
米 が、ゲーム動画ストリーミングサービス Twitch の買収を発表しました。金額はキャッシュで約9億7000万ドル、日本円にして約1000億円。
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米 が、ゲーム動画ストリーミングサービス Twitch の買収を発表しました。金額はキャッシュで約9億7000万ドル、日本円にして約1000億円。

2011年に動画配信サイト が立ち上げた Twitch は、ゲームプレイ動画のライブストリーミング配信を主としたサービス。誰でもゲームプレイの実況中継や視聴ができるサービスとして始まり、現在ではプロゲームプレーヤーのゲーム大会やゲームイベントの公式中継など、ゲーム関連ではプレーヤーどうしだけでなく開発者やパブリッシャーも結ぶビジネスとしても利用される最大手に成長しました。

当初はPCゲーマーが中心だった利用者も、プレイステーション4 や Xbox One に標準で Twitch へのゲームプレイ動画ストリーミング配信機能が組み込まれるなど急速に拡大しており、設立約3年の今年7月には月間ユニークユーザー数5500万を数えています。

Twitch の買収については、しばらく前からGoogleが交渉を続けているとの報道もありましたが、結局はYouTube も所有するGoogleではなく に正式に決定しました。

Twitch の CEO Emmett Shear 氏が発表した Twitch ユーザーコミュニティ向けの声明によれば、Amazon を選んだ理由は「アマゾンがTwitchコミュニティの可能性を信じていること、同じ価値観と長期的な目標を共有しており、Twitchがもっと早くビジョンを達成できるよう力になろうとしていること」。

...) Today, I'm pleased to announce we've been acquired by Amazon. We chose Amazon because they believe in our community, they share our values and long-term vision, and they want to help us get there faster. We're keeping most everything the same: our office, our employees, our brand, and most importantly our independence. But with Amazon's support we'll have the resources to bring you an even better Twitch. (...)

Letter from the CEO (

買収による影響については、Twitchのオフィスや従業員、ブランド、経営の独立性も含めてほぼすべてを現在のまま継続しつつ、より良いTwitch を実現するためのリソースを得られるとしています。

アマゾンはかつての本業であるオンライン通販に加えて電子書籍や音楽・映画といったデジタルコンテンツ販売に注力する戦略を採っており、電子ペーパー画面の読書向け Kindle だけでなく、液晶画面の汎用タブレット Kindle Fire や独自スマートフォン Fire Phone、さらにテレビに接続する Fire TV などデバイスも含めた独自のエコシステムを構築しているのはご存知のとおり。

ゲームについても自社のゲームスタジオ Amazon Game Studios を設立したり、Fire TV にはゲームコントローラを用意して独自のゲーム機として位置づけるなど、デジタルコンテンツのひとつとして特に力を入れています。




Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(01 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(02 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(03 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(04 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(05 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(06 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(07 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(08 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(09 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(10 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(11 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(12 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(13 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(14 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees pack items before dispatching them in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts that the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(15 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(16 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(17 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(18 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(19 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(20 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(21 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees gift wrap items before dispatching them in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts that the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(22 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(23 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees gift wrap items before dispatching them in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts that the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(24 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(25 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(26 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(27 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(28 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Online Retailers Amazon Prepare For Cyber Monday(29 of29)
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PETERBOROUGH, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 28: Employees select and dispatch items in the huge Amazon \'fulfilment centre\' warehouse on November 28, 2013 in Peterborough, England. The online retailer is preparing for \'Cyber Monday\', as it predicts the busiest day for online shopping in the UK will fall on Monday December 2nd this year. On Cyber Monday in 2012 recorded over 3.5 million individual items ordered, which equates to 41 items purchased per second. The Peterborough fulfilment centre is 500,000 sq ft, equivalent to approximately seven football pitches in floor area. Amazon are due to employ more than 1,000 seasonal staff to cope with increased demand in the run up to Christmas. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)