台湾、立法院の占拠「太陽花学運」ルポ 熱気「野外フェスのよう」

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台湾では、政府が中国と昨年(2013年)6月に調印した「サービス貿易協定」に反対する学生らによる立法院(国会)の占拠が3月18日から続いており、一連の反対運動は「太陽花学運」(Sunflower Movement)と呼ばれている。太陽花とはヒマワリを意味する。8bitnewsは「太陽花学運 ひまわりの花、熱気、台湾の若者達の決意と団結」と題して、動画とともに現地ルポを伝えている。

林飛帆をリーダーとする学生達による占拠の続いている立法院はTaipei Main Stationから徒歩5分程度。(中略)熱気に満ちた様子や雰囲気は、野外音楽フェスやお祭りと雰囲気が似ているところもある。演説が絶えず行われ、人々は熱心に耳を傾けている。様々な年齢層がいるが、若者が非常に多いのが特徴。友人同士やカップルの姿も多く目につく。数カ所で映画が上映され、水や食料は無料で配給され、医療施設も整備されている。人々は椅子やシートを道路に持ち出して座ったり寝転んだり、解放区となっている。

(8bitnews「【台北】現地ルポ:太陽花学運 ひまわりの花、熱気、台湾の若者達の決意と団結」より 2014/03/28)






(NHKニュース「台湾 馬総統が学生に一部譲歩も不透明」より 2014/03/29 23:48)



台湾、立法院占拠 行政院に市民突入
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(01 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(02 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(03 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(04 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(05 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Tsai Ing-wen, member of opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), attends a protest where students clashed with riot police outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(06 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(07 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(08 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(09 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(10 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 24: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(11 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Police begin to remove students demonstrating against Taiwan\'s service and trade agreement with China from the Executive Yuan plaza on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Hundreds of protestors who forced their way into the government compound were forcibly removed by the police with the use of water cannons. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(12 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(13 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(14 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Police begin to remove students demonstrating against Taiwan\'s service and trade agreement with China from the Executive Yuan plaza on March 24, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Hundreds of protestors who forced their way into the government compound were forcibly removed by the police with the use of water cannons. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(15 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(16 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(17 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(18 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(19 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(20 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(21 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(22 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(23 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(24 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(25 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(26 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(27 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(28 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(29 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(30 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(31 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(32 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(33 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(34 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(35 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(36 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(37 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(38 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(39 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(40 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(41 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Student protesters occupy Taiwan\'s legislature and Executive Yuan a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for the entire Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(42 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(43 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(44 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters inside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Hundreds Of Students Occupy Executive Yuan(45 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 23: Riot police clash with student protesters outside the Executive Yuan, a branch of government in charge of administrative affairs for all of Taiwan on March 23, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Clashes erupted between protesters and police after Taiwan\'s president refused to scrap a contentious trade agreement with China and denounced the \'illegal\' occupation of parliament by students opposed to its ratification. (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(46 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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epa04132018 Students occupy Taiwan parliament in Taipei, Taiwan, from 18 to 19 March 2014, to protest what they say is the ruling party\'s forcing the passage of the Taiwan-China trade pact, saying it endangers Taiwan\'s security and hurts Taiwan\'s economy. They vowed to occupy the parliament until the parliament agrees to review the pact clause by clause. EPA/DAVID CHANG (credit:EPA=時事)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(48 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(49 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
学生と警官隊(50 of69)
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台湾立法院(国会)議場への突入を試みる警官隊を阻止しようとする学生たち(台湾・台北市)\n\n撮影日:2014年03月19日 (credit:AFP時事)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(51 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(52 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(53 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(54 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade agreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(55 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(56 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade agreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(57 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(58 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(59 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(60 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Barriers were knocked down during the protest to break into the the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(61 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(62 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(63 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(64 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Police taking a rest duirng the the protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(65 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(66 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(67 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(68 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Protestors occupy the front plaza of the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(69 of69)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
2014/03/18 台湾の学生らが立法院を占拠
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(01 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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epa04132018 Students occupy Taiwan parliament in Taipei, Taiwan, from 18 to 19 March 2014, to protest what they say is the ruling party\'s forcing the passage of the Taiwan-China trade pact, saying it endangers Taiwan\'s security and hurts Taiwan\'s economy. They vowed to occupy the parliament until the parliament agrees to review the pact clause by clause. EPA/DAVID CHANG (credit:EPA=時事)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(03 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(04 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
学生と警官隊(05 of24)
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台湾立法院(国会)議場への突入を試みる警官隊を阻止しようとする学生たち(台湾・台北市)\n\n撮影日:2014年03月19日 (credit:AFP時事)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(06 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(07 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(08 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(09 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade agreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(10 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(11 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade agreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(12 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(13 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students block the entrace of the main chamber at the Taiwanese Parliament to prevent the police from coming in on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(14 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students and protestors occupy the Taiwanese Parliament to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(15 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Barriers were knocked down during the protest to break into the the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(16 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(17 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(18 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(19 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Police taking a rest duirng the the protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(20 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(21 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students taking a rest duirng the protest at the Taiwanese Parliament on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(22 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(23 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Protestors occupy the front plaza of the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Taiwan Students Occupy Parliament Over China Trade Deal(24 of24)
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TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 19: Students occupy the plaza outside the Taiwanese Parliament to protest the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China on March 19, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 200 students broke into the Taiwan Parliament and took over the main chamber in protest against the service and trade aggreement. (Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)