「はみ出し者に不寛容なアメリカは危険」 記録映画『ぼくと魔法の言葉たち』のウィリアムズ監督に聞く



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主人公のオーウェン 映画『ぼくと魔法の言葉たち』より


あらすじ サスカインド家の次男オーウェンは2歳で言葉を失い、7歳になるころまでには誰ともコミュニケーションを取れなくなってしまっていた。彼は自閉症と診断され、家族は失意に暮れる。ある日、父のロンはオーウェンが発する意味をなさないモゴモゴとした言葉が、オーウェンが毎日擦り切れるほど観ていたディズニー・アニメ『リトル・マーメイド』に登場するセリフだと気づく。意を決した父は、彼が大好きなディズニー・キャラクターであるオウムのイアーゴになりきって、身を隠して語りかける。「どんな気分?」。すると、まるで魔法のように、オーウェンが言葉を返した!「僕はハッピーじゃない。僕には友達がいないから」。5年ぶりの息子の言葉にこみ上げる涙をこらえながら、イアーゴとしての会話を続ける父。こうして、父と母、そして兄による、ディズニー・アニメを通じた「オーウェンを取り戻す」ための作戦が始まった。


主人公、オーウェン(26)の父、ロン・サスカインドは15年来の知人で、私とテレビ番組の仕事を一緒にすることもありました。彼の著書『ディズニー・セラピー 自閉症のわが子が教えてくれたこと』を読んだ時、これをドキュメンタリー作品にしたいと思いました。




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ロジャー・ロス・ウィリアムズ サウスカロライナ州出身。ニューヨーク大学などで学び、TVプロデューサー・演出家として活動開始。初監督した映画『Music by Prudence(原題)』(2010年)でアカデミー賞短編ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞し、アフリカ系アメリカ人監督として初のアカデミー賞受賞者に。ほか、『GOD LOVES UGANDA(原題)』(13年)などを監督。現在は、ニューヨーク北部とオランダのアムステルダムの2か所に拠点を置いている。

『ぼくと魔法の言葉たち』 【監督】ロジャー・ロス・ウィリアムズ【原作】「ディズニー・セラピー 自閉症のわが子が教えてくれたこと」(ビジネス社・刊)【出演】キャスト:オーウェン・サスカインド / ロン・サスカインド / コーネリア・サスカインド / ウォルト・サスカインド 原題:Life, Animated


Bianca(01 of21)
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Bianca is a music fan (will even dance to commercials) who absolutely loves Elmo and Mickey Mouse. She cannot live without her iPad and touchscreen PC (she wonders why everything is not touch, as evidenced by her constantly touching all screens). She is a devout fan of chips and chicken nuggets loves to laugh and hug. You will probably find her relaxing at home and asking for tickles!
Our family at the White House Easter Egg Roll(02 of21)
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This is Kevin at the White House Egg Roll. He likes to do what all American kids do, he just needs some extra help!
Remy(03 of21)
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Our son Remy is almost three years old. He loves joking around with his Poppo, playing in the tub, and racing his cars. He smiles almost all day long and is the light of our lives.
Jude(04 of21)
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This is Jude. He is 7 years old and has autism. He also has a big and sensitive heart, an insatiable curiosity, a love of adventure and a hard working spirit. And we love him just the way he is.
This is Autism(05 of21)
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Laura McNemee:
This is Jacob\n\nHe loves nature, long walks (more like runs), jumping on his trampoline, Toy Story, and cuddling with Mommy\n\nWhen he looks at me I feel like he has jumped into my soul\n\nHe has opened up my eyes to what life really is.\n\nHe is Autism
Brodie J.(06 of21)
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Erica Lee 01129:
This is Brodie J. He loves anything car related. Has a collection of over 100 Hot Wheels (and counting). This is what Autism looks like...Handsome!!!
Luke(07 of21)
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Luke means \"light giving\" in Latin. His smile lights up a room. He loves to laugh and loves hugs and tickles. He is improving every day. Luke is my ray of sunshine.
Sebastian(08 of21)
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This is Sebastian aka \"SB\"\n\nIf he\'s not melting your heart with kisses, he\'ll probably be serenading you to his favorite songs. \n\nHe\'s an explorer, musician and comedian.\n\nThis is Autism. (credit:Sindy German )
Kristopher(09 of21)
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Our wonderful Kristoper diagnosed at 2 years with Autism (now 9 years old); is such a joy and inspiration. His smile says it all. (credit:Karen Carkner )
Seth (10 of21)
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Seth, 16 loves Christmas, fire fighters and country music.\n (credit:Kris and Steve Neiman)
brother and sister(11 of21)
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This is Abe and Mati. Brother and Sister. Both have a high functioning form of Autism known as Aspergers. Both are incredibly smart and creative. These are just two more beautiful faces of Autism. (credit:heidi)
Sam(12 of21)
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(credit:Miglena Sandmeier)
Aiden (13 of21)
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This is Aiden. He loves dinosaurs, Skylanders, \"The Polar Express,\" Halloween and playing outside. He is an awesome big brother to his little sister, Emily. He is caring, imaginative and just a little mischievous! This is Aiden. This is autism.\n\n (credit:Saiyuri)
James (14 of21)
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James love Transformers, Iron Man, dinosaurs, SpongeBob and building things. He loves to draw and invent new things and making videos with his sister Melissa. He also loves spending time with his other sister Ellie and playing with our dogs Sammi and Mia. He\'s full of love, laughter and is the first one to offer you a hug when he knows you are sad. He is awesome! (credit:Deannda Neufer )
Mason and Kovas(15 of21)
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Kovas has autism but that doesn\'t stop him from being a dedicated scout or amazing friend! Kovas and Mason have been buddies for over three years.\n (credit:Bekki Woertink)
Micah(16 of21)
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This is Micah.\r\nHe loves books, playing tag, exploring, and The Angry Birds.\r\n\r\nHe has a laugh that is contagious & an Amazing imagination. \r\n\r\nHe is one of the faces of Autism.
Quentin(17 of21)
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Melissa Morgenlander:
My son Quentin can hack an ipad app to get to his favorite youtube videos. He loves cuddling in bed, hugging his friends and teachers, and spinning around with his twin sister. He is almost 6 years old, and he has PDD-NOS. \r\n\r\nThis is what autism looks like.
This is Brady(18 of21)
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This is Garrett(19 of21)
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This is Autism.(20 of21)
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Steph Steinmetz:
This is DJ. He is an 8 year old bundle of energy. He loves video games, computers and his brother and sister. He is one of the sweetest, funniest kids ever. DJ enriches the lives of everyone he meets. This is autism.
This is a picture of hope for those of you just starting out.(21 of21)
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Suzanne Romero:
This is my son who also happens to be autistic. He started school when he was a beautiful wide eyed, non verbal two and a half year old. \nNow he\'s a beautiful young man. Wednesday May 15th he graduated from high school. It was a long hard road for both of us, but I would do it all over again. It isn\'t over. Now a new wonderful chapter begins.


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