パリ市内で銃撃事件 散弾銃を持った男が新聞社や銀行を襲撃 一人重体 / 11月18日の各国版スプラッシュ

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Huffington Post



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パリ警察は緊急配備を敷いて男の行方を追っています。男は35〜45歳、身長は1メートル70 〜80センチで2、3日経過したら白髪交じりのひげが生えてくる容貌をしているだろうと予測しています。反攻当時の服装は7分丈のカーキ色ジャケット、緑のセーター、ノースリーブのジャケットで、白い靴底の緑のスニーカーを履いていました。


各国版本日のスプラッシュ 11月19日
UK(イギリス)版スプラッシュ 11月19日(01 of08)
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\'WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE TO BE STONKINGLY RICH?\' 「超お金持ちってどんなもの?」\n\nロンドンのボリス・ジョンソン市長の「超大金持ち」ぶりについてレポートしています。市長の年収は14万3911ポンド(約2320万円)ですが、この他に「テレグラフ」紙へのコラム執筆(週1回)で25万ポンド(約4000万円)の収入を得ています。2つの家を所有し、本の執筆や講演といったフリーランスの仕事で36万3000ポンド(約5850万円)を稼いでいることを本人が認めています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 11月19日(02 of08)
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AFTERMATH 余波\n\n11月17日にアメリカ中西部他で発生した数十もの竜巻はミシガン、ウィスコンシン、アイオワ、イリノイ、ミズーリ、インディアナ、オハイオ、ケンタッキー、テネシー、ウエストバージニア、ペンシルバニア、そしてニューヨーク西部の12州で観測され、これまでに6人が死亡する惨事となりました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 11月19日(03 of08)
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NAPO-LETTA CON CANCELLIERI IL PD È AL BIVIO 岐路に立たされるナポリターノ大統領-レッタ首相、カンチェリエリ法相、そしてイタリア民主党\n\nトリノ市の検察官不祥事もみ消し疑惑の渦中にいるカンチェリエリ法務大臣。内閣への批判が鳴り止まない中、レッタ首相はベルルスコーニ元首相率いる自由国民党の分裂騒動が「イタリアの安定につながるだろう」と、政権の基盤は盤石であることを強調しました。しかし、カンチェリエリ法務大臣が辞任に追い込まれれば、内閣は一気に不安定化することが懸念されています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 11月19日(04 of08)
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CRACKDOWN 取り締まり\n\nトロント市議会はコカイン使用の他、脅迫、セクハラなどの疑惑の渦中にあるロブ・フォード市長の権限を剥奪する方法について協議しています。しかしフォード市長は市議会を解散して総選挙に打って出る徹底抗戦の構えを見せています。議会はヤジや抗議する人が現れるなど大荒れの様相です。 (credit:Huffington Post)
スペイン版スプラッシュ 11月19日(05 of08)
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QUE PAGUE EL BARCO 誰が事故の負担をするのか\n\n2002年にガリシア地方沖で発生した「プレスティージ号」原油流出事故について政府が無罪となったことについて、原油の除去のためにかかった費用を補償することを表明しました。アルベルト・ルイス・ギャラルドン法務大臣とガリシアのアルベルト・ヌニェス・フェイホオ大統領が11月18日、マドリードで行われた会合で明らかにしました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 11月19日(06 of08)
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FRAUENQUOTE: \"DAS PERFIDESTE INSTRUMENT ZUR UNTERDRÜCKUNG\" 女性取締役の定員は「抑圧するための不誠実な手段だ」\n\n\nドイツ社会民主党(SPD)とキリスト教民主同盟(CDU)は、企業の取締役会に占める女性の法的に定められた定員の改正について合意しました。上場企業の監査役に占める女性の割合が、2016年から最低30%に引き上げられます。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ 11月19日(07 of08)
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BLACK JACQUES BREL 黒人のジャック・ブレル\n\nフランスの著名なラップアーティスト、オクスモ・プッチーノが11月14日に行われたチュニジアの世界遺産「アクロポリウム」(サン・ルイ教会)で行われたフェスティバルに出演しました。ハフポスト・マグレブ版は「ブラック・ジャック・ブレル」(黒人のジャック・ブレル/ジャック・ブレルはフランスの代表的なシャンソン歌手)オクスモ・プッチーノにインタビュー。「ラップとシャンソンは形式が違うだけで、まったく同じものだ」と語っています。\n\n (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 11月19日(08 of08)
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政府・与党は特定秘密保護法案の11月18日の週内の衆議院通過を図るため、野党との協議を進めていますが、法案自体に反対する声は根強くあります。日本新聞協会、日本外国特派員協会、日本ペンクラブなどマスコミ・文筆関連をはじめとして、日本弁護士連合会など放送関係も反対を表明しているほか、朝日新聞の読者投稿コーナーでも、反対する声が多くあります。\n (credit:Huffington Post)


Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(01 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: The damage is surveyed along Elgin Avenue after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(02 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A firefighter searches through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(03 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(04 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Residents sort through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(05 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Jeremy Janssen of Mackinaw Fire Department walks through debris along Elgin Avenue after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(06 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A home sits in ruin along Elgin Avenue after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(07 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A firefighter searches through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(08 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Jeremy Janssen of Mackinaw Fire Department marks a vehicle amongst the debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(09 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(10 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A firefighter walks through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(11 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A firefighter searches through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(12 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: A firefighter searches through debris after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(13 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(14 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(15 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(16 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(17 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(18 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(19 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(20 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(21 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(22 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(23 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(24 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(25 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(26 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(27 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(28 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(29 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(30 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(31 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(32 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Tornado damaged homes are seen on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. According to reports the tonado that ripped across Washington, Illinois has been preliminary classified as an EF-4. A fast-moving storm system that spawned multiple tornadoes which touched down across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction in 12 states and killing at least five. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(33 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(34 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(35 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Police stand amongst damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(36 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(37 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(38 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(39 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Police stand amongst damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(40 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(41 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(42 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(43 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: A person stands amongst damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(44 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: A man walks amongst damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(45 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: A man takes a photo of a damaged building along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(46 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 18: Damaged buildings along Washington Road in the aftermath of a tornado on November 18, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. A fast-moving storm system that produced several tornadoes that touched down across the Midwest left behind a path of destruction in 12 states. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(47 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(48 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Debris covers the area after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(49 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: Firefighters search a heavily damaged home after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Severe Tornado Outbreak Hits Illinois(50 of50)
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WASHINGTON, IL - NOVEMBER 17: The damage is surveyed along Elgin Avenue after a tornado struck on November 17, 2013 in Washington, Illinois. Several tornadoes touched down across the Midwest today with at least three people reported dead in Illinois. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)



La catástrofe del "Prestige" en imágenes
Nunca Mais. A xente na rua (01 of16)
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Y el pueblo galego los paro...
(02 of16)
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Un ave totalmente cubierta de fuel por el vertido del \"Prestige\" (credit:GTRES)
(03 of16)
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Un cangrejo intenta nadar en la marea de chapapote. (credit:GTRES)
(04 of16)
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Voluntarios retirando chapapote en la playa de Corrubedo (credit:GTRES)
(05 of16)
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Trabajadores y voluntarios en las Rias Baixas (credit:GTRES)
(06 of16)
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Pescadores retiran el fuel de la superficie en la Ria de Arousa (credit:GTRES)
(07 of16)
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El príncipe Felipe durante su visita a la zona afectada por la marea negra (credit:GTRES)
(08 of16)
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Una voluntaria durante los trabajos de limpieza en las Rias Baixas (credit:GTRES)
(09 of16)
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Durante varios días se intentó alejar al buque de la costa gallega antes de que se partiera. (credit:GTRES)
(10 of16)
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El petrolero se hundió finalmente a 250 km de la costa (credit:GTRES)
(11 of16)
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Trabajos de limpieza en la playa de Muxia (credit:GTRES)
(12 of16)
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Trabajadores limpiando chapapote en la playa de Doninos cerca de Ferrol (credit:GTRES)
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El rey Juan Carlos junto al entonces ministro Mariano Rajoy visitando las playas de Galicia. (credit:GTRES)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)
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Manifestación del movimiento \"Nunca Mais\" en Santiago de Compostela (credit:GETTY)

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