スペイン史上最悪の原油流出事故、刑事責任を問われたスペイン政府への判決下る / 11月14日の各国版スプラッシュ

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Huffington Post



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La catástrofe del "Prestige" en imágenes
Nunca Mais. A xente na rua (01 of16)
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Y el pueblo galego los paro...
(02 of16)
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Un ave totalmente cubierta de fuel por el vertido del \"Prestige\" (credit:GTRES)
(03 of16)
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Un cangrejo intenta nadar en la marea de chapapote. (credit:GTRES)
(04 of16)
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Voluntarios retirando chapapote en la playa de Corrubedo (credit:GTRES)
(05 of16)
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Trabajadores y voluntarios en las Rias Baixas (credit:GTRES)
(06 of16)
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Pescadores retiran el fuel de la superficie en la Ria de Arousa (credit:GTRES)
(07 of16)
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El príncipe Felipe durante su visita a la zona afectada por la marea negra (credit:GTRES)
(08 of16)
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Una voluntaria durante los trabajos de limpieza en las Rias Baixas (credit:GTRES)
(09 of16)
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Durante varios días se intentó alejar al buque de la costa gallega antes de que se partiera. (credit:GTRES)
(10 of16)
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El petrolero se hundió finalmente a 250 km de la costa (credit:GTRES)
(11 of16)
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Trabajos de limpieza en la playa de Muxia (credit:GTRES)
(12 of16)
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Trabajadores limpiando chapapote en la playa de Doninos cerca de Ferrol (credit:GTRES)
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El rey Juan Carlos junto al entonces ministro Mariano Rajoy visitando las playas de Galicia. (credit:GTRES)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)

【スペイン版】 プレスティージ号事故裁判

各国版本日のスプラッシュ 11月14日
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 11月14日(01 of08)
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RESTLESS IN THE WAITING ROOM 待合室でイライラ\n\nアメリカ政府は11月13日、医療制度改革法(オバマケア)の一環として10月1日から実施された健康保険のウェブショップ「医療保険取引所」(保険市場)への加入者数がわずか10万人だったことを発表しました。ウェブサイトの度重なる不具合からくる失態に対して民主党から政府関係者への不満が噴出、オバマケア撤回を求める共和党からは格好の攻撃材料となっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
フランス版スプラッシュ 11月14日(02 of08)
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À LA RECHERCHE DE MARCEL PROUST マルセル・プルーストを求めて\n\n今月は、1913年11月にマルセル・プルーストの長編小説『失われた時を求めて』の第1巻が刊行されて100周年となります。20世紀最高の文学作品との誉れ高いこの作品ですが、1913年当時刊行された第1編「スワン家のほうへ」は、プルーストが自費出版したものでした。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 11月14日(03 of08)
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SILVIO AZZERA TUTTI ベルルスコーニ元首相、すべてをチャラにする\n\nベルルスコーニ元首相は、自ら率いる自由国民党がアルファの副首相との確執で分裂の危機を迎えていることに対し、党を一致団結させるための「一時停戦」を申し入れました。しかし、党内ではこの申し入れを、1954年の第一次インドシナ戦争を集結ささせるために合意された「ジュネーブ協定」になぞらえる人もいます。この協定はベトナムが南北に分裂するきっかけになりました。\n (credit:Huffington Post)
UK(イギリス)版スプラッシュ 11月14日(04 of08)
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SPAD NEWS FOR THE REST OF US 国民の残り大多数のためのSPAD情報\n\nジョン・メージャー元首相は、「イギリスの権力層は私学で教育を受けた裕福な中産階級に支配されている」と述べています。さらに、内閣には「SPAD」と呼ばれる大臣のカバン持ちからスペシャルアドバイザーまでこなす職種を経験し、やがては自身が議員や大臣になる政治家の割合が増えています。ハフィントンポストUK版編集部の調査によると、内閣の1/3が議員になる前に、アドバイザーや政務調査員、スピーチライターといった仕事を経験しています。政策には精通する一方で、政治家と世論との乖離を懸念する声も上がっています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 11月14日(05 of08)
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TENSIONS RISING 緊張高まる\n\n11月13日、トロント市のロブ・フォード市長が市長在任中の過去2年間に違法薬物を購入していたことを認めました。議会の外では市長の辞任を求めるデモ隊が「ロブ・フォードは出て行け!」と口々に叫びました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 11月14日(06 of08)
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\"ER HATTE KEINE CHANCE\" 「彼にチャンスはなかった」\n\n11月14日から、女性スキャンダルと汚職で2012年に辞職したクリスチャン・ヴルフ大統領の公判が始まります。公判を前に、政治家として、そして一人の個人としてのヴルフ大統領の評価について他の政治家たちに尋ねています。\n\n政治家としては「決断力がある」「安定していた」と評価が高い一方、個人としては「1日に20時間働くような人間だった。家族や友人との時間はほとんどなかったから、絆を維持することができなかった」と話しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ 11月14日(07 of08)
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RESSUSCITÉS? 復活?\n\n2013年10月17 日に提出された「ハボス」、別名「オーガフ」と呼ばれる法案が現在チュニジア憲法制定会議の立法府委員会で審議されています。「ハボス」とは、個人資産の保全を合憲とするもので、喜捨(財物を寄進すること)を受ける聖職者の収入に影響を与えるものです。 (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 11月14日(08 of08)
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「よくぞ言ってくれた」\n\n小泉純一郎元首相が記者会見で原発ゼロを訴えたことに対して、ハフィントンポストの読者からは「応援したい」「よくぞ言ってくれた」と、エールを送る声が続々と寄せられています。小泉氏は11月12日に日本記者クラブで会見して、安倍首相に原発ゼロの決断をするように迫りました。 (credit:Huffington Post)


Health Care Reform Efforts Throughout History
1912(01 of17)
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Former President Theodore Roosevelt champions national health insurance as he unsuccessfully tries to ride his progressive Bull Moose Party back to the White House. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File )
1935(02 of17)
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt favors creating national health insurance amid the Great Depression but decides to push for Social Security first. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1942(03 of17)
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Roosevelt establishes wage and price controls during World War II. Businesses can\'t attract workers with higher pay so they compete through added benefits, including health insurance, which grows into a workplace perk. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)\r\n\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1945(04 of17)
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President Harry Truman calls on Congress to create a national insurance program for those who pay voluntary fees. The American Medical Association denounces the idea as \"socialized medicine\" and it goes nowhere. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
1960(05 of17)
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John F. Kennedy makes health care a major campaign issue but as president can\'t get a plan for the elderly through Congress. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)\r\n\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1965 (06 of17)
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President Lyndon B. Johnson\'s legendary arm-twisting and a Congress dominated by his fellow Democrats lead to creation of two landmark government health programs: Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
1974(07 of17)
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President Richard Nixon wants to require employers to cover their workers and create federal subsidies to help everyone else buy private insurance. The Watergate scandal intervenes. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
1976(08 of17)
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President Jimmy Carter pushes a mandatory national health plan, but economic recession helps push it aside. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1986(09 of17)
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President Ronald Reagan signs COBRA, a requirement that employers let former workers stay on the company health plan for 18 months after leaving a job, with workers bearing the cost. (MIKE SARGENT/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
1988(10 of17)
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Congress expands Medicare by adding a prescription drug benefit and catastrophic care coverage. It doesn\'t last long. Barraged by protests from older Americans upset about paying a tax to finance the additional coverage, Congress repeals the law the next year. (TIM SLOAN/AFP/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1993(11 of17)
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President Bill Clinton puts first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in charge of developing what becomes a 1,300-page plan for universal coverage. It requires businesses to cover their workers and mandates that everyone have health insurance. The plan meets Republican opposition, divides Democrats and comes under a firestorm of lobbying from businesses and the health care industry. It dies in the Senate. (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
1997(12 of17)
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Clinton signs bipartisan legislation creating a state-federal program to provide coverage for millions of children in families of modest means whose incomes are too high to qualify for Medicaid. (JAMAL A. WILSON/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
2003(13 of17)
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President George W. Bush persuades Congress to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare in a major expansion of the program for older people. (STEPHEN JAFFE/AFP/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
2008(14 of17)
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Hillary Rodham Clinton promotes a sweeping health care plan in her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. She loses to Obama, who has a less comprehensive plan. (PAUL RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)
2009(15 of17)
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President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress spend an intense year ironing out legislation to require most companies to cover their workers; mandate that everyone have coverage or pay a fine; require insurance companies to accept all comers, regardless of any pre-existing conditions; and assist people who can\'t afford insurance. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)\r\n\r\n (credit:Getty File)
2010(16 of17)
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With no Republican support, Congress passes the measure, designed to extend health care coverage to more than 30 million uninsured people. Republican opponents scorned the law as \"Obamacare.\" (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)\r\n (credit:Getty File)
2012(17 of17)
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On a campaign tour in the Midwest, Obama himself embraces the term \"Obamacare\" and says the law shows \"I do care.\" (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty File)


Police Surveillance Of Rob Ford
Lisi Meets Ford At Soccer Game(01 of65)
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On June 26, 2013, police were using plane and ground surveillance to follow Alexander Lisi. They tracked him to a kids\' soccer game, where he met Ford and then dropped off a white plastic bag in the mayor\'s Escalade. (credit:Toronto Police)
The Esso Meet(02 of65)
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On July 11, 2013, police obtained the CCTV footage from a gas station near Ford\'s home. The screengrabs from the footage show Ford entering the Esso and heading for the bathroom. (credit:Toronto Police)
The Esso Meet(03 of65)
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Shortly afterwards, Lisi enters the gas station and is seen holding a manila envelope. After buying some drinks and chips, he leaves the gas station and walks along the passenger side of Ford\'s parked Escalade and out of frame. (credit:Toronto Police)
Dry Cleaning? (04 of65)
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On July 16, 2013, police cameras watch as Lisi drops off a bag at Richview Cleaners. The documents note that a source has told police that \"Lisi will deliver marihuana to the cleaners in bags or wrapped up in clothing.\" (credit:Toronto Police)
Nighttime Visit (05 of65)
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On July 23, 2013, police cameras watch as Ford arrives at Lisi\'s home at 9:30pm. At 11:10pm, Lisi walks him back to his car and the mayor drives off. (credit:Toronto Police)
Parking Lot Meeting(06 of65)
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On July 28, 2013, aerial surveillance cameras capture images of Lisi meeting with Ford in a school parking lot. Lisi gets into the mayor\'s car with a white plastic bag. (credit:Toronto Police)
You're On Candid Camera(07 of65)
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Police documents show the mayor \"walks to the treed area (where Lisi\'s vehicle is parked), urinates then returns to the driver\'s seat of the Escalade\". (credit:Toronto Police)
Garbage Pick-Up(08 of65)
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On Aug. 13, 2013, police watched as Lisi and Ford met in suburban Weston Wood Park, and stayed there for about an hour. After they left, police picked up a vodka bottle and a juice bottle. (credit:Toronto Police)
Another Meeting(09 of65)
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On Aug. 14, 2013, CCTV cameras at a Petro Canada show Lisi meeting up with an unknown man and appearing to pass him something at the gas station pumps. (credit:Toronto Police)
(10 of65)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, right, pushes members of the media off his property as he leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, right, pushes members of the media off his property as he leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, right, reacts to the media to get off his property as he leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, right, reacts to the media to get off his property as he leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford reacts to the media to get off his property as he leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford leaves his home in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. (credit:CP)
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Mayor Rob Ford talks to media at City Hall in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. Ford says he has no reason to step down despite police confirmation that they have seized a video media have alleged appears to show him smoking crack cocaine. (credit:CP)
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Mayor Rob Ford talks to media at City Hall in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. Ford says he has no reason to step down despite police confirmation that they have seized a video media have alleged appears to show him smoking crack cocaine. (credit:CP)
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Toronto Police Service released documents Thursday morning, Oct. 31, 2013 that show police surveillance photos of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (left) and Alexander Lisi, Ford\'s friend and occasional driver. (credit:CP)
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Toronto Police Service released documents Thursday morning, Oct. 31, 2013 that show police surveillance photos of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (left) and Alexander Lisi, Ford\'s friend and occasional driver. (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto police chief Bill Blair speaks to the media in Toronto on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013 regarding a recovered video file involving Mayor Rob Ford. (credit:CP)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at a press conference at City Hall in response to possible provincial funding cuts to the city.\n (credit:Lucas Oleniuk/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford leaves after making an appearance at the raising of the Rainbow flag to kick off Pride Week festivities on the Podium roof at City Hall. (credit:Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford takes in the Argo game in the stands at Varsity Stadium Toronto, June 20, 2013. (credit:Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford takes in the Argo game in the stands at Varsity Stadium on June 20, 2013. (credit:Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford shares a laugh with General Richard Rohmer, left, and Chief Paul Raftis during speeches as Toronto Emergency Medical Services (EMS) celebrated the graduation of 40 new paramedics at EMS headquarters. Ford later ducked the media by leaving through a secured exit. (credit:Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(26 of65)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford steps off an art installation of the rooster bust at Nathan Phillips Square. The rooster is the Mayor\'s birth sign under the Chinese Zodiac. The Mayor unveiled 12 bronze animal heads by renown Chinese artists Ai Weiwei presented by AGO. The 12 sculptures are animal heads depicting the Chinese Zodiac. (credit:Chris So/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford touches the nose of a new rat at City Hall. The Mayor unveiled 12 bronze animal heads by renown Chinese artists Ai Weiwei presented by AGO. The 12 sculptures are animal heads depicting the Chinese Zodiac. \n (credit:Chris So/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
(28 of65)
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A police officer from Toronto Police Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force picks up an assault rifle as police display guns seized during a series of raids for operation \"Project Traveller\" at a news conference in Toronto on Friday, June 14, 2013. Police say a violent gang which was terrorizing a northwest Toronto neighborhood has been dismantled following a series of raids targeting suspected drug and gun traffickers. One of the raids targeted an apartment complex where an alleged video appearing to show Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine was reported to be located. Police haven\'t said if Ford was in any way part of their year-long investigation. (credit:Chris Young/The Canadian Press)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford answers questions about the three new staffers he has hired at a news conference at city hall in Toronto on Friday, May 31, 2013. (credit:Michelle Siu/The Canadian Press)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford whistles as he walks to a meeting at city hall in Toronto on Thursday, May 30, 2013. More staffers are leaving the Toronto mayor\'s office as controversy swirls about a video that purportedly shows Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford emerges from his office holding slices of a birthday cake to offer to members of the media at city hall in Toronto on Tuesday May 28, 2013. The mayor is celebrating his 44th birthday. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)\n
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford attends an Executive Committee meeting at city hall in Toronto on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. This is Ford\'s first meeting with his executive committee since allegations of Ford\'s videotaped drug use surfaced earlier this month. Ford has denied the drug-use allegations, making a statement late last week after six members of his executive committee urged him to publicly address the allegations following a week of mostly silence on the issue. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sits during a City council meeting at Toronto City Hall on Tuesday May 21, 2013. Ford ignored a crush of reporters waiting outside his city hall office this morning in the hopes he would address allegations that he was recorded on video appearing to smoke crack cocaine. (AP Photo/THE CANADIAN PRESS,Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at City Hall in Toronto amid allegations of crack cocaine use on Friday May 17, 2013, in Toronto. Published reports say a video appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. Ford called the allegations ridiculous. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford leaves his home on Friday, May 17, 2013, after published reports said a video appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. A report published Thursday night said the video is being shopped around by a group of men allegedly involved in the drug trade. The Toronto Star said, however, it had no way to verify the video. Ford called the allegations ridiculous. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford in Council Chambers talking to councillors about seniors and housing. Earlier today Toronto Police launched massive predawn raid, as part of Project Traveller, targeting guns and drugs, and focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood thats ground zero for the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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As city council debates whether or not the University of Toronto back campus field should have a heritage designation and be prevented from being converted to an artificial turf field for the Pan Am games, Rob Ford, Earl Provost and Doug Ford have an animated discussion on top of the Podium roof at City Hall. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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As city council debates whether or not the University of Toronto back campus field should have a heritage designation and be prevented from being converted to an artificial turf field for the Pan Am games, Rob Ford, Earl Provost and Doug Ford have an animated discussion on top of the Podium roof at City Hall. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford looks over Ontario Minor Football League standings while council breezes through a series of minor motions before the University of Toronto back campus field debate resumes at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford looks at his tie during a city hall meeting. Today It was made public that Toronto City Councillor Jaye Robinson was fired from the mayor\'s executive committee. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine. Robinson publicly urged Ford to take a leave of absence to deal with the scandal. (Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and Eugene Jones Jr., President and CEO of Toronto Community Housing, hold a press conference to discuss the ombudsman report on community housing at Old City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Elena Johnson, 51, a resident at 15 Windsor Road, where Mayor Rob Ford was photographed with murder victim Anthony Smith and another shooting victim. The house is notorious for drug problems, according to people living in the area. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video at this house smoking crack cocaine. (Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Reporters keep a watchful eye on the house which is all quiet.The house at 15 Windsor Road in Etobicoke where Mayor Rob Ford was allegedly photographed in relation to crack use is seen the morning after the Star published the address. June 6, 2013. (Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford tours the Dufferin Street bridge just south of Springhurst Avenue. The Mayor addressed the media about the closing of the bridge on June 12 due to safety concerns. It will be closed to traffic to allow for repairs. The bridge will still be open to pedestrians and cyclist. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks (Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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A man identified by friends and neighbours as Fabio Basso, a resident of 15 Windsor Road, in Etobicoke, the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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A woman identified by friends and neighbours as Elena Basso, a resident of 15 Windsor Road, in Etobicoke, the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford attends a Tim Horton\'s Camp Day fund raising event in Scarborough. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks (Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Exterior view of 15 Windsor Rd., the address where a photo showing Mayor Rob Ford with two shooting victims was taken. Ford is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegations surfaced that he was recorded on a cellphone video in front of this house smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. (Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses the media on some positive developments in the TCHC. The Mayor would not answers questions on the crack cocaine video scandal at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses the media on some positive developments in the TCHC. The Mayor would not answers questions on the crack cocaine video scandal at City Hall. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford leaves for the day shortly after reading a statement to the media concerning two more staffers that have left his office at City Hall. Brian Johnston, Ford\'s advisor on council relations, and executive assistant Kia Nejatian become the latest casualties of the Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal at Toronto City Hall. Ford is currently facing allegations that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. Sources say Ford told senior aides not to worry about the video because he knew where it was. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at City Hall parking lot. Ford is currently facing allegations that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. Sources say Ford told senior aides not to worry about the video because he knew where it was. (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford during the executive committe meeting at City Hall in Toronto on May 28, 2013 (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Rob Ford scrum re staff defections. (Keith Beaty/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Doug Ford leaves CFRB after his weekly radio show with brother Mayor Rob Ford. Mayor Rob Ford recently addressed a crack cocaine video scandal and denied using the drug. (Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
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Mayor Rob Ford leaves his home for the storm at City Hall amid a crack cocaine scandal that he continues to refuse to address. Ford\'s hand-picked executive committee may release an extraordinary statement urging Ford to finally address eight-day-old media reports on a video that appears to show him smoking crack. (Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Rob Ford waits for the end in his Cadillac SUV across street from the funeral of the renowned journalist Peter Worthington, the founding editor of the Toronto Sun. (Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Mayor Rob Ford in the council chamber for a special council meeting on the Casino debate in Toronto. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford watches as the motion he put forward and others he supported are voted down during the casino debate at Toronto City Hall, he faces allegations that there is a video which he reportedly appears to be smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)\n
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford watches as the motion he put forward and others he supported are voted down during the casino debate at Toronto City Hall, he faces allegations that there is a video which he reportedly appears to be smoking crack cocaine. (Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford talks briefly to reporters as he heads to the elevator on his way to read the PFLAG Proclamation on the podium roof today at City Hall. (David Cooper/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at his office at City Hall after video allegedly showing him smoking crack cocaine surfaced. (David Cooper/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
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Rob Ford and stands with murdered man Anthony Smith and two other unidentified man in a photo provided to Gawker and the Toronto Star. (credit:Gawker/CP)