「リーガル・ハイ」本来の意味は? / 11月26日の各国版スプラッシュ

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Huffington Post


イギリスでも脱法ドラッグの蔓延が社会問題化しています。堺雅人主演のドラマのタイトルでも有名になった「Legal High」(リーガル・ハイ)は、英語で脱法ドラッグのことを意味します。

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各国版本日のスプラッシュ 11月26日
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 11月26日(01 of08)
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STORMSGIVING ストームスギビング\n\n11月25日、寒気を伴った嵐が西部を中心に吹き荒れ始め、雪混じりのみぞれが降り、アーカンソー州、オクラホマ州、テキサス州などで少なくとも10の死亡事故が発生しました。感謝祭で休日となる28日前後も大荒れの天気が予想され、交通に大きな影響が出ることが懸念されています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 11月26日(02 of08)
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FINISH! 終わりだ!\n\nイタリア社会党(PD)は、政府に対して選挙法改正を強く求めました。次期首相の呼び声が高いフィレンツェのマテオ・レンツィ市長は、「もし政府が我々の要求を実行しなければ…終わりだ!」と述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 11月26日(03 of08)
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ALL LOST IN THE SUPERMARKET スーパーマーケットでスッカラカン\n \nカナダに進出しているアメリカの小売店が、お客を引きつけるための大規模宣伝と大幅なディスカウント戦略を仕掛けようとしています。アメリカの衣料品小売チェーン「マーシャルズ」や、全米最大のスーパーチェーン「ウォルマート」がカナダで容赦ない価格戦争を仕掛けてきています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
スペイン版スプラッシュ 11月26日(04 of08)
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YA NO ES POPULAR もはや人気はない\n\n\nスペイン国民党(PP)の重鎮でカステジョン市長のカルロス・ファブラが、あっせん収賄の罪などで懲役4年の有罪判決を受けたことで国民党を離党することを表明しました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 11月 26日(05 of08)
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\"WIR SIND GEZWUNGEN, TIERE ZU TÖTEN\" 「私たちは強制的に動物を殺している」\n\n裸で動物の毛皮に反対するキャンペーンを行うなど、世界最大の動物愛護団体「PETA」(動物の倫理的扱いを求める人々の会・本部アメリカ・バージニア州)が、大量の動物を殺処分していることが、ハフポストブロガーのナザン・ウィノグラッドさんの申し立てで明らかになっています。\n\nPETAドイツ代表のハラルド・ウルマン氏はハフポストの取材に対して、「我々は動物のシェルター(避難所)ではない」と答えています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
フランス版スプラッシュ 11月26日(06 of08)
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UN COPILOTE AUX COMMANDES 運転助手をお願い\n\nフランスの大手自動車会社、PSAプジョー・シトロエンの次期CEO(最高経営責任者)として、ルノーのナンバー2で前COO(最高執行責任者)だったカルロス・タバレス氏が就任することを発表しました。就任時期は、フィリップ・バリン現CEOが中国の自動車メーカー東風汽車との提携交渉を完了させる2014年になるものと見られます。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ 11月26日(07 of08)
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4 MOIS AVEC SURSIS 4カ月の執行猶予\n\nフランス系チュニジア人ジャーナリストのヒンド・メデブ氏と、ラッパーのアイメン・フェキ、別名「メン・アイ」が懲役18カ月、執行猶予4カ月の有罪判決を受けました。彼らは当局への侮辱罪と、同じくラッパーの「ウエルド・エル・15」が2年の懲役(6カ月の執行猶予)を受けたときに「いわがわしい行為」を行った罪で起訴されていました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 11月26日(08 of08)
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「内政向けパフォーマンス」の声も\n\n中国が、尖閣諸島上空などを含む空域を防空識別圏にしたことが波紋が広がっている。日本政府は中国に対し撤回を求めるが、中国は強く反発している。ハフィントンポストの記事にも「中国共産党の内政向けのパフォーマンス」「尖閣の領土問題については政治レベルで決着をつけることが急がれる。さもなくば、いずれ戦闘に発展するのは間違いない」といった意見が寄せられている。 (credit:Huffington Post)


Winter season
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(01 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Pedestrians stroll by Jaume Plensa Crown Fountain in Millennium Park as snow falls on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(02 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Pablo Avila clears snow from a table in Millennium Park on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(03 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Pedestrians stroll by Jaume Plensa Crown Fountain in Millennium Park as snow falls on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(04 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: A pedestrian strolls through a sculpture garden outside the Art Institute of Chicago as snow falls on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(05 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Snow collects on a sculpture outside the Art Institute of Chicago as snow falls on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(06 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Pedestrians stroll by Jaume Plensa Crown Fountain in Millennium Park as snow falls on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(07 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Snow collects on Cloud Gate (also known as The Bean) in Milennium Park on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(08 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Snow collects on Anish Kapoor\'s Cloud Gate (also known as The Bean) in Milennium Park on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(09 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: A small snowman sits on a table in Mllennium Park on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Chicago Sees First Snow Fall Of Season(10 of57)
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CHICAGO, IL - NOVEMBER 11: Snow collects on Cloud Gate (also known as The Bean) in Milennium Park on November 11, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The snowfall was the first of the season for the city. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(11 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A man clears a sidewalk of snow on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(12 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A delivery man navigates the streets in the snow on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(13 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A person walks through a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(14 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: People walk through a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(15 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A person walks through a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(16 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A woman walks through a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(17 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A plow truck clears a road in a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(18 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A delivery man navigates the snow on a bicycle on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
March Snowstorm Hits New York City(19 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 08: A plow truck clears a road in a snow-shrouded park on March 8, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As a week-old storm slowly moves out to sea, the New York City area is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow with more in areas north and west of the city. The storm has caused flight delays at area airports and numerous schools have delayed start times. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(20 of57)
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KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 26: Gina Franken and Jack Franken build a giant snowman after the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(21 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Strong winds and snow whip a flag on the porch of a home after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(22 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: A worker in a Bobcat works to clear snow from a parking lot after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(23 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Wet snow hangs heavily on branches after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(24 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: A worker in a Bobcat works to clear snow from a parking lot after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(25 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Heavy snow brought down branches after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(26 of57)
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MERRIAM, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Residents begin the process of digging out after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Merriam, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(27 of57)
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PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Pedestrians walk down snowswept streets after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Prairie Village, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(28 of57)
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PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Joe Equels, of Kansas City Power and Light, works to repair a line after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Prairie Village, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(29 of57)
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PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Jill Moore clears snow from her front sidewalk after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Prairie Village, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(30 of57)
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PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Paige Prothe, 11, works to clears snow from a sidewalk after a snowstorm hit the midwest February 26, 2013 in Prairie Village, Kansas. Prothe is earning money to buy some music. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (Photo by Julie Denesha/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(31 of57)
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OVERLAND PARK, KS - FEBRUARY 26: Gary Cook digs his car out after sliding off the interstate after the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Overland Park, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(32 of57)
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OVERLAND PARK, KS - FEBRUARY 26: City worker Thuan Tran helps dig out a stranded motorist after the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Overland Park, Kansas. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(33 of57)
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KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 26: The milk shelves are mostly clear at a Price Chopper grocery store after the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(34 of57)
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KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 26: A snowplow helps clear a supermarket parking lot after the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(35 of57)
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KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 26: Snow obscures streetsigns as the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm(36 of57)
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KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 26: Heavy snow collects on tree branches as the area is hit by a snowstorm on February 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. This is the second major snowstorm the midwest has seen this week dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands... (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(37 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: A worker uses a snowblower after a large midwest winter storm on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(38 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: Trucker Gary Wheeler of Kansas City waits for a tow after his truck slid off the road during large midwest winter storm which brought snow throughout the region on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(39 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: A worker uses a snowblower to clear a path after a large midwest winter storm on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(40 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: Tow truck drivers extract a semi-truck after it slid off the road during large midwest winter storm which brought snow throughout the region on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(41 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: Tow truck driver Tyson House helps trucker Gary Wheeler of Kansas City after his truck slid off the road during large midwest winter storm which brought snow throughout the region on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(42 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: A worker uses a snowblower to clear a path after a large midwest winter storm on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(43 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: Tow truck driver Tyson House helps trucker Gary Wheeler of Kansas City after his truck slid off the road during large midwest winter storm which brought snow throughout the region on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and looks to be headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(44 of57)
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GREENSBURG, KS - FEBRUARY 22: Tow truck drivers extract a semi-truck after it slid off the road during large midwest winter storm which brought snow throughout the region on February 22, 2013 in Greensburg, Kansas. The storm dumped at least a foot of snow in Kansas and forcasters say it is headed to the northeast U.S. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(45 of57)
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IOWA CITY, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: Dave Coffey clears the sidewalk after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Iowa City, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(46 of57)
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IOWA CITY, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: Shawn Noble skis to work after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Iowa City, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(47 of57)
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IOWA CITY, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: University of Iowa students walk past a snowbank after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Iowa City, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(48 of57)
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IOWA CITY, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: A woman shovels after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Iowa City, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(49 of57)
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CORALVILLE, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: Snow continues to fall as residents begin cleanup after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Coralville, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Large Midwest Winter Storm Brings Snow Throughout Region(50 of57)
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IOWA CITY, IOWA - FEBRUARY 22: Shawn Noble skis to work after a winter storm left more than six inches of snow on February 22, 2013 in Iowa City, Iowa. The winter blizzard continues to move across the entire midwest, dumping up to a foot of snow in places as it moves east. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Major Snowstorm Hits New York City(51 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 09: People walk and sled through a snowy Prospect Park in Brooklyn the morning after a massive snow storm on February 9, 2013 in New York City. New Yorkers woke up to over 10 inches of snow Saturday morning while parts of New England received over thirty inches following a storm that brought high winds and blizzard like conditions to the region. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Major Snowstorm Hits New York City(52 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 09: A boy pulls a sled through a snowy Prospect Park in Brooklyn the morning after a massive snow storm on February 9, 2013 in New York City. New Yorkers woke up to over 10 inches of snow Saturday morning while parts of New England received over thirty inches following a storm that brought high winds and blizzard like conditions to the region. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Major Snowstorm Hits New York City(53 of57)
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NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 09: People walk through a pedestrian tunnel in a snowy Prospect Park in Brooklyn the morning after a massive snow storm on February 9, 2013 in New York City. New Yorkers woke up to over 10 inches of snow Saturday morning while parts of New England received over thirty inches following a storm that brought high winds and blizzard like conditions to the region. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Massive Blizzard Hits New England(54 of57)
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BOSTON, MA - FEBRUARY 09: People attempt to push a stuck vehicle in the Back Bay neighborhood following a powerful blizzard on February 9, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. The storm knocked out power to 650,000 and dumped more than two feet of snow in parts of New England. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Massive Blizzard Hits New England(55 of57)
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BOSTON, MA - FEBRUARY 09: People ski as other stand on a street in the Back Bay neighborhood following a powerful blizzard on February 9, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. The storm knocked out power to 650,000 and dumped more than two feet of snow in parts of New England. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Massive Blizzard Hits New England(56 of57)
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BOSTON, MA - FEBRUARY 09: A young woman jumps down from snow piled in front of the Massachusetts State House after posing for a photo following a powerful blizzard on February 9, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. The storm knocked out power to 650,000 and dumped more than two feet of snow in parts of New England. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Massive Blizzard Hits New England(57 of57)
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BOSTON, MA - FEBRUARY 09: A woman walks past the General John Glover statue on the Commonwealth Avenue Mall following a powerful blizzard on February 9, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. The storm knocked out power to 650,000 and dumped more than two feet of snow in parts of New England. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)


La situación del PP valenciano
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El presidente de la Comunidad Valenciana, Alberto Fabra, llegó al poder por la caída de Francisco Camps.\n\nDe carácter discreto y sin palabras rudas, Fabra tampoco escapa a las polémicas. La contratación de un asesor personal para mejorar sus técnicas de liderazgo levantó una gran polvareda. \n\nFinalmente, tuvo que echar marcha atrás y ordenar que la Generalitat no abonará ni un euro por este servicio. (credit:EFE)
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La alcaldesa de Valencia, Rita Barberá, vive pendiente ahora del \'caso Nóos\'. \n\nEl juez José Castro ve indicios racionales de hasta cuatro delitos que pudo cometer la regidora: malversación, prevaricación, fraude a la Administración y falsedad en documento oficial.\n\nElla se defiende y dice que hay \"falsedades\" y \"falta de rigor\" en el escrito del juez que investiga el caso de Iñaki Urdangarin.\n\nLa secretaria general del PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, considera que ha sido la mejor alcaldesa de la ciudad y espera que lo sea por mucho tiempo. (credit:GTRES)
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Francisco Camps presumía de que Mariano Rajoy le llamaba \'Paco\'.\n\nCamps ya no es el honorable presidente de la Comunidad Valenciana. Ahora se enfrenta a las acusaciones, como Barberá, del juez Castro sobre su relación con el \'caso Nóos\' e Iñaki Urdangarin.\n\nAl final, se libró judicialmente de la \'causa de los trajes\' pagados por la trama Gürtel. Pero, desde entonces, su futuro político quedó en barbecho.\n\n (credit:GTRES)
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El exconseller de Solidaridad y diputado Rafael Blasco es el protagonista del último escándalo político en Valencia.\n\nLa propia Abogacía de la Generalitat pide 11 años de cárcel por el supuesto desvío de fondos de ayudas en el \'caso Cooperación\'.\n\nLa dirección del PP quiere que abandone su escaño, pero Blasco se resiste. ¿Quién ganará el pulso? (credit:EFE)
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La que fuera campeona del mundo de salto de longitud se convirtió en uno de los fichajes estrella de Francisco Camps.\n\nEn la semana que viaja Rajoy a Valencia, el juez ha acordado imputarla por el \'caso Gürtel\'.
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Los tentáculos de \'Gürtel\' llegan también al alcalde de Castellón, Alfonso Bataller.\n\nEl regidor está imputado por la contratación de Orange Market y empresas vinculadas para el Premio Salud y Sociedad 2007, etapa en la que ejerció como subsecretario de la Consejería de Sanidad. (credit:EFE)
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La alcaldesa de Alicante está también imputada por el \'caso Brugal\'.\n\nLa Justicia investiga posibles delitos en el planeamiento urbanístico de la ciudad. Políticos y constructores. Sobran las palabras.\n\n\n (credit:GETTY)
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Martínez (la segunda por la izquierda) fue consejera del Gobierno de Francisco Camps y presidenta de las Cortes autonómicas.\n\nAhora está imputada por su relación con la \'trama Gürtel\', cuyos cabecillas la llamaban \'La Perla\'. En su lista de regalos, figuraba un reloj de de tres ceros para Martínez. (credit:GTRES)
JUAN COTINO(09 of11)
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El actual presidente de las Cortes Valencianas ha vuelto a la actualidad nacional al revelarse su actuación durante el accidente de Metro de Valencia.\n\nEl silenciado siniestro ha emergido de nuevo en el panorama político y judicial. (credit:GTRES)
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Es el hombre más poderoso de Castellón (aunque no presida ya la Diputación).\n\nEl juez Jacobo Pin decretó el pasado mes de marzo la apertura de juicio oral a Fabra por un presunto delito continuado de tráfico de influencias, un delito continuado de cohecho y cuatro delitos contra la Hacienda Pública.
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El que fuera \'mano derecha\' de Francisco Camps en el partido y uno de los hombres fuertes en la comunidad pasa hoy desapercibido en las Cortes valencianas.\n\nLlamado a ser uno de los grandes valores del Partido Popular, su implicación en el \'caso Gürtel\' y la polémica \'causa de los trajes\' dejó en un segundo plano al hermano del exministro Juan Costa.\n\nLa España política vibró con su enfrentamiento con María Dolores de Cospedal por conservar la secretaría general del PP valenciano. (credit:GETTY)


2013 Black Friday Sales In Canada
Target Canada(01 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 29 - Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: Doors open from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. on Nov. 29, guests who spend $75 or more storewide on Nov. 29 will receive a $15 Target GiftCard redeemable on their next purchase (one GiftCard per guest). Target REDcard cardholders will also receive an additional 5% off almost everything in the store. Target will also have deals on everything from electronics, toys, kitchenwear and up to 70 per cent off women’s, men’s and kids’ apparel and accessories. Shop here.
Holt Renfrew(02 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 28 - Dec. 1. \n\nWhat You Get: Save up to 40% off selected fall women\'s and men\'s designer fashion, accessories and shoes.
Amazon.ca(03 of26)
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The Details: Now until Nov. 30\n\nWhat You Get: Deals on products such as DVDs, juicers, electronics, watchers, tools, books and more. Shop here.
Karen London(04 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 28 - Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: 30% off the entire site when you use the code: KLBLACKFRIDAY and free shipping on orders over $100.\nShop here.
Mr. Kate(05 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 29 - Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: 50% everything on the website including necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Shop here.
Puma(06 of26)
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The Details: Online only for Canadians, from now for a limited time.\n\nWhat You Get: Fleece hoodies for $50 in men\'s and women\'s styles. Shop here.
BargainMoose.ca(07 of26)
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The Details: Now\n\nWhat You Get: Links to dozens of sales happening online.\n\nShop Online HERE
Cake Beauty(08 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 29 - Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: When you enter the code pinkfriday at the online checkout, you will received 40% off all items including dry shampoo, hand cream, body scrub and body butter. Shop here.
Danier(09 of26)
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The Details: Now until Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: Major discounts on men\'s and women\'s leather jackets, purses, leather leggings and more. Shop here.
Lenscrafters(10 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2\n\nWhat You Get: 50% off prescription sunglasses from Nov. 27 to Dec. 2 and buy two accessories and get a third accessory of equal or lesser value free until Dec. 31. \nShop here.
The Brick(11 of26)
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The Details: Now for a limited time\n\nWhat You Get: 75% their ticket price for leather sofas when you purchase either a matching loveseat or chair, 30% off the ticket price of all bedroom and dining packages. Shop here.
Mendocino(12 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 28 - Dec. 2\n\nWhat You Get: Customers get a 20% off incentive card on every purchase between Nov 28-Dec 1, which can be used towards their next purchase between Dec 7-18. This is on top of up to 60% off Black Friday specials.
M(13 of26)
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The Details: Black Friday weekend\n\nWhat You Get: At all 12 M locations across the GTA, customers will find Black Friday specials for $29 and under. From the season\'s most coveted runway trends including faux fur vests ($15), vegan leather moto jackets ($29), outerwear ($29) and holiday dresses ($29). \n
Forever 21(14 of26)
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The Details: Nov. 20 - Nov. 29\n\nWhat You Get: Forever 21 is offering a Black Friday pre-sale starting on Nov. 20 across Canada and online with up to 50% off select items.\n\nThe retailer will also be having a Black Friday sale on Nov. 29 with special yellow tag deals on select products. The collection includes winter staples such as heavy knit sweaters, quilted faux leather bomber jackets and winter accessories starting at $3. \n\nSelect locations will also offer scratch cards for 10% or 15% off purchases made in-store to the first 600 customers through the door on Black Friday.
ALDO(15 of26)
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The Details: Now, for limited time offer\n\nWhat You Get: 30% off sale shoes and boots plus an extra 25% off select dress shoe styles online and in stores.\n\nShop Online HERE
Sears(16 of26)
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The Details: Deals are on now as part of their Sears Days campaign.\n\nWhat You Get: 50% off women\'s and men\'s clothing, shoes, appliances, toys and more. Plus get free shipping to almost everywhere in Canada when you spend $99 or more\n\nShop Online HERE (credit:Getty Images)
The Bay(17 of26)
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The Details: Deals are being offered now through Friday, Nov. 23\n\nWhat You Get: There will be flash sales and online deals at all The Bay locations. Check out their Facebook page for full details. Stores will open at 7 a.m. on Black Friday.\n\nShop Online HERE
eLUXE.ca(18 of26)
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The Details: Happening now for a limited time.\n\nWhat You Get: 50% off select dresses, skirts, bags, pants and bags.\n\nShop Online HERE
Best Buy(19 of26)
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Details: Nov. 29 to Dec. 1\n\nWhat You Get: N/A
Black Friday Romance?(20 of26)
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According to the New York Daily News, two individuals have Black Friday to thank for their unique love-at-first-sight story. The two lovebirds struck up conversation while standing in line at a Long Island Kmart. The small talk turned into sweet talk as the two waited in line together for a total of seven hours before doors opened. Fast forward two years, and the couple is happily married with fond memories of the day they met, saying, \"Black Friday will always be a memorable day for us. That was the day that changed our lives.\" (Getty photo)\r\n
Woman Shakes Up Shoppers With Death Threats(21 of26)
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Shoppers were shaken up last year at Toys \"R\" Us in Wisconsin, when a woman named Lanessa Lattimore threatened to shoot shoppers who were waiting in line outside the store. A confrontation began after the woman tried to cut the line of several hundred people. Lanessa told CNN, \"Everybody was cutting in line. But there was one girl who was threatening me, so I told her that I\'d shoot her.\" Although no weapon was found, she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. (Getty photo)
Kim Kardashian: Best Black Friday Buddy?(22 of26)
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A poll conducted by AOL back in 2009 revealed that Kim Kardashian was voted the person you\'d most like to go shopping with on Black Friday, as the NY Daily News reported. She even beat out Victoria Beckham for the best shopping buddy title. Would you want to spend Black Friday shopping with Kim? Something tells us that the poll results would be quite a bit different this year... (Getty photo)
... And Kayne West, The Biggest "Turkey"?(23 of26)
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The same AOL poll that voted Kim K. as the \"best shopping buddy\" also revealed that Americans think Kanye West was the biggest \"turkey\" of 2009... whatever that means. Bear in mind that this poll took place shortly after his Taylor Swift interruption scandal at the Grammy\'s that year. According to the New York Daily News, Kanye beat out the likes of Jon Gosselin, Levi Johnston, Spencer Pratt,and Michael Lohan. In other words, it sounds like being called a \"turkey\" is just a kinder way of saying \"biggest D-bag.\" (Getty photo)
Shopping Cart Heist (24 of26)
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A strange shopping cart heist took place at a Toys \"R\" Us in the Bronx in 2009, the New York Daily News reported. Thieves stole 500 shopping carts starting on Black Friday and continued to nab carts throughout the holiday season. Shoppers were left annoyed as they were forced to carry all of their purchases, since no carts were anywhere to be found. Police suspect that the carts -- which cost a hefty $200 a piece -- were either stolen by gang members to sell metal scraps for money or taken by homeless people who use them to carry their belongings. (AP Image)
Hotel Deals For The Extreme Shopper(25 of26)
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When stores in Indianapolis had a super successful Black Friday back in 2009, hotels decided to try and take advantage of visiting shoppers by targeting the eve of Black Friday. According to USA Today, the Conrad Hotel was among the first to notice this opportunity and advertised to serious out-of-town shoppers who planned on rising early to hit the sales. The deal offers $99 for a room on Thanksgiving night, as well as a personal shopping appointment at Nordstrom, a free coffee and a free shoeshine. Other hotels have also developed similar deals to cash in on the night of Thanksgiving, too. It sure beats camping out overnight for the doors to open in the morning. (Getty photo)
Shooting Over Flat Screen TV(26 of26)
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Another story that will make your heart sink: the tragic shooting of a man in Queens who was shot by robbers on Black Friday back in 2009, as the New York Daily News first reported. The elderly man was walking with his new flat-screen TV in a parking lot, when robbers ruthlessly shot him dead in an attempt to steal his new purchase. However, the TV didn\'t fit in the trunk of their getaway car, and witnesses reported that they dumped the TV on the street as they quickly fled the scene of the crime. (Getty photo)


100 Gift Ideas $20 And Under
Mildra Bottles(01 of100)
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An ideal way to serve water to dinner guests (and use as a vase in a pinch!). Mildra, $8.99, Ikea. (credit:Ikea)
Wooden Dominos(02 of100)
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So much classier than plastic, such a lovely piece to keep around for snowy winter days. Wooden dominos set, $16.99, HomeSense. (credit:HomeSense)
Wine Toppers (03 of100)
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This bottle stopper makes a great alternative to boring old cork. It also comes in a pickle version. Banana Bottle Stopper, $8, Urban Outfitters. \n. (credit:Urban Outfitters )
Facebook Stamps(04 of100)
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This gift may not be perfect for everyone, but come on, the social media lover on your list will be extremely happy. Like and Dislike Stamps, $14, Urban Outfitters. (credit:Urban Outfitters)
iPad Case (05 of100)
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This iPad case is made with a rigid foam backing — the perfect accessory for travelling. iFrogz Neofirm Burst Case for iPad, $20, Best Buy. (credit:Best Buy)
Office Supplies (06 of100)
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For the people who love office supplies but can\'t keep them organized, surprise them with this practical test tube holder. Test Tube Office Supply Set, $20, Urban Outfitters. (credit:Urban Outfitters )
Measuring Spoons (07 of100)
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Besides having a beautiful design, these spoons are stoneware and extra sturdy. Pop-Print Measuring Spoons, $18, Anthropologie. (credit:Anthropologie)
Squeaky Toys (08 of100)
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Take your dog bowling with these interactive rubber pins that also squeak. JW Pet iSqueak Bouncin Bowling Pins Dog Toys, $7 to $10, PetSmart. (credit:PetSmart )
Phone Case(09 of100)
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Everyone loves a cute case when they\'re pulling out their phone — and at this price, it\'s easy to switch it up every month or two! Printed iPhone case, $7.99, Winners. (credit:Winners)
Candles (10 of100)
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If you need something to keep the Christmas spirit lingering in your kitchen, try this balsam candle by Bath & Body Works. Fresh Balsam, $15, Bath & Body Works. (credit:Bath & Body Works)
Kort Art Cards(11 of100)
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How sweet would this set look framed up on a wall? Kort art cards (set of 5), $4.99, Ikea. (credit:Ikea)
Apron (12 of100)
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This festive and colourful apron has adjustable straps to fit any chef in the kitchen. Kitchen Apron, $8, Fruits & Passion. (credit:Fruits & Passion)
Blomster Candle Holder(13 of100)
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Used as centrepieces or candle holders, this set of three will make any space look elegant. Blomster candle holder (set of 3), $19.99, Ikea. (credit:Ikea)
Oven Mitts (14 of100)
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Get cooking and baking with these adorable oven mitts from Canadian Tire. Red Rooster Oven Mitt Set, $10, Canadian Tire. (credit:Canadian Tire )
Play 'N Go Table(15 of100)
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A three-in-one table that lets kids build and play, it also takes up minimal space in your living room (and even better, folds up easily).Mega Bloks Play N\' Go Table, $18, Walmart. (credit:Walmart)
Gag Bandages (16 of100)
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This is perfect for that friend who always manages to get hurt. Or maybe someone just going through a tough breakup — these bandages would easily put a smile on their face. Bandages Keep Calm, $8, Urban Outfitters. (credit:Urban Outfitters )
Appetizer Tray (17 of100)
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Keep your guests full with this four-piece glass appetizer set — ideal for dips or desserts. Urbain Appetizer Set, $10, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Maple Syrup Candle(18 of100)
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Let the smell of maple syrup waft through anyone\'s home ... with the help of a yummy candle that will conveniently work with pretty much any decor. Retro tin maple syrup candle, $15, Drake General Store. (credit:Drake General Store)
Coasters (19 of100)
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Remember these? Well if you do, add them back into your life and under your favourite mug. Nice Save Coaster Set, $12, Mod Cloth. (credit:Mod Cloth. )
Bangs Headband(20 of100)
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For running or even just face-washing, this bang-holding headband won\'t fall down on you. Bang Buster Headband, $14, Lululemon. (credit:Lululemon)
Tablet Stand(21 of100)
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For the people you love who love to watch movies and TV on their tablets, this cute stand (which comes in a slew of colours) will be their new favourite accessory. PODSTA Tablet Stand Holster, $14.99. Future Shop. (credit:Future Shop)
Alphabet Mug(22 of100)
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The subtle side of monogramming is on full display with this adorable — and kind of intricate — mug for your hot beverages. Alphabet mug, $13, Pottery Barn. (credit:Pottery Barn)
Dog Sweater(23 of100)
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Even if you\'re not the type to dress your pet in clothes, your best friend may be — and it does make for a darn cute holiday picture. Wool handmade dog sweater, $12.99, HomeSense. (credit:HomeSense)
Salt And Pepper Shakers(24 of100)
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Elegance on the dinner table all year round (or at least, for the duration of the winter)? That\'s the kind of thing that\'ll get you invited back for holiday dinners. Pinecone salt and pepper shakers, $19, West Elm. (credit:West Elm)
Bobble Jug(25 of100)
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As pretty a filtered water jug as you can imagine (it\'s clear, that\'s just a dark background), the Bobble Jug takes water from the tap to the table — and comes in a variety of colours for whatever your recipient\'s decor may be. Bobble jug, $19.99. (credit:Bobble)
Socks(26 of100)
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Sure, socks sound like your boring, everyday Christmas gift, and $20 sounds like a lot of money for a pair — until you try out some of Smartwool\'s offerings. These least expensive options for adults that wick sweat and cushion your feet come in fun colours that won\'t only look good hiking, but everyday as well. Smartwool Women\'s Margarita, $19.99, Altitude Sports. (credit:Altitude Sports)
Dirty Dice (27 of100)
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The only stocking stuffer that will keep you up all night. Dirty Dice, $9, Come As You Are. (credit:Come As You Are )
Owl Mugs (28 of100)
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Hoot hoot wouldn\'t want these ceramic owl mugs by artist Gorky Gonzalez? Handpainted Folk Owl Mug, $14, Anthropologie. \n (credit:Anthropologie)
Portable Speaker (29 of100)
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This compact portable speaker hooks up to most smartphones, MP3 players and electronic devices. Philips SoundShooter Portable Speaker, $17, Amazon.com (credit:Amazon )
Watch Them Grow Frame (30 of100)
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The perfect gift for a new mom or dad, this frame can also be customized with your little one\'s name. Watch Me Grow Personalization Photo Frame, $20, Sears. (credit:Sears)
Snow Markers (31 of100)
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Let your kids express themselves this holiday season by writing on the coolest canvas mother nature has to offer. Sno Markers, $7, Indigo/Chapters. (credit:Indigo/Chapters)
Animal Jungle Set (32 of100)
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Give your child a New Year\'s goal: Remember ever single animal\'s name in this jar. Animal Jungle Set, $10, Sears. (credit:Sears )
Cocktail Ornaments(33 of100)
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Just think — if your friend ever runs out of mixer for the drinks, all she has to do is snag out of these ornaments from the tree, and voila! Comes in Apple, Cranberry, Blueberry and Pomegranate. Coastal Cocktails Holiday Ornaments Martini Mixers, $9.99, Shoppers Drug Mart. (credit:Shoppers Drug Mart)
Sex Game (34 of100)
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120 sexy lottery tickets that can fit into your lover\'s stocking — or pocket. Kinky Sex Scratchers, $14, Come As You Are. (credit:Come As You Are )
Travel Light(35 of100)
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Not only great for travelling, but also for those whose partners head to bed first (and are somewhat sensitive to light), this travel book light could very well be a relationship saver. Lewis N. Clark Travel Book Light, $9, Mountain Equipment Co-op. (credit:Mountain Equipment Co-Op)
Egg Warmer (36 of100)
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Keep your eggs warm (and your tables festive) with these adorable penguin covers. Penguin Egg Cozy Set, $15, Indigo/Chapters. (credit:Indigo/Chapters)
Drinking Game (37 of100)
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Go back to your college and university years with this drinking game set that includes four shot glasses and drinking games. Drink Till You Drop Game, $18, Aren\'t We Naughty. (credit:Aren\'t We Naughty )
Bottle Opener (38 of100)
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For the outdoor and drink lovers, this metal bottle opener is perfect for any home bar or cocktail cart. Wise Guise Bottle Opener, $13, Mod Cloth. \n (credit:Mod Cloth)
Timmies (39 of100)
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If you have someone on your list who constantly is buying a cup of coffee in the morning, get them in the habit of making it at home. Sweet Treat, $15, Tim Hortons. (credit:Tim Hortons )
Aromatherapy(40 of100)
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Who couldn\'t use some sleep aids around the holidays? This combination of hand soap and lotion (in a super pretty caddy) come in a fragrance to help soothe your recipient\'s mind and send them off to dreamland. Aromatherapy Soap & Lotion Caddy in Sleep: Lavender Vanilla, $18.50, Bath & Body Works. (credit:Bath & Body Works)
Scrub Mitt(41 of100)
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If anyone on your gift list hasn\'t tried out a scrub mitt, now\'s the time to change their world (for cheap!). Helping with circulation, exfoliation and general stimulation, it\'s great for flaky winter skin. Scrub mitt, $10, Body Blitz. (credit:Body Blitz)
Scrabble Magnets(42 of100)
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Not only fun for those who want to escape to the kitchen during holiday parties but good times for the whole, this fridge magnet Scrabble game is fabulous for the wordsmith in your life. Scrabble fridge magnets, $15, Drake General Store. (credit:Drake General Store)
Bath Toys(43 of100)
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A toy for every day of the week (plus two more) means your kidlet will be clamouring to get into the tub. Infant rubber tub toys, $12.99, Marshalls. (credit:Marshalls)
Bookmark(44 of100)
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For the book lovers in your life — or even the students in need of some prettiness for studying — a customizable bookmark is great to tuck in with their gifts. Engravable bookmark, $9, Pottery Barn. (credit:Pottery Barn)
Espresso Machine (45 of100)
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Celebrity chef Mario Batali has created this stovetop machine for those who want to have their own cup of espresso at home. Mario Batali Stovetop Espresso Maker, $10, Kitchen Stuff Plus. (credit:Kitchen Stuff Plus)
Food Bowls(46 of100)
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Suitable for both the kitty and puppy in your life, these bowls are easy to remove for feeding and dishwasher safe. Platinum Pets Cat Double Diner, $20, PetSmart. (credit:PetSmart)
Magnifying Glass(47 of100)
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The perfect accessory for anyone who loves maps or tiny print (or heck, just wants to look cool), this weighty magnifying glass is a gorgeous office supply addition. Flip handle magnifying glass, $19.50, Indigo. (credit:Indigo)
Batman Figure(48 of100)
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Oh yes, that superhero-loving friend of yours will be proud to display this on their desk. DC Comics Batman Vinyl Figure, $14.99, Future Shop. (credit:Future Shop)
Tablet Case(49 of100)
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A handy pouch that\'s more durable than it looks, this nylon case can carry your tablet, along with your phone and some money, for the minimalists in your life. Nylon tablet case, $19.94, Gap. (credit:Gap)
Food Warmer(50 of100)
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You know that weird skin that develops on dips and sauces after it sits out for a while? Well, this mini food warmer will ensure that doesn\'t happen — and that your host\'s spinach dip will be forever delicious. Party Dipper Food Warmer, $14.99, Hamilton Beach. (credit:Hamilton Beach)
iPhone 5 Case(51 of100)
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For the accident prone people in your life who can\'t help but buy nice things anyway, this case will be a protector, and yes, even a prop. Ideal Case Bullet iPhone 5 Case, $19.99, Best Buy. (credit:Best Buy)
Mini Oven (52 of100)
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It feels like the Easy Bake Oven all over again — this time with the option to make pizza, cookies and cakes. KitchenAid Mini Bake Set, $10, Canadian Tire.\n\n (credit:Canadian Tire)
Yngaren Bottles(53 of100)
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Literally no one will know what these cost, and they\'re just begging to be placed on someone\'s beautiful vanity table. Yngaren bottle (set of 3), $14.99, Ikea. (credit:Ikea)
Zippered Headphones(54 of100)
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A nice twist on a classic gift, these headphones that \"zip\" can even hide nicely amongst a coat\'s closure. J± Zipper Earphones, $19, Loblaws and Real Canadian Superstores. (credit:Loblaws)
Lunch Box(55 of100)
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The modern (insulated) lunch pail will be perfect for the healthy friend who is always smart enough to pack meals at home. The Crock-Pot Lunch Crock, $19.99, Home Hardware. (credit:Crock-Pot)
Flashlight(56 of100)
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Is it particularly sexy? No. Will it be immensely useful? Yes, in ways your recipient probably doesn\'t even anticipate — like when something rolls behind the couch and there\'s no working batteries. Etón Clipray Self‑Powered Hand Crank Flashlight, $14.75, Mountain Equipment Co-op. (credit:Mountain Equipment Co-Op)
Cutting Board (57 of100)
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One for every type of meal and by meal we mean poultry, fish, meat and veggies. Planks a Lot Cutting Board Set, $13, Mod Cloth. (credit:Mod Cloth )
Chocolate(58 of100)
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You\'d be hard-pressed to find a gift recipient who doesn\'t love chocolate — and with the flavour options available from Green & Black\'s (like say, Hazelnut and Currant or Butterscotch), you\'re pretty much guaranteed a hit. Green & Black\'s Chocolate Bars, $3.89 each. (credit:Green & Black\'s)
Popcorn Popper(59 of100)
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Want to try a new way to make popcorn? This popper lets you heat up kernels in your microwave without the bag — and with whatever flavourings you want to put on it. Nordic Ware Popcorn Popper, from $11.99, available at Sears Canada, Home Outfitters. (credit:Nordic Ware)
Cozy Socks(60 of100)
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Warm, snuggly and darn cute, these will make any chilly day a bit more fun. Cozy Critter Socks in Penguin, $5.94, Old Navy. (credit:Old Navy)
Pet Bed(61 of100)
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Cute, tiny and oh so cheap, this is the pet bed for those who aren\'t quite sure they\'re ready to commit to full-on pet furniture just yet. Amigo Pet Bed, $9.99, Shoppers Drug Mart. (credit:Shoppers Drug Mart)
Baby Wash Cloths (62 of100)
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This 10-piece gender neutral cloth set is perfect for any nursery. Piccolo Bambino Wash Cloths, $7, Sears. (credit:Sears)
Fondue Set (63 of100)
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This four-piece tray set lets people create their own chocolaty (and messy) creations. We recommend strawberries — lots of them. Cocoa Fondue Set, $15, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Money Bank(64 of100)
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This ain\'t your childhood piggy bank. We envision this to be a great edgy piece right by the front door, for all the guys who carry change loosely and don\'t want it just falling out of their pants. Skull money bank, $19, Urban Barn. (credit:Urban Barn)
Dessert Plates (65 of100)
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These printed dessert plates will make your dinner table (and desserts) look extra tasty this holiday season. Dipped Toile Dessert Plates, $12, Anthropologie. (credit:Anthropologie.)
Sprouter Kit (66 of100)
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Grow your own fresh and nutritious sprouts right on your kitchen counter. And then yes, eat them! 4-Tier Sprouter Kit, $17, Williams-Sonoma. (credit:Williams-Sonoma)
The Book of Beer Awesomeness(67 of100)
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The beer lover in your life may think they know everything they need to when it comes to pints and suds, but this tome may teach them a thing or two. The Book of Beer Awesomeness, $17.95, Urban Barn. (credit:Urban Barn)
Disney Busy Books(68 of100)
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Part story, part activity kit, the Busy Books (which come in a variety of \"characters\" like My Little Pony, Tonka, Disney and more) are maybe the best way to spend a chilled out Boxing Day. Busy Books, $10.49, Walmart. (credit:Walmart)
Vintage Car(69 of100)
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For the kid — or the kid who doesn\'t really want to grow up at all — this adorable mini Fiat makes for a perfect shelf or desk accessory. Vintage Fiat model car, $12.99, Marshalls. (credit:Marshalls)
Reindeer Blanket(70 of100)
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Just try to find something more snuggly than this reindeer \"nunu\" that wraps kid up in its cozy arms and gets festive all at the same time. Reindeer Nunu, $15, Indigo. (credit:Indigo)
Neck Pillow(71 of100)
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Neck pillows are not just for travellers, but also for those who like to get propped up on the couch a little better. And the bonus on this one? It has a built-in massager for extra relaxing. Spa massaging neck pillow, $14.97, Walmart. (credit:Walmart)
The Canadian Collection (72 of100)
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Keep that Olympic feeling all year round with these patriotic cups from The Bay. The Canadian Collection, $10, The Bay. (credit:The Bay )
Peanut Box(73 of100)
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Finally, a peanut everyone can love! This adorable box is great for keys and loose change in the front hall, or perfectly suited for odds and ends in the kitchen. Peanut box, $13, Pottery Barn. (credit:Pottery Barn)
Rattles (74 of100)
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Shake, shake, shake...shake shake shake...shake that carrot? Bunnies By The Bay, $7, The Bay. (credit:The Bay )
Blossande Coffee Accessories(75 of100)
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Have a friend who loves impressing guests with their coffee decorating prowess? This set allows for multiple options. Blossande coffee accessories (set of 6), $14.99, Ikea. (credit:Ikea)
Sh*t Girls Say(76 of100)
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This is where it all started ... before the endless copycats, Shit Girls Say was a brilliant Twitter feed and YouTube sensation, courtesy of Kyle Humphrey and Graydon Sheppard. Shit Girls Say book, $17.95, Drake General Store. (credit:Drake General Store)
Sushi Kit (77 of100)
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Make your favourite rolls at home with this sushi roller and serving paddle. Helen Chen\'s Asian Kitchen Bamboo Sushi Mat with Paddle, $3, Amazon. (credit:Amazon.com)
Spread Kit (78 of100)
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If you\'re a lover of everything cheese and wine, this trendy little piece is the ideal add-on for any dinner party. Spreader Set, $10, Kitchen Stuff Plus. (credit:Kitchen Stuff Plus )
Blender(79 of100)
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For the morning smoothie fanatic, there could be no better gift than a blender that makes just enough for the ride to work. Single Serve Blender, $19.99, Hamilton Beach. (credit:Hamilton Beach)
Pet Fish (80 of100)
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Have you always wanted to own a fish but not sure where to start? Try this take home betta set that comes with a decorative background and feeding bowl. Fish not included but available in stores. Yin Yang Betta Kit, $12, PetSmart. (credit:PetSmart)
Pepper Mill (81 of100)
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This easy, twist-top pepper mill also comes in a salt version. Enora Easy Pepper Mill, $10, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Wok(82 of100)
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This eight-inch mini wok is perfect for both the amateur and experienced chef in your kitchen. Think Kitchen Carbon Steel Mini Wok, $13, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Lip Balm(83 of100)
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Chapped lips can make the whole rest of your face feel strange, and as the wind outside gusts and growls, your friends or family will be grateful for this gift set of four mint flavours — one for every purse! C.O. Bigelow Mentha Supreme 2X Lip Gift Set in Mentha, Cinnamint, Vanillamint & Spearmint, $18.50, Bath & Body Works. (credit:Bath & Body Works)
Glass Teapot (84 of100)
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At this price, buy one for yourself! This glass teapot is heat resistant and will probably keep you warm at the office. Pret-A-The Glass Teapot, $5, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Bird Feeder (85 of100)
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These eye-catching bird feeders are great for all birds and seed mixes. Funky Gazebo Bird Feeder, $8, Canadian Tire. (credit:Canadian Tire)
Teen Throw(86 of100)
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Send those teens back to their dorm rooms in style with this Teen Vogue-approved throw. Teen Vogue Violet Plush Throw, $19, Sears. (credit:Sears)
Roll-Up Puzzle(87 of100)
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This is probably the most brilliant toy on the list: finally, you don\'t have to mess up your favourite puzzle or lose any pieces. Deluxe Puzzle RollUp, $13, Wal-Mart. (credit:Walmart)
Slippers(88 of100)
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Why is it that slippers always seem to disappear just when people need them the most? These cozy options will be a welcome gift for pretty well anyone. Sherpa Lined Slide Slippers, $12.94, Old Navy. (credit:Old Navy)
Jelly Bean Dispenser(89 of100)
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It\'ll take one of your friends or family members right back to childhood (and will make for a great way to make friends in the office). Includes 36 flavours of jelly beans to start! Life Brand Premium Jelly Bean Dispenser, $16.99, Shoppers Drug Mart. (credit:Shoppers Drug Mart)
Cocktail Shaker (90 of100)
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Practice (or perfect) your bartending skills with this stainless steel cocktail shaker. Happy hour can be every hour, people. Happy Hour Cocktail Shaker, $10, Kitchen Stuff Plus. \n (credit:Kitchen Stuff Plus )
Salad Serving Set (91 of100)
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This salad serving set is not only unique for being hand-crafted, each set also has different wood grains, making each spoon one-of-a-kind. Global Crafts Fair Trade Twisted Giraffe Salad Serving Set, $20, Best Buy. (credit:Best Buy )
Phone Handset(92 of100)
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Yes, it\'s a giant handset that connects to a smartphone, and yes, it might just make someone feel better about the wireless signals emanating from their technological devices. Why not try it out? J± Handset, $9, Loblaws and Real Canadian Superstore. (credit:Loblaws)
Decanter (93 of100)
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This decanter not only makes a sleek addition to your wine collection but you can also show it off at your holiday dinner. Sophie Decanter, $20, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Toolbox(94 of100)
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It\'s the kind of thing people always think they have — until they go to look for it and realize their screwdrivers and bolts are all shoved haphazardly in a drawer. Give the gift of usefulness! Toolbox, $16, West Elm. (credit:West Elm)
Hourglass (95 of100)
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We\'re not going back in time but we think life may be more productive with a one-minute, three-minute and five-minute timer in your life. 1 Pyramid 3 Sand Timer-Hourglass, $7, Stokes. (credit:Stokes )
Cuber (96 of100)
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Cutting an avocado can get messy, so why not make life easier with this cuber, perfect for salads, dishes or guacamole? Avocado Cuber, $17, Williams-Sonoma. (credit:Williams-Sonoma)
Hockey Puck (97 of100)
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If you have anyone on your list who\'s upset about the NHL\'s current lockout situation, then this gift will be the perfect little reminder of their favourite sport. HNIC Signature Puck, $6, CBC Shop. (credit:CBC)
Desk Fan(98 of100)
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Useful and attractive-looking to boot, this desk fan will make your recipient\'s office space the place to be during the summer. Airplane USB Desk Fan, $19.99, The Shopping Channel. (credit:The Shopping Channel)
Hot Water Bottle(99 of100)
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Sick and tired of that rubber smell whenever you have a backache? This adorable hot water bottle cover (complete with pom poms!) will make for a far better companion. Striped hot water bottle cover, $19.50, Indigo. (credit:Indigo)
Apptivity Figures(100 of100)
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All those times you feel guilty about the kids in your life just looking at a screen while playing an iPad can come to an end with Apptivity figurines, which make games literally come to life. Works with Fruit Ninja, Batman, Cut The Rope, Monster High, Hot Wheels and Angry Birds. Apptivity figures, $14.99, available at Walmart, Toy R’ Us, LCL, Future Shop, Best Buy, Showcase, Chapters/Indigo. (credit:Mattel)