Apple、12インチRetina MacBook と4K iMacを10月発表か?

アップルは OS X の次期バージョン Yosemite をこの秋に正式リリースする予定ですが、新OSと同時に Retina ディスプレイの 12インチ MacBook、4K解像度の iMac など新Mac のリリースラッシュも期待できるかもしれません。
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アップルは OS X の次期バージョン Yosemite をこの秋に正式リリースする予定ですが、新OSと同時に Retina ディスプレイの 12インチ MacBook、4K解像度の iMac など新Mac のリリースラッシュも期待できるかもしれません。

アップルは現在、MacBook Pro には解像度の高い 13インチRetinaディスプレイモデル(13.3インチ 2560 x 1600ピクセル)を用意していますが、より薄くて軽い13インチ(13.3インチ) MacBook Air は1440 x900、アップルのノートでもっとも軽く小さな11インチ(11.6インチ) MacBook Air では1366 x 768しか存在せず、「MacBook Air の Retina 版」は新 MacBook 発表のたびに期待されてきました。

アップル系うわさサイトの老舗 9to5Mac (リンク先) が複数の関係者から得たという未確認情報によると、アップルはOS X Yosemite の正式リリースを10月に予定しており、同時に12インチのRetina解像度ディスプレイを採用した MacBook、および4K解像度の iMac または単体モニタ製品を発表する見込みとのこと。

アップルが正式に発表していない以上あくまでうわさではあるものの、高解像度 MacBook Air も4Kモニタも以前からさまざまなソースの自称リークや市場アナリストの予測が続いており、「いずれは出るであろう製品」から「そろそろ出てもいい製品」扱いになってはいます。

10月説の真偽はさておき、4K iMac または4Kモニタについては、OS X Yosemite の売りのひとつが4K解像度対応の強化であることを思えば、ヨセミテの正式リリースと同時にハードウェアも用意して Macで4Kをアピールする理にかなっています。

一方、かねてからうわさのあった「12インチMacBook(仮)」については、MacBook Air になるのか、MacBook Pro になるのか、あるいはまったく新しいMacBook ファミリ製品になるのかも未確定。画面サイズについては、11.6インチのMacBook Air が「11インチモデル」と呼ばれていることを考えると、それよりは微妙に大きくなると解釈して良さそうです。

12インチといえば、かつてアップルの正式発表前に MacBook Pro Retinaディスプレイモデルの詳細を中国語サイトの掲示板にリークしていたことで知られる人物(のアカウント)が、MacBook Air の Retinaディスプレイモデルは11.6ではなく12インチになる、と証言していたこともありました。

9to5Mac によれば、12インチRetina MacBook と4K iMac / モニタは現時点では今年第3四半期末〜第4四半期に発売見込み。しかしインテルチップセットの制約や他の製品開発とのリソース配分によっては、2015年早期まで遅れる可能性が残っているとのこと。

チップセット云々の部分は詳細不明ながら、インテルの次期CPU Broadwell (Haswell後継) についてのリーク情報からは、Retinaディスプレイを採用するならばグラフィックを強化したUシリーズになり、来年2月程度まで待たねばならないのでは、という観測もあります。

いずれにせよ、アップルの幹部たちが今年は例年よりもすごいラインナップを用意している、と予告していたのに下半期になっても大型の新製品発表がないことを考えると、iOS 8 と新 iPhone、そしてOS X Yosemite と何かが登場する今年の秋以降は、スマートウォッチ iWatch (仮)があってもなくても怒涛の新製品ラッシュになりそうです。



11 Essential Mac Apps
VLC Media Player(01 of11)
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Our go-to media player for Windows also has a free lightweight version for the Mac, and it\'s just as essential on Apple. VLC can play almost any movie or audio file you hurl at it, and it can do it fast and without using up your Mac\'s resources. Make it your default media player and never look back. \r\n\r\nDownload VLC for Mac here. (credit:VLC)
Adium(02 of11)
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Adium is our favorite way to chat with and badger our friends on the Mac, and probably the most efficient way, too.\r\n\r\nOn Adium, you can sign in to all of your chat clients -- Gchat, Facebook Chat, AIM (DISCLAIMER WE ARE OWNED BY AOL), MSN, whatever -- and talk to your buddies and family members from one place, on your desktop. It\'s an easy way to stay available to all those friends you\'ve amassed (Mr. Popular!) on tons of different platforms without needing to keep millions of tabs open. Efficiency, people. \r\n\r\nYou can download Adium here. (credit:Adium)
Google Chrome(03 of11)
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With apologies to Apple\'s Safari, Google Chrome is our Internet browser of choice for Mac. Chrome is fast, clutter-free, and brings a mountain of great third-party extensions to your browser. Did you know that you can make every website\'s font appear as Comic Sans with Chrome, or block the name Kim Kardashian from appearing on your Internet? Chrome really is on the cutting edge.\r\n\r\nDownload Chrome for Mac here. (credit:Google)
Avast!(04 of11)
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Yes, Virginia, Macs are susceptible to viruses. \r\n\r\nThough Apple computers were long immune to malware and the like, recently the Mac operating system has been attacked by its first viruses, forcing Apple to remove claims of invulnerability from its promotional material. Grab an anti-virus program like Avast! or Sophos Free Anti-Virus For Mac to stay safe while browsing the web, downloading mysterious files, or clicking unsafe links. As tech columnist Larry Magid wrote recently, \"It\'s time for Mac users to wake up.\"\r\n\r\nDownload Avast! for Mac here, or grab Sophos Free Anti-Virus here. Either should do the trick. (credit:Avast!)
Onyx(05 of11)
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Like Crap Cleaner for Windows, Onyx can scan your Mac and remove the files you no longer need to speed up your computer. While there\'s a version of Windows favorite CCleaner available for Mac, Onyx can do much more, sweeping through dozens of different nooks and crannies on your Mac and deleting the unnecessary stuff. There are several other utilities for more advanced users, too; for novices, the Cleaning function is all you need.\r\n\r\nYou can download Onyx here. (credit:Onyx)
OpenOffice(06 of11)
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Another holdover from our Windows list, OpenOffice is the Microsoft Office suite that you don\'t have to pay for. It can open Word documents, PowerPoint files, and Excel spreadsheets, and you can also use it to create all those files, too. If you\'re looking to save some money on software and don\'t want to pony up for Microsoft Office, OpenOffice is your best alternative; it is likely capable of everything you would need MS Office for, but free. \r\n\r\nYou can download OpenOffice here. (
Prey(07 of11)
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For locating a stolen or lost computer, Apple\'s Find My Mac is good, but Prey is better. After downloading you can register your Mac on the Prey Project\'s website and, if it goes missing, do any number of things to track it down or ensure its safety: You can set off an alarm; lock the system; turn on the webcam so you can see the thief; view your computer on a map; and more. \r\n\r\nThough you should also enable Find My Mac in your iCloud settings on your new Mac, Prey should have you covered if your laptop disappears, giving you several different ways to track your missing computer. \r\n\r\nGet started with Prey on its website here. (credit:Prey)
The Unarchiver(08 of11)
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Like 7-zip on Windows, The Unarchiver goes above and beyond what Apple\'s native archive software can do. With a claim that it is \"the only unarchiving program you will ever need,\" The Unarchiver can handle a ton of different file types and can unzip almost any compressed folder you throw at it. A simple utility that every Mac user should have installed.\r\n\r\nYou can download The Unarchiver here. (credit:The Unarchiver)
Dropbox (Or Google Drive)(09 of11)
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A cloud backup service like Dropbox or Google Drive can help ensure that your documents, photos and other important files are protected somewhere you can\'t destroy them. By keeping your important stuff online, rather than locally on your hard drive, you can rest assured that if you drop your computer or spill water on it, at least the files you\'ve saved in the cloud will be safe. \r\n\r\nThe two programs work the same way: Sign up for the free service, download the program to your desktop, and drop in the folders and files that you want backed up. You can then access those files from any computer or from the web, at or If you\'re not using Dropbox or Google (or SkyDrive or SugarSync or...) then do yourself a favor and get started. We\'ve compared the five best services here so that you can choose which one is right for you. \r\n\r\nYou can download Dropbox here, or Google Drive here. (credit:Dropbox)
Quicksilver(10 of11)
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Quicksilver is an incredibly useful little productivity tool that lets you quickly and easily search your Mac\'s contents, launch applications, open files and more. You just hit control+space bar to call up the launcher and then type whatever you\'re looking for; more often than not, Quicksilver will locate your app before you can even finish typing and open it for you. Thanks to a large library of plug-ins, you can also use Quicksilver to search a dictionary, control your iTunes, send emails via Gmail straight from your desktop and a bunch of handy other stuff. \r\n\r\nTry out this \"digital Swiss Army Knife\" and you\'ll certainly save some time and maybe get away from your computer every once in awhile. \r\n\r\nYou can download Quicksilver here. (credit:Quicksilver)
AppFresh(11 of11)
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Now that you\'ve downloaded all of these apps, you\'ve gotta keep \'em updated!\r\n\r\nAppFresh is a simple utility that scans all of the applications on your computer and tells you which apps are up-to-date and which have updates available. For the apps that need updates, you just press a button in AppFresh and -- poof! -- it\'s updated. \r\n\r\nThis is similar to what the Mac App Store does, of course, but AppFresh works for the apps you\'ve obtained from any location, not just the App Store. And if you\'ve downloaded any of the preceding apps, then you\'ve certainly obtained apps from outside the App Store.\r\n\r\nYou can download AppFresh here. (credit:AppFresh)