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金融庁は9月27日、みずほ銀行に業務改善命令を出したと発表した。 提携ローンにおいて、多数の反社会的勢力との取引が存在することを把握してから2年以上も反社会的勢力との取引の防止・解消のための抜本的な対応を行っていなかったこと。それに、反社会的勢力との取引が多数存在するという情報も担当役員止まりとなっていることなど、経営管理体制に重大な問題点が認められたのがその理由だ。







Apple Maps(01 of14)
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Apple CEO Tim Cook issued an apology Friday for the company\'s new Maps app. Cook directed users to other map apps in the Apple store or websites like Google or Nokia until Apple\'s version is fixed. (credit:Getty Images)
Bank Of America Debit Card Fee(02 of14)
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Bank of America announced last year that it was planning to charge customers a $5 fee to use their debit cards. After an intense customer backlash, the company dropped the plan. (credit:Getty Images)
New Coke(03 of14)
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In 1985 Coca-Cola decided to mess with its iconic product, according to NBCNews.com. The result: Epic failure. With customers comparing the change to trampling the American flag, the company pulled the product after just a few months. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Ford Edsel(04 of14)
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In 1957, Ford launched the Edsel, a car the company billed as hot and revolutionary, according to the Washington Post. Problem: It turned out to be sort of \"blah.\" By the time the company pulled the car in 1959, it had lost about $250 million. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Window's Vista(05 of14)
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When it debuted in January, 2007, Microsoft\'s newest operating system was slammed by consumers. As a result, businesses and personal computer users were slow to adopt it, according to Spike. (credit:Getty Images)
The Arch Deluxe(06 of14)
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McDonald\'s launched a luxury burger geared towards the adult set in 1996 with a $100 million advertising campaign, according to The New York Times. But the mature hamburger was ultimately a flop. (credit:Getty Images)
Apple Newton(07 of14)
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In 1993, Apple launched the PDA device, a precursor to the palm pilot, according to DailyFinance, but it turned out to be a bust, thanks to its high price and bulkiness. The company pulled the Newton in 1998. (credit:Wikimedia)
Sony Betamax(08 of14)
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Sony poured 20 years of research into its Betamax videocassette recorder, but was ultimately beat out by the competition, according to the Los Angeles Times. Matsushita developed the VHS system, which became more popular among companies making the devices -- and companies making films -- rendering the Betamax obsolete. (credit:WikiMedia:)
Qwickster(09 of14)
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In September of last year, Neflix announced that it would be separating its online streaming service from its DVD service and calling the DVD branch \"Qwickster.\" The proposal turned out to be such an epic fail that the company scrapped the experiment last November before it even launched. (credit:Getty Images)
Clairol's "Touch Of Yogurt" Shampoo(10 of14)
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When Clairol came out with its yogurt-based shampoo in 1979, they thought it would be a success, thanks to widespread interest in the test marketing phase. But it turned out to be a flop; customers apparently don\'t want to put food in their hair. (credit:WikiMedia:)
BlackBerry Playbook(11 of14)
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BlackBerry launched its Playbook without apps for email, contacts or any of the other things people use tablets for. The result: The company slashed prices on the device as the holidays approached. (credit:Getty Images)
HD DVD(12 of14)
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Toshiba\'s HD DVD experiment ended up being trounced by Sony\'s Blu-Ray player as studios and customers opted for the latter. (credit:Getty Images)
The Yugo(13 of14)
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The car deemed by many to be one of the worst vehicles ever exported to the U.S. was met with widespread criticism when it landed on American shores in 1986. Available for just $3,990, the car did terribly in crash tests, according to CBS News. (credit:Getty Images)
Nike Black And Tan Sneakers(14 of14)
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Nike launched a sneaker (not pictured) in the lead up to St. Patrick\'s Day that offended some Irish people. The shoe called \"Black and Tan\" shares its name with a British paramilitary unit that attacked Irish civilians in the 1920s. (credit:Getty Images)
堺雅人 (01 of08)
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(フジテレビの土曜プレミアム特別企画スペシャルドラマ「リーガル・ハイ」の完成試写会=1日、東京・台場) \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/01 (credit:時事通信社)
堺雅人さん、笑顔 (02 of08)
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フジテレビで13日から放送のスペシャルドラマ「リーガル・ハイ」の完成披露試写会の舞台あいさつに登壇した俳優・堺雅人さん。手を振って笑顔で会場を後にした=1日、東京・台場 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/01 (credit:時事通信社)
「リーガル・ハイ」出演者 (03 of08)
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13日からフジテレビで放送される土曜プレミアム特別企画スペシャルドラマ「リーガル・ハイ」の完成試写会で舞台あいさつに登壇した(左から)新垣結衣さん、堺雅人さん、北大路欣也さん=1日、東京・台場 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/01\n (credit:時事通信社)
金沢城で映画撮影、堺雅人さんが出演=石川県 (04 of08)
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加賀藩の御算用者(ごさんようもの)という会計処理の専門家として、代々藩財政に携わってきた下級武士、猪山家3代とその家族を描いた映画「武士の家計簿」の撮影が12月3日クランクインし、金沢城(金沢市)で撮影が行われた。 ストーリーは、幕末から明治にかけた激動の時代にほんろうされながら、「算盤(そろばん)ざむらい」とその家族が協力して倹約生活を実行するというもの。出演は俳優の堺雅人さん、仲間由紀恵さんらで、同日は堺さんが演じる主人公の猪山直之が金沢城に出仕する場面などが撮影された(写真は本番に向けて、雨の中を移動する猪山直之役の堺雅人さん)。 石川県では「弁当忘れても傘忘れるな」との言葉がある通り、この日もあいにくの小雨模様。予定を早めに切り上げて、撮影が終了した。森田芳光監督はロケ後に記者団に対し「武士の仕事とそれを支える家族と両方を描く人間味のある映画にしたい」と抱負を語った。 石川県でのロケは金沢市を中心に6日まで行われ、来年1月末にクランクアップする。公開は2010年冬という。 \n\n撮影日: 2009/12/03 (credit:時事通信社)
堺雅人と米倉涼子 (05 of08)
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▽(左)サカイマサト \n俳優 \n(右)ヨネクラリョウコ \n女優 \n(フジテレビ「ダ・ヴィンチ・コード ミステリースペシャル」の制作発表会見。東京・六本木) \n\n撮影日: 2006/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
堺雅人 (06 of08)
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▽サカイマサト \n俳優 \n(NHK時代劇「出雲の阿国」制作発表会見。東京・渋谷のNHK) \n\n撮影日: 2006/01/11\n (credit:時事通信社)
堺雅人 (07 of08)
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▽サカイマサト \n俳優 \n(フジテレビドラマ「エンジン」制作発表会見。東京・目黒区のウェスティンホテル) \n\n撮影日: 2005/03/15 (credit:時事通信社)
jlp15189118(08 of08)
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