チャールズ皇太子「シリア内戦は気候変動のせい」/ ハフィントンポスト各国版 本日のスプラッシュ 10月30日

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Huffington Post



10月30日 各国版スプラッシュ
UK(イギリス)版スプラッシュ 10月30日(01 of09)
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DID CLIMATE CHANGE HELP CAUSE THIS? 気候変動が「これ」を引き起こした?\nイギリス王室のチャールズ皇太子は、中東の企業経営者たちとの会合でスピーチし、10万人以上が死亡したシリアの内戦は、気候変動が重大な要因となっているという持論を展開しました。「シリアでの悲惨な衝突が如実な例です。ここ7年の間続いた厳しい干ばつがシリアの地方経済を破壊したのです」と述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 10月30日(02 of09)
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DEATH PENALTY SUPPORT HITS 40-YEAR LOW 死刑支持が40年ぶりの低水準\nアメリカ国内で死刑制度を支持する人がこの40年間でもっとも低くなったことが、アメリカの調査会社ギャラップ社による世論調査の結果から明らかになりました。依然として60%の人たちが死刑を支持していますが、1994年の80%をピークに徐々に下落しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 10月30日(03 of09)
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IN GIUNTA SPUNTA IL FANTASMA DI MORO ブラウン・ファントム(腕時計)のチェックを受け入れる\n\nイタリア上院が10月30日再召集され、脱税事件で禁錮4年(恩赦法により1年に減刑)の実刑判決が確定したベルルスコーニ元首相の議員資格剥奪を決定する投票を行う日程について協議しています。秘密投票で行うか、公開とするかも協議の対象となっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 10月30日(04 of09)
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SENATE SHOWDOWN 上院の正念場\n\n最新の世論調査で、上院議員の不正支出問題について、住宅手当疑惑の渦中にあるマイク・ダッフィー議員とハーパー首相についてのどちらの言い分を信用するかという問いに対して、ダッフィー議員を信用する声の方が多いことが判明しました。ハーパー首相は状況をコントロールできていないと考えている人は69%にのぼっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
スペイン版スプラッシュ 10月30日(05 of09)
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¿QUIÉN ESPIÓ? スパイって誰?\n\nアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の海外首脳盗聴疑惑に関して、ラホイ首相は、情報機関のトップ、サン・ロルダン司令官に議会での説明を求めることを表明しました。スペイン国内でも、およそ6000万件の通話記録が収集されていたことが判明し、盗聴に関してはNSAと連携していたことがアメリカ高官の証言で明らかになっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 10月30日(06 of09)
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JOB-BOOM ジョブ・ブーム\n\nドイツの9月の雇用者数が、再統一以来初めて4200万人を超えました。前年度の同じ月よりも25万人、0.6%増加しています。一方、失業者は2200万人で3万人増加、1.4%の増加となっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
フランス版スプラッシュ 10月30日(07 of09)
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DANS L\'AVION 飛行機の中で\n\n2010年にニジェール北部のアーリットでフランスの原子力関連企業大手のアレバ社に勤務していた4人のフランス人がイスラム過激派「イスラム・マグレブ諸国のアルカイダ」に拉致された事件で、10月29日に人質が解放され、フランスに帰還しました。ハフィントンポスト・フランス版では、帰還の模様をライブブログ(リアルタイムのブログ)で報じています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ(08 of09)
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IL N\'EN RESTERA QU\'UN 残るもの\n\nチュニジアでは、およそ3週間後に迫る与党退陣後に予定されている大統領選挙に、少なくとも5人の立候補者がノミネートされる見通しです。今後徐々に絞り込みをはかり、11月2日までに一人を選ぶ見込みであると伝えられています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 10月30日(09 of09)
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成人年齢を18歳に引き下げ\n\n自民党の憲法改正推進本部は10月29日、憲法改正手続きを定めた国民投票法改正案に、公職選挙法の選挙権年齢や、民法の成年年齢の引き下げについて「3年以内に必要な法制上の措置を講ずる」という文言を明記する方針を固めました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
【カナダ版】What Mulcair's Really Saying
Oh Puh-Lease!(01 of121)
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You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry..(02 of121)
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Hide And Seek.. GO! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4..(03 of121)
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Bring It!(04 of121)
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No Seriously. Bring It!(05 of121)
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SURPRISE!(06 of121)
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Laser Focus(07 of121)
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The World's Tiniest Violins(08 of121)
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Check Yourself(09 of121)
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Touchdown(10 of121)
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Relax!(11 of121)
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Something Isn't Sitting Right..(12 of121)
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There's The Door(13 of121)
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YES!(14 of121)
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Who Loves Ya?(15 of121)
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Come At Me, Bro(33 of121)
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Justin Trudeau trains at Pan Am Boxing Club in Winnipeg on Friday Feb. 1, 2013. (credit:Winnipeg Free Press-Joe Bryksa/CP)
Peekaboo!(34 of121)
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Justin Trudeau & co. making faces. (credit:justinptrudeau, Instagram)
Riiiiip!(35 of121)
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Justin Trudeau splits his pants while pushing the \"scrum machine\" in support of Prostate Cancer Canada in Toronto Thursday, July 21, 2011. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darren Calabrese)
Don't Shoot!(36 of121)
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Justin Trudeau gets his geek on at Montreal Comiccon in September 2012. (credit:@JustinTrudeau, Twitter)
So Long 'Stache(37 of121)
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Justin Trudeau has his moustache shaved off to raise money for the Judy LaMarsh Fund, that supports female candidates, at the Liberal Party convention in Ottawa on Saturday, January 14, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle)
Coming For MacKay(38 of121)
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Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay (left) is chased by Liberal MP Justin Trudeau in a motorized wheelchair during a wheelchair race relay on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Wednesday, May 12, 2010. Twenty-five MPs and senators used a wheelchair for the day in support of the Canadian Paraplegic Association\'s Spinal Cord Injury and CPA awareness month. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pawel Dwulit)
All For One, One For All(39 of121)
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Justin Trudeau all dressed up for the Montreal Movember Gala in 2010.\n\n\n\n
Get Him!(40 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau\'s sons, Sacha, left, and Justin, tackle their mother\'s paperboy in Ottawa in this undated photo. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Ottawa Citizen - Dave Buston)
'Family... And A Cow.'(41 of121)
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\'Nuff said. (credit:justinptrudeau, Instagram)
He Can Certainly Take A Punch(42 of121)
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Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau delivers a right hook to his older brother Justin during a play fight in 1980 at Ottawa airport as the boys await a flight with the return of their father, then-prime minister, Pierre Trudeau. (credit:Peter Bregg/CP)
Be Honest With Me, Who's Cuter?(43 of121)
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Justin Trudeau strikes a pose with an adorable baby. (credit:justinptrudeau, Instagram)
A Very Furry Christmas(44 of121)
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Justin Trudeau poses with his family on his 2010 Christmas card. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO - Jean-Marc Carisse)
Game On!(45 of121)
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Former Liberal MP Ken Dryden, left, and Justin Trudeau play table hockey as they visit Sun Youth, a community organization, Monday, Jan. 14, 2008 in Montreal. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson)
Yanking Their Chain(46 of121)
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Then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau, left, watches as his 11-year-old son Justin swings on a chain during a tour of an old fort in the Omani town of Nizwa Dec. 2, 1983. Trudeau and Justin spent the day visiting the towns of Jebel and Nizwa 165 kilometres south of Muscat. (credit:Andy Clark/CP Photo)
Rocking Out(47 of121)
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Justin Trudeau in Muskoka, Ont. (credit:justinptrudeau, Instagram)
YeeHaw!(48 of121)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, centre, has his cowbay taken by his son Xavier, 4 years-old, while his wife Sophie Gregoire, second from left, holds daughet Ella-Grace, 3 years-old, while they attend the party\'s annual Stampede breakfast in Calgary, Saturday, July 7, 2012. This is the 100th anniversary of the Stampede. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)
Like Mother, Like Son(49 of121)
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Eleven-month-old Justin Trudeau, urged on by his mother Margaret Trudeau, crawls up the steps of an aircraft in Ottawa on Dec. 5, 1972 to meet his father, then-prime minister, Pierre Trudeau on his return from Britain. (credit:Russell Mant, CP)
Cutting A Rug(50 of121)
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Justin Trudeau dances with wife Sophie Grégoire before his speech at the Liberal showcase on April 6, 2013. (credit:@JustinTrudeau, Twitter)
Magician? (51 of121)
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Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, wearing what someone called his \"Mandrake the Magician outfit,\" walks down the grandstand steps to present the Grey Cup trophy to the victorious Montreal Alouettes in this Nov. 28, 1970 photo. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Hey, It Was The '70s(52 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau leans over to kiss an unidentified young lady to the seeming surprise of his recent bride Margaret. Trudeau and Margaret spent Saturday March 27, 1971 at maple tree farm here near Montreal at a sugaring out party.\n (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Fur Wasn't Always Controversial(53 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau accompanies Margaret Sinclair, at the annual Governor General\'s skating party for members of Parliament in Ottawa Jan. 14, 1970. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Ditto For Seal Hunting(54 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau looks through the scope of his rifle while on a seal hunting trip in Baffin Island\'s Clear Water Fjord, July 29, 1968. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
A Leg Up(55 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau shoes off his frisbee catching style while waiting to board his plane in Vancouver May 16, 1979. (credit:CP/Rod MacIvor)
Calisthenics Were Still Cool(56 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau had no trouble keeping himself occupied during a break from a boat trip down the Northwest Territories, Nahanni River, Monday Aug. 4, 1970. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
The Outfit...(57 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau takes a wary look at an ice crevice, decides to chance it and makes the leap successfully during a midnight seal- hunting expedition at Clearwater Fjord in Canada\'s Arctic, July 29, 1968. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
When in France...(58 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau receives a kiss from his wife Margaret during a tour of St. Pierre, France, Aug. 1971. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Running Man(59 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau in Guayana 1974. (credit:CP/Fred Chartrand)
Friendlier With Reporters Than You Know Who(60 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau sticks his tongue out to Canadian Press Photographer Peter Bregg during the 1972 election campaign. This photo was taken aboard the campaign plane where such antics were considered off the record. The photo was not made available until after the death of the prime minister (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Disco Stu(61 of121)
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Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau dances in Montreal Oct. 21, 1979. (credit:CP/Doug Ball)
Acting like a Beatle(62 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau sprints away from a crowd of female admirers in Ottawa April 22, 1968. They surrounded him outside the Parliament Buildings on his third day in office. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Posing with a Beatle(63 of121)
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John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, meet with Pierre Trudeau Dec. 24, 1969 in Ottawa. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
'I See Cigars And Rum In Our Future'(64 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau looks on as Cuban President Fidel Castro gestures during a visit to a Havana housing project in this Jan. 27, 1976 photo. (credit:CP/Fred Chartrand)
Acting Out A Tory Fantasy?(65 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau pretending to strangle himself with a tie given to him as he was presented with honorary membership in the National Press Club in Ottawa Sept. 17, 1968. (credit:CP PHOTO/Peter Bregg)
Unfortunate Hat(66 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau amuses a group of people in Fortune while on tour through Newfoundland, Aug. 3, 1971. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Oh Captain! My Captain!(67 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau takes a ride on the Bluenose, Aug. 1972. (credit:CP/Chuck Mitchell)
Nice Form Pierre(68 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau works out at an Oshawa health club during a break in his 1968 election campaign. (credit:CP)
Are The Flowers Too Much?(69 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau, with a garland around his neck and a Hindu greeting symbol in paste on his forhead, rides a camel Jan 12, 1971 in the village of Benares, India, where he dedicated a water well. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
I Do Love Flowers(70 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau kids around with a carnation while waiting for voting results at the Liberal convention in this April 7, 1968 photo. (credit:CP/Chuck Mitchell)
Indiana Jones Of The Great White North(71 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau tries cracking a dog sled whip while visiting Baker Lake in the Arctic, March 10, 1970. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
Never Afraid To Dance(72 of121)
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Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Sheik Yamani, left, and Pierre Trudeau, right, dance a traditional Arabian dance while camping out in the desert in Madein Saleh, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 18, 1980. (credit:CP/Fred Chartrand)
Or Rock A Skirt(73 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau, seen here taking part in Maori ceremonial dance in Wellington, New Zealand May 13, 1970. (credit:CP/Charles Mitchell)
Got The Moves(74 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau does a dance after his campaign bus broke down in Montreal June 6, 1968.\n (credit:CP/Chuck Mitchell)
Feather In The Cap(75 of121)
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Wearing a \"feather in his cap,\" Pierre Trudeau attended the official opening May 20, 1983, of an archaeological excavation in Hull, Que. (credit:CP/Andy Clark)
Ballet: Act 1(76 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau, shown performing his famous pirouette during a May 7, 1977, picture session at Buckingham Palace in London, England. (credit:CP/Doug Ball)
Ballet: Act 2(77 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau, in a moment of joy over patriation of Canada\'s constitution, preformed his now famous pirouette at Uplands Airport on April 18, 1982 following the Queens\'s departure for London after the 4-day state visit which climaxed with the proclamation of the Constitution Act. (credit:CP/Andy Clark)
He Got It From His Father(78 of121)
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Pierre Trudeau is saluted by RCMP Officer as he carries son Justin to Rideau Hall in 1973. (credit:CP/Peter Bregg)
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Prime Minister Trudeau and his then-wife Margaret leave the city\'s Notre Dame Basilica Sunday afternoon after the christening of their 22-day old infant Justin Pierre James, Jan. 16, 1972. Tasseled shawls kept the baby hidden from photographers and the 10-degree-below-zero weather.\n (credit:CP/RCM)
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March 1979 photo of the Trudeau children: Michel (front), Alexandre (Sacha) and Justin (rear). (credit:CP)
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It was a big day for Dad, but a long day for the three Trudeau children. Left to right, Justin, Michel and Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau attended the swearing in ceremonies of their father Pierre Elliott Trudeau as Prime Minister March 3, 1980 at Government House. (credit:Ron Poling/CP)
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Then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau and 10 year-old son Justin walk toward a plane at CFB Ottawa on Nov. 7, 1982. (credit:Chris Schwarz/CP)
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Then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau\'s 11-year-old son Justin jumps off an old cannon while visiting a fort along with his father in the Omani town of Nizwa and Jebel. (credit:Andy Clark/CP)
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Justin Trudeau and friend Mathieu Walker in the Sahara desert in October, 1994. (credit:Mathieu Walker)
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Justin Trudeau and friend Mathieu Walker in the Sahara desert in October, 1994. (credit:Mathieu Walker)
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Justin Trudeau with friends Mathieu Walker and Allen Steverman in Shanghai in 1994. (credit:Mathieu Walker)
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Justin Trudeau with friends Mathieu Walker (left) and Allen Steverman (centre) at the Great Wall of China in 1994. (credit:Mathieu Walker)
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Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau (L), his son, Alexandre (Sacha), ex-wife Margaret Kemper and son Justin weep as they leave a memorial service for their son Michel in Montreal in 1998. Michel Trudeau drowned after being swept into a lake during an avalanche in British Columbia. (credit:CP)
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Justin (left) and Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau lean out of the funeral train to show appreciation to mourners who turned out to pay their respects to former prime minister Pierre Trudeau in Dorval, Que., Monday Oct. 2, 2000. Trudeau\'s casket was moved from Ottawa to Montreal for a state funeral. () (credit:Adrian Wyld/CP)
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Justin Trudeau is consoled by his mother Margaret after reading the eulogy for his father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau during his state funeral in Montreal, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2000. (credit:Paul Chiasson/CP)
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Justin Trudeau delivers a eulogy for his late father Pierre Trudeau during the state funeral for the former prime minister at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2000. Trudeau first caught the public heartstrings in October 2000, when he delivered a moving, deeply felt eulogy for his legendary father, weaving an emotional spell from inside the cavernous Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal. (credit:Paul Chiasson/CP)
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Justin Trudeau breaks down on his father\'s casket after reading the eulogy during the state funeral for former prime minister Pierre Trudeau Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2000 in Montreal. \n (credit:Paul Chiasson/CP)
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Justin Trudeau gives a rose to a young girl, one of thousands of mourners who stood outside Notre-Dame Basillica in Montreal Tuesday, October 3, 2000 during a state funeral for his father, former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. (credit:Andre Forget/CP)
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An enthusiastic Justin Trudeau talks to reporters during a news conference to promote avalanche awareness in West Vancouver Thursday Jan. 25, 2001.\n (credit:Chuck Stoody/CP)
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Justin Trudeau stands at the base of a mountain near the evidence of a controlled avalanche at Lake Louise, Alberta, Friday January 12, 2002. (credit:Adrian Wyld/CP)
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Trudeau with adviser and friend Gerald Butts in July 2003 at Virginia Falls, Nahanni National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories. (credit:Gerald Butts)
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Justin Trudeau carves through a gate during a celebrity slalom race in Mont Tremblant, Que. Friday, Dec. 12, 2003. Trudeau was taking part in a 24-hour ski-a-thon for charity organized by Jacques Villeneuve and Villeneuve\'s manager Craig Pollock. (credit:Ryan Remiorz/CP)
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Justin Trudeau spoke to students as Sisler High School about the benefits of joining the Katimavik Project on March 9, 2004 (credit:Wayne Glowaki/Winnipeg Free Press/CP)
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Justin Trudeau, son of the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, leaves with his new bride Sophie Gregoire in his father\'s 1959 Mercedes 300 SEL after their marriage ceremony in Montreal Saturday, May 28, 2005. (credit:Ryan Remiorz/CP)
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Sophie Gregoire waves to the crowd as she arrives for her wedding to Justin Trudeau, son of the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, in Montreal Saturday, May 28, 2005. (credit:Ryan Remiorz/CP)
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Then-leadership candidate Stéphane Dion crosses paths with Justin Trudeau, a supporter of Gerard Kennedy, at the Liberal Leadership Convention on Nov. 30, 2006 in Montreal. The day after he won the leadership, Dion told Trudeau he needed his help and urged him to run. (credit:CP PHOTO/Ryan Remiorz)
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Former prime minister Jean Chretien meets Justin Trudeau at the Liberal leadership convention, Friday, Dec. 1, 2006, in Montreal. (credit:Tom Hanson/CP)
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Justin Trudeau poses in London, Ont., on Tuesday, June 5, 2007 with a group of youth who participated in the Katimavik national youth service program that he has been actively involved in. The funny faces came from a request by a parent taking a photograph. (credit:Dave Chidley/CP)
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Justin Trudeau raises his arms in victory after being voted in as the Liberal representative in Montreal\'s Papineau riding, on April 29, 2007. (credit:Robert J. Galbraith/CP)
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Justin Trudeau, then Liberal candidate for the riding of Papineau, on the campaign trail with his mother, Margaret, in Montreal on Sept. 23, 2008. Trudeau snatched the riding from the Bloc Québécois by 1,189 votes. (credit:CP/ Graham Hughes)
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Liberal Justin Trudeau, then a candidate in the riding of Papineau, on the campaign trail in Montreal, Tuesday Sept. 23, 2008 with his mother, Margaret. (credit:Graham Hughe/CP)
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Then-Liberal Leader Stephane Dion chats with Justin Trudeau in Vancouver before boarding the campaign plane to fly to Ontario, Oct. 7, 2008. (credit:CP/Adrian Wyld)
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Justin Trudeau apologizes for swearing at Environment Minister Peter Kent in the House of Commons Dec. 14, 2011. (credit:CP/Sean Kilpatrick)
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Justin Trudeau poses in this official photo for his boxing match with Senator Patrick Brazeau. (credit:Media Ball)
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Senator Patrick Brazeau, right, and Liberal MP Justin Trudeau take part in a weigh-in for a upcoming boxing match Wednesday March 28, 2012. (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP)
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Senator Patrick Brazeau, right, and Liberal MP Justin Trudeau take part in a weigh-in for a upcoming boxing match Wednesday March 28, 2012, in Ottawa. (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, left, fights Senator Patrick Brazeau during charity boxing match for cancer research Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Ottawa. (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP)
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Senator Patrick Brazeau, right, and Liberal MP Justin Trudeau take part in a charity boxing match for cancer research Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Ottawa . (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau celebrates after he defeated Senator Patrick Brazeau during charity boxing match for cancer research Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Ottawa . (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP )
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau kisses his wife Sophie Grégoire after winning a boxing match against Senator Patrick Brazeau on Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Ottawa. (credit:Fred Chartrand/CP)
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Liberal MPs, including Justin Trudeau, look on as Senator Patrick Brazeau holds a Liberal hockey sweater on Parliament Hill Ottawa, Monday April 2, 2012. (credit:Adrian Wyld/CP)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau trims the end of Senator Patrick Brazeau\'s pony tail out of respect in the Foyer of the House of Commons on Parliament Hill Ottawa, Monday April 2, 2012. (credit:Adrian Wyld/CP)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau announces he will seek the leadership of the party at a news conference, Tuesday, October 2, 2012 in Montreal. (credit:Paul Chiasson/CP)
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau waves to the crowd of supporters as he holds his son Xavier and his wife Sophie Gregoire holds their daughter Ella-Grace after announcing he will seek the leadership of the party Tuesday, October 2, 2012 in Montreal. (credit:Paul Chiasson/CP)
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Justin Trudeau, right, chats to his chief advisor Gerald Butts after taking part in the the Liberal leadership debate in Mississauga, Ont., on Saturday, February 16, 2013. (credit:CP/Chris Young)
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Marc Garneau, left, and Justin Trudeau take part in the Liberal leadership debate in Mississauga, Ont., on Feb. 16, 2013. (credit:CP/Chris Young)
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