
Sonyの内部データを盗んでばらまいたグループが、Seth RogenとJames Francoの映画"The Interview"の上映を計画している映画館を攻撃する、と脅迫している。
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Sonyの内部データ1テラバイトあまりを盗んでばらまいたGuardians of Peaceと名乗るグループ(?)が、Seth RogenとJames Francoの映画"The Interview"の上映を計画している映画館を攻撃する、と脅迫している。

BuzzFeedが最初に報じたそのメッセージは、次のように述べている: "世界に恐怖が満ちるであろう。2001年の9月11日を思い出せ。そのときには、その場所に近づかないことをおすすめしたい。(家が近くにあるなら、外出した方がよい。)"

映画がどこで上映されるかは、通常、上映の数日前にならないと分からない。しかし、北朝鮮の指導者Kim Jong-unの暗殺計画を描いたこの映画The Interviewは、このクリスマスに全国各地で上映される予定だ。この脅迫の対象となる映画館は全米で数千はあろう。


FBIのスポークスパーソンJennifer Sheareryは、声明文の中でこう言っている: "FBIはパートナーたちとの協力の下(もと)にSonyの被害について継続的に調査を行っている"。

火曜日のハッカーはまた、Sony PicturesのCEO Michael Lyntonのメールを"クリスマスギフト"と称してリークした。先週末にポストされたメッセージには、"われわれはすでにあなた方へのクリスマスギフトを約束した。これが、そのクリスマスギフトの始まりである"、と述べられている。グループは、SonyからCD 12000枚あまりのデータを取得しており、要求が叶えられなければそれらもリークする、と予告している。Lyntonは月曜日に社員のために行われた二回のタウンホールミーティングで、攻撃についてスタッフに謝罪した。

Variety誌によると、Seth RogenとJames Francoの二人は、テレビなどへの出演をすべてキャンセルした。Rogenは月曜日のThe Colbert Reportには出たが、彼のマネージャMatt Labovによると、この二日間いかなるインタビューにも応じていない。

以下はGuardians of Peaceからの警告文の全文だ:

プレミアショーも含め"The Interview"が上映されるまさにその時間と場所で、われわれは明白にお見せしたい。テロに娯楽を求める者に、いかに厳しい不運が見舞うかを。

もうすぐ、全世界が知るであろう。Sony Pictures Entertainmentがいかにひどい映画を作ったかを。





今後の数日間に何が起きても、それはSony Pictures Entertainmentの貪欲が招いたものである。


"The Interview" Premiere
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(01 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen, Randall Park and James Franco seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(02 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Randall Park and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(03 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Zac Efron and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(04 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Zac Efron and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(05 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen and James Franco seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(06 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen, Randall Park and James Franco seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(07 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen and James Franco seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(08 of23)
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James Franco and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(09 of23)
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James Franco and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(10 of23)
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James Franco and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(11 of23)
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Randall Park seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(12 of23)
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James Franco and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(13 of23)
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Randall Park seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(14 of23)
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Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(15 of23)
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Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen and Producer James Weaver seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(16 of23)
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Lauren Miller and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(17 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Writer Evan Goldberg, James Franco, and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(18 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Writer Evan Goldberg, James Franco, and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(19 of23)
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Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(20 of23)
Open Image Modal
EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Writer Evan Goldberg, James Franco, and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(21 of23)
Open Image Modal
EXCLUSIVE - Director/Producer/Writer Evan Goldberg, James Franco, Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(22 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Randall Park and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)
Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "The Interview"(23 of23)
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EXCLUSIVE - Randall Park and Director/Producer/Screenwriter Seth Rogen seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of \"The Interview\" on Thursday, Dec 11, 2014, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Sony Pictures/AP Images) (credit:Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP)


(2014年12月17日TechCrunch Japanより転載)