
Police organize the line of refugees on the stairway leading up from the trains arriving from Denmark at the Hyllie train station outside Malmo, Sweden, November 19, 2015. 600 refugees arrived in Malmo within 3 hours and the Swedish Migration Agency said in a press statement that they no longer can guarantee accommodation for all asylum seekers. AFP PHOTO / TT NEWS AGENCY / JOHAN NILSSON +++ SWEDEN OUT +++ (Photo credit should read JOHAN NILSSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Police organize the line of refugees on the stairway leading up from the trains arriving from Denmark at the Hyllie train station outside Malmo, Sweden, November 19, 2015. 600 refugees arrived in Malmo within 3 hours and the Swedish Migration Agency said in a press statement that they no longer can guarantee accommodation for all asylum seekers. AFP PHOTO / TT NEWS AGENCY / JOHAN NILSSON +++ SWEDEN OUT +++ (Photo credit should read JOHAN NILSSON/AFP/Getty Images)
JOHAN NILSSON via Getty Images




この法案には、「ナチス・ドイツをほうふつさせる」という批判や、「恐怖や外国人嫌悪をあおる恐れがある」などの懸念の声が出ている。ガーディアン紙のアルバート・ナデリー 記者は「恥ずべき政策」とツイートした。



