor and breathe deeply for five breaths, trying to lift up higher with each breath. Repeat three or four times, being careful not to strain the neck. For more of a challenge, extend the arms in front of you, as pictured at left. \n\n\"You\'re really stimulating the upper, middle and lower back, and the muscles of the hamstrings are engaging\" Bielkus says. \"You\'re using so many muscles in the body to lift yourself off the earth. The neurons are firing to make that all happen.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Right Nostril Breathing (Surya Bhedana)(10 of10)
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This energizing pranayama (breathing exercise) offers a counterpoint to the calming left nostril breath. To perform the exercise, sit upright in a chair or on the floor in a comfortable cross-legged position, blocking the left nostril with the thumb and extending the fingers. Breathe long and deep, in and out of the right nostril for around five minutes, Bielkus advises. \n\n\"The right nostril is associated with the energy of the sun,\" Bielkus says. \"This breath is stimulating, invigorating and awakening.\" (credit:Getty Images)