ブラック企業!? 実際と異なる雇用条件「おとり求人」どう対応するべきか

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実際とちがう雇用条件で募集する「おとり求人」 どうやって対処すればいいのか?



このような実際と異なる「魅力的な条件」で人を集める手法は、「おとり求人」と呼ばれている。おとり求人にひっかからないために、あやしい求人票をどう見抜き、どのように対処すればいいのだろうか? 労働問題にくわしい竹之内洋人弁護士に聞いた。


















竹之内 洋人(たけのうち・ひろと)弁護士


事務所名: 公園通り法律事務所


知らない人(01 of05)
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2012年の研究によれば、まったく知らない人でもFacebookの友達に追加する、と答えた人は5分の1にも上る。 (credit:Getty)
あまりに友達が多い人(02 of05)
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非常にたくさんの人を(まったく知らない人も含めて)友達にしてしまうタイプの人がいる。こうした人と友達になっていると、あなたの個人情報が漏れやすくなる。特にプライバシー設定には注意すべきだ。 (credit:Getty)
恋人の「元カレ/元カノ」(03 of05)
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たとえそれらの元カレや元カノとよい関係が築けていて、彼らのデジタルストーキングを行わないというあなたの意志力が強くても、彼らと友達になっていると、コメントやら写真やら、「見せたくないもの」が見えてしまうだろう。 (credit:Getty)
上司(04 of05)
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上司と友達になっていたばかりに、まずい投稿をして会社をクビになった人はたくさんいる。\n (credit:Getty)
なんでも宣伝したがる人(05 of05)
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I実際の広告宣伝マンであれ、ミュージシャン志願者であれ、朝食に何を食べたかなどなんでも報告したがる人であれ、ただでさえ情報過多な世界をさらに情報過多にする人は避けることをおすすめしたい。そういうことが好きでない限り。 (credit:Getty)
Apple Maps(01 of14)
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Apple CEO Tim Cook issued an apology Friday for the company\'s new Maps app. Cook directed users to other map apps in the Apple store or websites like Google or Nokia until Apple\'s version is fixed. (credit:Getty Images)
Bank Of America Debit Card Fee(02 of14)
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Bank of America announced last year that it was planning to charge customers a $5 fee to use their debit cards. After an intense customer backlash, the company dropped the plan. (credit:Getty Images)
New Coke(03 of14)
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In 1985 Coca-Cola decided to mess with its iconic product, according to NBCNews.com. The result: Epic failure. With customers comparing the change to trampling the American flag, the company pulled the product after just a few months. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Ford Edsel(04 of14)
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In 1957, Ford launched the Edsel, a car the company billed as hot and revolutionary, according to the Washington Post. Problem: It turned out to be sort of \"blah.\" By the time the company pulled the car in 1959, it had lost about $250 million. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Window's Vista(05 of14)
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When it debuted in January, 2007, Microsoft\'s newest operating system was slammed by consumers. As a result, businesses and personal computer users were slow to adopt it, according to Spike. (credit:Getty Images)
The Arch Deluxe(06 of14)
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McDonald\'s launched a luxury burger geared towards the adult set in 1996 with a $100 million advertising campaign, according to The New York Times. But the mature hamburger was ultimately a flop. (credit:Getty Images)
Apple Newton(07 of14)
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In 1993, Apple launched the PDA device, a precursor to the palm pilot, according to DailyFinance, but it turned out to be a bust, thanks to its high price and bulkiness. The company pulled the Newton in 1998. (credit:Wikimedia)
Sony Betamax(08 of14)
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Sony poured 20 years of research into its Betamax videocassette recorder, but was ultimately beat out by the competition, according to the Los Angeles Times. Matsushita developed the VHS system, which became more popular among companies making the devices -- and companies making films -- rendering the Betamax obsolete. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Qwickster(09 of14)
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In September of last year, Neflix announced that it would be separating its online streaming service from its DVD service and calling the DVD branch \"Qwickster.\" The proposal turned out to be such an epic fail that the company scrapped the experiment last November before it even launched. (credit:Getty Images)
Clairol's "Touch Of Yogurt" Shampoo(10 of14)
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When Clairol came out with its yogurt-based shampoo in 1979, they thought it would be a success, thanks to widespread interest in the test marketing phase. But it turned out to be a flop; customers apparently don\'t want to put food in their hair. (credit:WikiMedia:)
BlackBerry Playbook(11 of14)
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BlackBerry launched its Playbook without apps for email, contacts or any of the other things people use tablets for. The result: The company slashed prices on the device as the holidays approached. (credit:Getty Images)
HD DVD(12 of14)
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Toshiba\'s HD DVD experiment ended up being trounced by Sony\'s Blu-Ray player as studios and customers opted for the latter. (credit:Getty Images)
The Yugo(13 of14)
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The car deemed by many to be one of the worst vehicles ever exported to the U.S. was met with widespread criticism when it landed on American shores in 1986. Available for just $3,990, the car did terribly in crash tests, according to CBS News. (credit:Getty Images)
Nike Black And Tan Sneakers(14 of14)
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Nike launched a sneaker (not pictured) in the lead up to St. Patrick\'s Day that offended some Irish people. The shoe called \"Black and Tan\" shares its name with a British paramilitary unit that attacked Irish civilians in the 1920s. (credit:Getty Images)