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(MSN産経ニュース「たばこ大手、値上げを検討 消費増税で最大20円」より 2013/10/16 11:40)




(サンケイビズ「たばこ値上げは苦渋の決断 消費増税…愛煙家や関係者から嘆きの声」より 2013/10/28 06:00)



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Our Body On Tobacco
Acne(01 of10)
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When it comes to acne, smokers are more likely to grow those pesky little red bumps. Smoking can cause the skin\'s blood to weaken, resulting in an increased risk of infections, according to the Cancer Society Finland.
Blood Vessels(02 of10)
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Smokers are more likely (at least double the rate) to develop blood clots when compared to non-smokers.
Bad Breath (03 of10)
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This doesn\'t sounds so good: according to a poll conducted by the Cancer Society of Finland, at least 20 per cent of couples ended their relationships because of smoking. Bad breath is never appealing.
Face(04 of10)
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A smoker\'s skin can also suffer from lighting a cigarette. Skin can look unhealthy and chemicals found in cigarettes can make the skin\'s elastic fibres snap easily -- causing your face to look more elastic.
Facial Hair (05 of10)
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A woman who smokes is more likely to have hair on her upper lip due to inhaling substances with nicotine.
Genitalia (06 of10)
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Your sex life could get a little boring. Smoking can effect the liver which in turn can effect your estrogen and hormones levels, according to the organization.
Lungs(07 of10)
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It\'s the return of the black lung. Smoking damages the lungs and makes it more difficult to breath. The organization also found that smokers can\'t run as long as non-smokers.
Mouth (08 of10)
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The yellow smile reveals all. Besides the bad breath, a smoker\'s teeth stains easier and develops discolouration.
Pregnancy (09 of10)
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Women who are pregnant should also stay away from smoking. Harmful chemicals found in cigarettes can travel through the umbilical cord to the fetus.
Stomach (10 of10)
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Smokers can also easily develop peptic ulcers in their stomachs.