
「Mirror News」の記事によると、ロンドン南西部ハンプトン地区に住む一家が、自宅から避難せざるを得なくなった。近所にあるスーパー「セインズベリー」で購入したバナナから、「世界一危険な毒グモ」が発見されたからだ。

「Mirror News」の記事によると、ロンドン南西部ハンプトン地区に住む一家が、自宅から避難せざるを得なくなった。近所にあるスーパー「セインズベリー」で購入したバナナから、「世界一危険な毒グモ」が発見されたからだ。



テイラーさん一家は、地元の害虫駆除業者にクモの調査を依頼した。一家はこの時初めて、これらの小さな生き物が、世界で最も危険と考えられている「フォニュートリア・ドクシボグモ」(Brazilian Wandering Spider:学名Phoneutria fera)だと知った。




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メスのフォニュートリア・ドクシボグモが繭を紡いで産卵する様子。成虫の全長(脚まで入れた長さ)は17cm。(Photo via Getty)


[Sara Gates(English) 日本語版:丸山佳伸、合原弘子/ガリレオ]

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World's Most Extreme Animals
Strongest Animal(01 of07)
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The rhinoceros beetle (pictured) can push around 850 times its weight.
(02 of07)
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The giant squid is the world\'s largest invertebrate, and the largest ever measured was 59 feet long. Giant squids also have the largest eyes of any animal, each one about the size of a human head.
Smallest Mammal(03 of07)
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The etruscan shrew is the smallest mammal (by weight) in the world. The smallest animal by skull size is the bumblebee bat.
Most Venomous Animal(04 of07)
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The sea wasp jellyfish (pictured) has enough venom to kill 60 adult humans.\nPhoto: Guido Gautsch/Flickr\n
Longest Migration(05 of07)
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Arctic terns migrate about 11,000 miles to the Antarctic each year...and then come all the way back!\n\nAn Arctic Tern dives down to protect its nest on June 24, 2011 on Inner Farne, England. (Dan Kitwood, Getty Images) (credit:Dan Kitwood, Getty Images)
Fastest Fish(06 of07)
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Sailfish can swim at speeds of up to 68 mph, although experts disagree as to just which species of sailfish is the fastest. \n\nSailfish jumping out of the water on January 16, 2006 in the Florida Keys, Florida. (Ronald C. Modra, Sports Imagery / Getty Images) (credit:Ronald C. Modra, Sports Imagery / Getty Images)
Longest Lifespan(07 of07)
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Three giant tortoises are estimated to have lived over 175 years, with one estimated at a whopping 255 years. \n\nImage: Harriet, who died in 2006, was thought to be the third longest-lived tortoise on record.\nCory Doctorow/Creative Commons