ロサンゼルス国際空港で銃乱射、運輸保安庁職員が射殺される / ハフィントンポスト各国版 本日のスプラッシュ 11月2日

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Huffington Post



本日のスプラッシュ 11月2日
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 11月2日(01 of09)
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TSA AGENT KILLED AT LAX 運輸保安庁職員がロサンゼルス国際空港で殺害\n\nアメリカのロサンゼルス国際空港(LAX)で1日午前、男が銃を乱射する事件が発生、運輸保安庁(TSA)の職員ジェラルド・ヘルナンデスさんが死亡、犯人のポール・アンソニー・シアンシア容疑者も撃たれて重体となっています。犯人はカバンにしまっていたアサルトライフルを取り出し発砲、保安検査を担当していたヘルナンデスさんを狙撃しました。他にTSA職員1人を含む数人が負傷しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
フランス版スプラッシュ 11月2日(02 of09)
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ACTE II アクト2\n\n先日嵐が襲来して多大な被害を受けたブルターニュ地方で、今度はデモの嵐が吹き荒れました。3.5トン以上のトラックに対して物流課税をかける環境税に反対し、雇用の改善を求めるデモ隊数千人が暴徒化、フィニステール県の県庁所在地カンペールでは焼き討ちが相次ぐなど混乱が拡大しました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
UK(イギリス)版スプラッシュ 11月2日(03 of09)
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\'MORAL RESPONSIBILITY OF RAPE VICTIMS\' 「レイプ被害者の道徳的責任」\n\nバリスタ―(法廷弁護士)のバーバラ・ヒューソン氏が性暴力被害者の道徳的責任について議論すべきだとの主張しています。ヒューソン弁護士はかねてより法的に性交・結婚ができる承諾年齢を13歳まで引き下げるべきと主張しており、「今の法律はレイプ被害者の責任について何も規定していない。伝統的に裁判官は『彼女には寄与過失(被害者側にも過失があるという法理)がある』と宣告しているにもかかわらず」と発言しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 11月2日(04 of09)
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LA CANCELLIERI AMMACCA IL GOVERNO カンチェリエリが議会へ\n\nアンナ・マリア・カンチェリエリ法務大臣がトリノ市検察官の不祥事をもみ消そうとした疑惑に関して、カンチェリエリ大臣は議会で釈明する用意があることを表明しました。イタリア民主党はレッタ政権が沈黙を続けるようであれば、すみやかに疑惑解明のために議会を招集すべきと述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 11月2日(05 of09)
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ROB FORD\'S NEWEST ENEMY? THIS GUY\nロブ・フォードの新しい敵? この男だ\n\nコカイン使用疑惑で辞任を求める声が高まっているトロント市のロブ・フォード市長の弁護士は、市長がコカインを使用している動画を入手したトロント警察のビル・ブレア署長に対して動画を手放すよう要求しましたが、署長はそれを拒否し、10月31日に公開しました。ブレア署長は「メイヤー市長が動画で行っていることに言及するのは公平なこと」と述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
スペイン版スプラッシュ 11月2日(06 of09)
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AMIGO ESPÍA スパイの友達\n\nイギリスの情報機関である政府通信本部(GCHQ)がスペイン、ドイツ、フランス、スウェーデンの各情報機関に対して通話やインターネットなどの「大量監視」の方法を伝授していたことを、エドワード・スノーデン氏が流出させた文書から明らかになったと、イギリスのガーディアン紙が伝えました。スペイン中央情報局(CNI)がイギリスの電話会社と協力してインターネットの記録を大量監視していたことも明らかになりましたが、その会社名についての言及はありません。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 11月2日(07 of09)
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EDWARDS ZETTEL \nSTRÖBELE BRINGT DIE POST \nエドワードの書簡 シュトローベレが持ち帰る\n\n10月31日、中央情報局(CIA)と国家安全保障局(NSA)の内部告発を行った元職員のエドワード・スノーデン氏が緑の党のハンス・クリスチャン・シュトローベレ議員と面会しました。シュトレーベレ議員は、スノーデン氏がNSAによるメルケル首相盗聴疑惑の解明に協力することを明らかにし、ドイツ政府や議会に充てた書簡をシュトローベレ議員に託しました。また、シュトローベレ議員はアメリカや他の国々がスノーデン氏を訴追しないように求めました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ 11月2日(08 of09)
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SE LIBÉRER DU QUOTIDIEN 日常を開放する\n\nチュニジア最古の都市ガフサのラッラ地区で、将来のチュニジアサッカーを担う子供をスカウトする人たちの日常をレポートしています。ラッラ地区の失業率は25%で、日常の光景から「アラブの春」による変化はあまり見られませんが、こうした子供たちがチュニジアの将来を担うことになるだろう、とレポートでは伝えています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 11月2日(09 of09)
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「図書館は多様性の象徴であるべき」\n\n全国の図書館関係者が一堂に集うイベント「図書館総合展」では10月30日、フォーラム「“武雄市図書館”を検証する」を開催。武雄市の樋渡啓祐市長、武雄市図書館を担当するCCCプロジェクトリーダー、高橋聡さん、図書館政策や全国の図書館づくりに関わっている慶應義塾大学文学部の糸賀雅児教授をパネリストに、立命館大学文学部の湯浅俊彦教授をコーディネーターにして、激論がかわされました。今後の公立図書館のあり方を考える上で示唆に富んだその議論の全文を掲載しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)

【アメリカ版】ロサンゼルス国際空港 銃乱射事件

LAX Shooting
Gun on the ground(01 of15)
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A police officer stands over what appears to be a high powered rifle in Terminal 3 at LAX on Friday. \n (credit:Twitter/@TJD19083)
Shuttled to safety(02 of15)
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Passengers were shuttled away from Terminal 3, where eye witnesses said a shooter was firing shots with a high-powered rifle on Friday.\n\n (credit:Twitter/@ToryBelleci)
Inside the terminal(03 of15)
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Police assess the situation at LAX on Friday after a gunman allegedly fired shots near Terminal 3 with an assault rifle. (credit:Twitter/@pascaljosh)
LAX Shooting(04 of15)
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An aerial view of LAX which was shut down Friday over reports of gunfire coming from Terminal 3 and at least one gunman. (credit:NBCLA)
Traffic stops(05 of15)
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Traffic is backed up on a Los Angeles highway after LAX was shut down Friday over reports of gunfire coming from Terminal 3 and at least one gunman. (credit:NBCLA)
Outside the terminal(06 of15)
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Outside Terminal 3 at LAX, police cars go rushing by to the scene of gunshots, where at least one gunman has been reported firing shots. (credit:Twitter/@ToryBelleci)
Outisde Terminal 3(07 of15)
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Onlookers wonder how guns got past security as LAX remains on lockdown following reports of a gunman shooting a high-powered rifle near Terminal 3. (credit:Twitter/@ToryBelleci )
Getting to safety(08 of15)
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Those at LAX waiting to board planes are shown being driven to a safer location as reports of a gunman firing a high-powered rifle near Terminal 3 paralyzed the usually bustling airport on Friday. (credit:Twitter/@ToryBelleci)
Emergency crews(09 of15)
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Emergency crews surround LAX as the airport shut down after reports of a gunman firing rounds from a high-powered rifle on Friday. (credit:NBCLA)
Police and S.W.A.T.(10 of15)
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Police and S.W.A.T. members surround the roofs of nearby buildings as reports of a gunman near Terminal 3 at LAX firing shots from a high-powered rifle paralyzed the airport. (credit:NBCLA)
LAX Officer(11 of15)
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An LAX officer on the scene near Terminal 3, where a gunman opened fire with a high-powered rifle, paralyzing the usually bustling airport on Friday. (credit:Twitter/@icruz26 )
No one in, no one out(12 of15)
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Traffic comes to a standstill in Los Angeles after LAX was shut down following reports of a gunman shooting a high powered rifle.\n\n (credit:Twitter/CaseyWianCNN)
Triage team sets up(13 of15)
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From CNN\'s Danielle Dellorto: Shooting at #LAX. Triage team setting up. Red = critical. Yellow = stable/needs treatment. Green = walking wounded. \n\n (credit:Twitter/DanielleCNN)
Overview: flights grounded(14 of15)
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A picture of a current live feed of air traffic shows a normally bustling LAX shut down with suspended air travel as planes stay grounded and others in the air go to a different airport. (credit:FlightAware)
Detail: flights grounded(15 of15)
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A picture of a current live feed of air traffic shows a normally bustling LAX shut down with suspended air travel as planes stay grounded and others in the air go to a different airport. (credit:FlightAware)



Best Photos From Rob Ford Crack Scandal
(01 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at a press conference at City Hall in response to possible provincial funding cuts to the city.\n (credit:Lucas Oleniuk/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(02 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford leaves after making an appearance at the raising of the Rainbow flag to kick off Pride Week festivities on the Podium roof at City Hall. (credit:Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(03 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford takes in the Argo game in the stands at Varsity Stadium Toronto, June 20, 2013. (credit:Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(04 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford takes in the Argo game in the stands at Varsity Stadium on June 20, 2013. (credit:Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(05 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford shares a laugh with General Richard Rohmer, left, and Chief Paul Raftis during speeches as Toronto Emergency Medical Services (EMS) celebrated the graduation of 40 new paramedics at EMS headquarters. Ford later ducked the media by leaving through a secured exit. (credit:Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(06 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford steps off an art installation of the rooster bust at Nathan Phillips Square. The rooster is the Mayor\'s birth sign under the Chinese Zodiac. The Mayor unveiled 12 bronze animal heads by renown Chinese artists Ai Weiwei presented by AGO. The 12 sculptures are animal heads depicting the Chinese Zodiac. (credit:Chris So/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(07 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford touches the nose of a new rat at City Hall. The Mayor unveiled 12 bronze animal heads by renown Chinese artists Ai Weiwei presented by AGO. The 12 sculptures are animal heads depicting the Chinese Zodiac. \n (credit:Chris So/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(08 of45)
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A police officer from Toronto Police Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force picks up an assault rifle as police display guns seized during a series of raids for operation \"Project Traveller\" at a news conference in Toronto on Friday, June 14, 2013. Police say a violent gang which was terrorizing a northwest Toronto neighborhood has been dismantled following a series of raids targeting suspected drug and gun traffickers. One of the raids targeted an apartment complex where an alleged video appearing to show Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine was reported to be located. Police haven\'t said if Ford was in any way part of their year-long investigation. (credit:Chris Young/The Canadian Press)
(09 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford answers questions about the three new staffers he has hired at a news conference at city hall in Toronto on Friday, May 31, 2013. (credit:Michelle Siu/The Canadian Press)
(10 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford whistles as he walks to a meeting at city hall in Toronto on Thursday, May 30, 2013. More staffers are leaving the Toronto mayor\'s office as controversy swirls about a video that purportedly shows Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
(11 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford emerges from his office holding slices of a birthday cake to offer to members of the media at city hall in Toronto on Tuesday May 28, 2013. The mayor is celebrating his 44th birthday. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)\n
(12 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford attends an Executive Committee meeting at city hall in Toronto on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. This is Ford\'s first meeting with his executive committee since allegations of Ford\'s videotaped drug use surfaced earlier this month. Ford has denied the drug-use allegations, making a statement late last week after six members of his executive committee urged him to publicly address the allegations following a week of mostly silence on the issue. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
(13 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sits during a City council meeting at Toronto City Hall on Tuesday May 21, 2013. Ford ignored a crush of reporters waiting outside his city hall office this morning in the hopes he would address allegations that he was recorded on video appearing to smoke crack cocaine. (AP Photo/THE CANADIAN PRESS,Nathan Denette)
(14 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at City Hall in Toronto amid allegations of crack cocaine use on Friday May 17, 2013, in Toronto. Published reports say a video appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. Ford called the allegations ridiculous. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)
(15 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford leaves his home on Friday, May 17, 2013, after published reports said a video appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. A report published Thursday night said the video is being shopped around by a group of men allegedly involved in the drug trade. The Toronto Star said, however, it had no way to verify the video. Ford called the allegations ridiculous. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
(16 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(17 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(18 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(19 of45)
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As city council debates whether or not the University of Toronto back campus field should have a heritage designation and be prevented from being converted to an artificial turf field for the Pan Am games, Rob Ford, Earl Provost and Doug Ford have an animated discussion on top of the Podium roof at City Hall. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(20 of45)
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As city council debates whether or not the University of Toronto back campus field should have a heritage designation and be prevented from being converted to an artificial turf field for the Pan Am games, Rob Ford, Earl Provost and Doug Ford have an animated discussion on top of the Podium roof at City Hall. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(21 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford looks over Ontario Minor Football League standings while council breezes through a series of minor motions before the University of Toronto back campus field debate resumes at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(22 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford looks at his tie during a city hall meeting. Today It was made public that Toronto City Councillor Jaye Robinson was fired from the mayor\'s executive committee. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine. Robinson publicly urged Ford to take a leave of absence to deal with the scandal. (Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(23 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and Eugene Jones Jr., President and CEO of Toronto Community Housing, hold a press conference to discuss the ombudsman report on community housing at Old City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(24 of45)
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Elena Johnson, 51, a resident at 15 Windsor Road, where Mayor Rob Ford was photographed with murder victim Anthony Smith and another shooting victim. The house is notorious for drug problems, according to people living in the area. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(25 of45)
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Reporters keep a watchful eye on the house which is all quiet.The house at 15 Windsor Road in Etobicoke where Mayor Rob Ford was allegedly photographed in relation to crack use is seen the morning after the Star published the address. June 6, 2013. (Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
(26 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford tours the Dufferin Street bridge just south of Springhurst Avenue. The Mayor addressed the media about the closing of the bridge on June 12 due to safety concerns. It will be closed to traffic to allow for repairs. The bridge will still be open to pedestrians and cyclist. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks (Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(27 of45)
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A man identified by friends and neighbours as Fabio Basso, a resident of 15 Windsor Road, in Etobicoke, the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(28 of45)
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A woman identified by friends and neighbours as Elena Basso, a resident of 15 Windsor Road, in Etobicoke, the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(29 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford attends a Tim Horton\'s Camp Day fund raising event in Scarborough. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks (Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(30 of45)
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Exterior view of 15 Windsor Rd., the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(31 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses the media on some positive developments in the TCHC. The Mayor would not answers questions on the crack cocaine video scandal at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(32 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses the media on some positive developments in the TCHC. The Mayor would not answers questions on the crack cocaine video scandal at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(33 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford leaves for the day shortly after reading a statement to the media concerning two more staffers that have left his office at City Hall. Brian Johnston, Ford\'s advisor on council relations, and executive assistant Kia Nejatian become the latest casualties of the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal at Toronto City Hall. Ford is currently facing allegations that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. Sources say Ford told senior aides not to worry about the video because he knew where it was. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
(34 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at City Hall parking lot. Ford is currently facing allegations that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. Sources say Ford told senior aides not to worry about the video because he knew where it was. (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(35 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford during the executive committe meeting at City Hall in Toronto on May 28, 2013 (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(36 of45)
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Rob Ford scrum re staff defections. (Keith Beaty/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
=(37 of45)
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Doug Ford leaves CFRB after his weekly radio show with brother Mayor Rob Ford. Mayor Rob Ford recently addressed a crack cocaine video scandal and denied using the drug. (Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
(38 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford leaves his home for the storm at City Hall amid a crack cocaine scandal that he continues to refuse to address. Ford\'s hand-picked executive committee may release an extraordinary statement urging Ford to finally address eight-day-old media reports on a video that appears to show him smoking crack. (Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(39 of45)
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Rob Ford waits for the end in his Cadillac SUV across street from the funeral of the renowned journalist Peter Worthington, the founding editor of the Toronto Sun. (Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(40 of45)
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Mayor Rob Ford in the council chamber for a special council meeting on the Casino debate in Toronto. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(41 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford watches as the motion he put forward and others he supported are voted down during the casino debate at Toronto City Hall, he faces allegations that there is a video which he reportedly appears to be smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
(42 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford watches as the motion he put forward and others he supported are voted down during the casino debate at Toronto City Hall, he faces allegations that there is a video which he reportedly appears to be smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(43 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford talks briefly to reporters as he heads to the elevator on his way to read the PFLAG Proclamation on the podium roof today at City Hall. (David Cooper/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(44 of45)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at his office at City Hall after video allegedly showing him smoking crack cocaine surfaced. (David Cooper/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(45 of45)
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Rob Ford and stands with murdered man Anthony Smith and two other unidentified man in a photo provided to Gawker and the Toronto Star. (credit:Gawker/CP)



Naissance d'un mur à Lalla
On gratte, on lisse et on peint pour préparer le mur(01 of25)
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On gratte, on lisse et on peint pour préparer le mur(02 of25)
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On gratte, on lisse et on peint pour préparer le mur(03 of25)
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On gratte, on lisse et on peint pour préparer le mur(04 of25)
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On gratte, on lisse et on peint pour préparer le mur(05 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(06 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(07 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(08 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(09 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(10 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(11 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(12 of25)
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Les dessins commencent(13 of25)
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Et le travail avance(14 of25)
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Et le travail avance(19 of25)
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Et le travail avance(20 of25)
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Et le travail avance(22 of25)
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Et le travail avance(23 of25)
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Et le travail avance(24 of25)
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Et le travail avance(25 of25)
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(01 of49)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
(02 of49)
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武雄市図書館のマガジンストリート(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
(03 of49)
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武雄市図書館のマガジンストリートとスターバックスカフェ。若い女性の姿が目立った(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のマガジンストリート(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のスターバックスカフェと蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のスターバックスカフェとマガジンストリート。若い女性の姿が目立った(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のマガジンストリート(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の蔦屋書店ランキング(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のポストカード(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の独自配架(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の図書館ゾーン(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の独自配架(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の独自配架(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の地域資料のコーナー(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館2階のキャットウォークと開架と閲覧席(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の2階キャットウォーク(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の子供向けゾーン(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館の図書館ゾーン(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館ではカウンターも書店と図書館の区分がない(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館では蔦屋書店と販売と図書館の貸出が同じ「セルフカウンター」でできる(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館では蔦屋書店と販売と図書館の貸出が同じ「セルフカウンター」でできる(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のTSUTAYAゾーン(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館のTSUTAYA音楽、映像ソフトレンタルゾーン(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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武雄市図書館(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
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Tポイントカードが使える武雄市内の店舗(2013年8月撮影) (credit:猪谷千香)
図書館総合展フォーラム "武雄市図書館"を検証する
(01 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(02 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム 「\"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。左から、湯浅教授、樋渡市長、CCC高橋さん、糸賀教授 (credit:猪谷千香)
(03 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム 「\"武雄市図書館\"を検証する。湯浅教授のスライド」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(04 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(05 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム 「\"武雄市図書館\"を検証する。湯浅教授のスライド」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(06 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(07 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」で話す糸賀教授(右) (credit:猪谷千香)
(08 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(09 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(10 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(11 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(12 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(13 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(14 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(15 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」 (credit:猪谷千香)
(16 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(17 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(18 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(19 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(20 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(21 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(22 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(23 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(24 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」。糸賀教授のスライド (credit:猪谷千香)
(25 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」で語る樋渡市長(中央) (credit:猪谷千香)
(26 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」で語るCCC高橋さん(中央) (credit:猪谷千香)
(27 of29)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」に参加した神奈川県大和市の大木哲市長 (credit:猪谷千香)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」に参加した宮城県多賀城市議会の根本朝栄議員 (credit:猪谷千香)
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図書館総合展フォーラム「 \"武雄市図書館\"を検証する」に参加した日本ペンクラブの山田健太さん (credit:猪谷千香)
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