山口組の分裂騒動は「山口組の歴史の終わり」 溝口敦氏・久保利英明氏が語る

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Taichiro Yoshino












(01 of21)
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家宅捜索している田岡一雄組長宅前で警備する機動隊を向かいの道路で見守る山口組組員(兵庫・神戸市灘区) \n\n撮影日:1975年09月06日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(02 of21)
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銃刀法違反容疑で捜索している山口組の田岡一雄組長宅前で警戒する兵庫県警捜査員(兵庫・神戸市灘区) \n\n撮影日:1978年10月26日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(03 of21)
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記者会見で終結宣言を表明する山口組最高幹部の(左から)小田秀臣・小田秀組長、山本健一・山健組長、山本広・山広組長(兵庫・神戸市灘区の田岡一雄組長宅) \n\n撮影日:1978年11月01日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(04 of21)
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暴力団山口組の竹中正久組長襲名式の行われる旅館に入る組員ら(徳島・鳴門市) \n\n撮影日:1984年07月10日 (credit:時事通信社)
(05 of21)
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暴力団山口組の竹中正久組長射殺事件で、対立する一和会本部の家宅捜索に入る捜査員ら(兵庫・神戸市中央区) \n\n撮影日:1985年01月27日\n (credit:時事通信社)
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DON\'S FUNERAL - Pallbearers, background right, carry the casket of the late yakuza (gangster) boss Masahisa Takenaka, 51, to a waiting auto-hearse, left, following a funeral Thursday, January 31, 1985 at the home of Takenaka\'s predecessor Kazuo Taoka in Kobe, western Japan. Some 1,000 top members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan\'s powerful gangster organization, assembled under a heavy security by police for the funeral of their boss who had died at a police hospital in Osaka, near Kobe, where Takenaka and two of his aides were shot by rivals five days ago. (AP-PHOTO/hk/sub/ASAHI Publications,Tsutomu Ohtsuka) ** credit mandatory ** (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Japan Yakuza Funeral(07 of21)
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Top members of the Yamaguchi-gumi Japanâs largest Yakuza Organization, arrive for the funeral in Kobe, western Japan on Dec. 16, 1988, for their boss Masahisa Takenaka, who was killed by a splinter groupâs gunman in February 1985. Soon after Takenakaâs death the gang went to a war to avenge the murder, which has left 25 dead and 70 injured by police count, now seems to be nearing an end. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
(08 of21)
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暴力団山口組の竹中正久組長射殺事件で、厳重な警戒の中、容疑者を立ち会わせて行われた事件現場マンションの実況見分(大阪・吹田市) \n\n撮影日:1985年02月14日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(09 of21)
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暴力団山口組の竹中正久組長射殺事件で、一和会系悟道連合会事務所の家宅捜索をする大阪府警の捜査員(大阪市南区) \n\n撮影日:1985年02月19日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(10 of21)
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白昼、一和会の山本広会長宅(右角)を襲撃したダンプカー(兵庫・神戸市東灘区影山手) \n\n撮影日:1985年05月29日 (credit:時事通信社)
(11 of21)
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1997年8月の山口組最高幹部、宅見勝・宅見組組長射殺事件の現場検証をする兵庫県警捜査員(兵庫・神戸市の新神戸オリエンタルホテルで) \n\n撮影日:1999年04月13日 (credit:時事通信社)
(12 of21)
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宅見組事務所の家宅捜索に入る大阪府警の捜査員(大阪市中央区千日前) \n\n撮影日:1997年09月09日 (credit:時事通信社)
This 20 April 2002 picture shows members(13 of21)
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Kobe, JAPAN: This 20 April 2002 picture shows members of Japan\'s largest organised crime syndicate, the Yamaguchi-gumi gathering at a funeral of their boss in Kobe, western Japan. Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Ito was shot dead by Tetsuya Shiroo, an executive member of a local group affiliated with the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate at Nagasaki city, Japan\'s southern island of Kyushu, 17 April 2007. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:AFP via Getty Images)
This 20 April 2002 picture shows members(14 of21)
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Kobe, JAPAN: This 20 April 2002 picture shows members of Japan\'s largest organised crime syndicate, the Yamaguchi-gumi gathering at a funeral of their boss in Kobe, western Japan. Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Ito was shot dead by Tetsuya Shiroo, an executive member of a local group affiliated with the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate at Nagasaki city, Japan\'s southern island of Kyushu, 17 April 2007. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:AFP via Getty Images)
(15 of21)
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住吉会系幹部射殺事件で、機動隊の厳重な警備の中、指定暴力団山口組総本部の捜索に入る警視庁の捜査員ら(奥)(兵庫・神戸市灘区) \n\n撮影日:2007年02月26日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(16 of21)
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指定暴力団山口組弘道会の本部事務所(愛知・名古屋市中村区) \n\n撮影日:2009年12月09日 (credit:時事通信社)
(17 of21)
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府中刑務所から出所し、新幹線で西に向かう指定暴力団山口組の篠田建市組長。中核組織弘道会が本部を置く名古屋市では下車しなかった(愛知・JR名古屋駅) \n\n撮影日:2011年04月09日 (credit:時事通信社)
(18 of21)
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JR新神戸駅に着いた指定暴力団山口組の篠田建市組長(兵庫県神戸市) \n\n撮影日:2011年04月09日\n (credit:時事通信社)
(19 of21)
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山口組総本部へ家宅捜索に入る大阪府警の捜査員(神戸市灘区篠原本町) \n\n撮影日:2011年04月22日 (credit:時事通信社)
(20 of21)
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分裂状態となった指定暴力団山口組の総本部に入る組関係者の車両=1日午前、神戸市灘区※一部画像処理しています【編注】車のナンバーにモザイクをかけています。 \n\n撮影日:2015年09月01日 (credit:時事通信社)
This 20 April 2002 picture shows members(21 of21)
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Kobe, JAPAN: This 20 April 2002 picture shows members of Japan\'s largest organised crime syndicate, the Yamaguchi-gumi gathering at a funeral of their boss in Kobe, western Japan. Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Ito was shot dead by Tetsuya Shiroo, an executive member of a local group affiliated with the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate at Nagasaki city, Japan\'s southern island of Kyushu, 17 April 2007. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:AFP via Getty Images)