



I've been sitting here trying to think of a good caption but this photo just makes me sad when I look at it. So how about I ask you a question: Who taught the young girl on the left to hide her tummy before taking pictures in a swimsuit❓ Who taught her that at only 13 years old, her chubby little body was unworthy of a photographic memory❓ It definitely wasn't her parents or family, so who was it? Well, did you know that this innocent young girl was bullied for her weight? Not by the girls. The girls were nice. But the boys...the boys were mean. From then on out, she never wanted to go to the pool, saw boys as a threat, cried to her teachers, etc etc. Things started to get better in middle school, but then came the media. *Knock Knock* Diet culture, fitness, cellulite cream--CELLULITE?? Why was a 13 year old worried about cellulite??? Because the media told her it was bad. That SHE was bad and needed to change. If you couldn't tell by now, the young girl was me. There's a big difference between the closed off, hiding, young girl on the left and the carefree, happy, open girl on the right. ❤️And that difference is self love.❤️ I taught it to myself. I had to. I had to find a way to be happy. The process wasn't quick. I'm still working on it at 26 years old. But I have a message for all the women who are much older and STILL feel ashamed to show their tummy at the pool: Don't be. Put on that bikini and smile. Don't feel the need to let other people's opinions ruin precious memories with your friends and family. Show your daughters what it's like to flaunt their flaws at the pool. No shame. Your imperfections tell a story. Your body is beautiful. You are BEAUTIFUL.

Confidence & Success Coachさん(@mylifecoachrachel)がシェアした投稿 -

「私はいいコメントを考えようと、ずっとここに座っているのですが、この写真を見ていると本当に悲しくなるのです」と、彼女はInstagramの投稿に書き添えた。「ちょっと、ある質問をしましょうか。水着姿で写真を撮る前に、“自分のお腹を隠しなさい”って、左側の小さい女の子に誰かが教えたのでしょうか? わずか13歳で、“自分のぽっちゃりした体なんて、鮮明な思い出にしておく価値などない”と、誰かが彼女に教えたのでしょうか?」





ハフポストでは、「女性のカラダについてもっとオープンに話せる社会になって欲しい」という思いから、『Ladies Be Open』を立ち上げました。


みなさんの「女性のカラダ」に関する体験や思いを聞かせてください。 ハッシュタグ #ladiesbeopen#もっと話そうカラダのこと も用意しました。 メールもお待ちしています。⇒ladiesbeopen@huffingtonpost.jp

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