プーチン大統領のクリミア編入表明 各国の反応は

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<プーチン大統領 クリミア編入の正当性強調>






NATOがウクライナに勢力を拡大する可能性について懸念を示し「(クリミアにおけるロシア黒海艦隊の拠点である)セバストポリでNATO水兵の出迎えを受けるなどということは、あってはならないことだ」と話した。[モスクワ 18日]

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3月18日、ロシアのプーチン大統領は、同国はウクライナの分裂を望まないと表明、一段の支配地域拡大を望まない姿勢を示した。写真は大統領の演説を見る人。シンフェロポリのカフェで18日撮影(2014年 ロイター/Thomas Peter)


ロシアのプーチン大統領は18日、同国はウクライナの分裂を望まないと表明、一段の支配地域拡大を望まない姿勢を示した。[モスクワ 18日]

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ロシアのプーチン大統領はこの日、ウクライナ南部クリミアをロシアに編入する条約に署名。一方で、他のウクライナ地域を占領する考えはないとも強調した。[ベルリン/ワシントン 18日]

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3月18日、米国のバイデン副大統領は、ロシアがクリミアの編入手続きを進めた場合、EUと米国はロシアに対して、追加措置を講じる方針を明らかにした。写真は手を振る同氏。ワルシャワで18日撮影(2014年 ロイター/Kacper Pempel)







バイデン副大統領は、ロシアのクリミア介入を同地域の収奪と批判。米国が今後、同盟強化に向けた追加策をとる考えも示した。また2018年までに米国がポーランドにミサイル防衛網を構築する計画をあらためて強調した。[ワルシャワ 18日]

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3月18日、米ホワイトハウスのカーニー報道官は、クリミアのロシア編入姿勢を受けて、追加制裁を課す方針を明らかにした。写真はオバマ大統領。ワシントンで17日撮影(2014年 ロイター/Kevin Lamarque)





ただ、追加制裁の公表時期や他の詳細についての言及はなかった。[ワシントン 18日]

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3月18日、ロシアのラブロフ外相(写真)は、ケリー米国務長官に対し、クリミア問題で西側諸国が発動した制裁は容認できないとの考えを伝えた。モスクワで8日撮影(2014年 ロイター/Sergei Karpukhin)





サキ国務省報道官によると、ケリー国務長官は、クリミアの住民投票と同地域の編入が「法律違反」であり「容認できない」との政府の立場を繰り返した。[モスクワ/ワシントン 18日]

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3月18日、クリミアに駐屯しているウクライナ軍が、ロシア軍による攻撃を受け、兵士1人が負傷した。写真はロシア軍兵士とみられる武装した男性。シンフェロポリ近郊のウクライナ軍基地前で14日撮影(2014年 ロイター/Vasily Fedosenko)








一方、トゥルチノフ大統領代行の報道官は、クリミア半島に駐屯するウクライナ軍兵士に対し、自衛のための武器使用を認める指令を出したと明らかにした。これまでは攻撃に対する武器使用を回避するよう指示してきたが、兵士死亡のニュースを受けて方針を転換した。[キエフ 18日]

Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(01 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(02 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(03 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(04 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(05 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(06 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(07 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(08 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(09 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(10 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Crimea Goes To The Polls In Crucial Referendum(11 of11)
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SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE - MARCH 16: People in Lenin Square attend a pro Russian rally after a day of voting on March 16, 2014 in Simferopol, Ukraine. Crimean\'s went to the polls today in a vote that which will decide whether the peninsular will break away from mainland Ukraine. The referendum, which has been dismissed as illegal by the West, follows the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych by pro-Western and nationalist protesters. As the standoff between the Russian military and Ukrainian forces continues in Ukraine\'s Crimean peninsula, world leaders are continuing toÊ push for a diplomatic solution to the escalating situation though many believe that there is every likelihood that thy vote will favor Crimea being incorporated into Russia. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)