【キラウエア火山】溶岩流を迎えるパホア村の心境 「噴火は女神ペレの仕業」(画像)

地球が生みだす高熱の液体が住宅地区に流れ込むと、一体何が起きるだろうか? ハワイ島の田舎の村パホアは、まさに今この影響を受けようとしている。

地球が生みだす高熱の液体が住宅地区に流れ込むと、一体何が起きるだろうか? ハワイ島の田舎の村パホアは、まさに今この影響を受けようとしている。


■ 場所はパホア村、村は危機に瀕している




■ 住民たちは不安定な溶岩の中で暮らしている



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■ 敷地境界線を越えた溶岩


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■ 溶岩は既に墓地も襲った


この地に眠り埋葬されている家族への心からのアロハと尊敬の念を込め、パホアの墓地を写した写真は、 #プナの溶岩流 が流れ込んだ2014年10月26日に撮影されたものです。いつものことながら、私の思いと祈りは、この下の全ての人たちと共にあります。 #マーラマ・ポノ (写真提供: アメリカ地質調査所)

■ 進みゆく溶岩の様子をとらえた映像


■ 6月27日から13マイル(約21キロ)も進んだ溶岩

現在の溶岩流は「パホイホイ溶岩」と呼ばれる。これは、なめらかで渦を巻き、断続的な動きを見せる溶岩という意味だ。心臓のような形をした溶岩を映画でもし見たことがあれば (例えば「ダンテズ・ピーク」などが思い浮かぶが)、ハワイの溶岩流が急に迫りくるような速さで動くものではないとわかるはずだ。ハワイの溶岩流の最速記録は、(1950年のマウナ・ロア山の噴火以降では)時速6メートルにすぎない。


■ 溶岩の予測は極めて困難で、制御は不能

溶岩流は地形のわずかな変化や、溶岩生成の変化、また、溶岩とリフトゾーン(大型の楯状火山の山腹に特徴的に見られる細長い割れ目地形)の割れ目などの影響を受ける。現在の溶岩流がいつ終わるか、あるいはどこまで続くのかなどは、誰にもわからない。「(キラウエア火山に) 似たような噴火が何千年も前に起きました」と、ハワイ大学で地質学を研究するマイケル・ガルシア教授はKITVに対して述べた。その噴火は60年も続いた

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■ ハワイ州市民防衛局は支援を求める


■ 多くのハワイ住民にとって、溶岩は「女神の仕業」


「ペレに敬意を払い、尊敬の念を表すために、私たちは適切な文化儀礼を研究しました。私たちは、そこから湧き立つ女神の力を感じました。写真付きの記録文書を作成するためにこの地を訪れる必要がありました。これこそが我々の現代版ペトログリフ、つまり我々の文化を記録する方法なのです」 - エヒトゥ・キーリング

■ 州市民防衛局は予防策をとっている


溶岩流情報更新: 電柱保護設計の初期段階の結果は良好でしたが、長期的な対策はまだ決定されていません。アパア通り沿いの電柱は現在も動かずに残っており、溶岩流による電力供給の停止や停電などは起きていません。溶岩流の高熱から、我々のインフラをどう守るのかということに、人々は関心を寄せています。電柱保護の最終的な設計案は、配電供給部門の社員、ハワイ大学ヒロ校の専門家、アメリカ地質調査所のハワイ火山観測所の地質学者の協力で行われます。我々のパートナーは、溶岩を理解する手助けとなる人たちで、彼らは、事後インパクト評価でも引き続き我々を支援していただく予定です。

■ 分かりやすい避難計画が策定されていることを確認する



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■ 学校は無期限閉鎖に


■ 命知らずの野次馬が溶岩流を追いかけている


■ 結局、溶岩は人を魅了するものである (もちろん、安全な距離をとっての話だが)


■ しかし、それでも、観光客にはペレを別の女神の家で見るほうがおそらくいいだろう


■ あらゆる災禍に巻き込まれながらも、パホア村は力強く残り続ける



ハワイ キラウェア火山
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(01 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 28: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), A portion of the front of the June 27th lava flow pushes through a fence marking a property boundary on October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(02 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 28: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), A portion of the front of the June 27th lava flow burns vegetation as it approaches a property boundary on October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(03 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 28: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), A portion of the front of the June 27th lava flow pushes through a fence marking a property boundary on October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(04 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 27: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a aerial view of the front of the June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano on October 27, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(05 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 27: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a aerial view of the front of the June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano on October 27, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(06 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 27: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), The June 27th lava flow burns through thick vegetation below the pasture downslope of the Pa-hoa cemetery on October 27, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(07 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 26: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), an HVO geologist walks across the surface of the lava flow, which covers the short access road to the Pa-hoa cemetery on October 26, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(08 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 26: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), A portion of the front of the June 27th lava flow burns through thick vegetation and a fence on October 26, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(09 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 26: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a HVO geologist maps the margin of the June 27th lava flow in the open field below Apa\'a Street and Cemetery Road on October 26, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(10 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 25: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the June 27th lava flow crossed Apa\'a Street on October 25, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(11 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 30: Lava from the Kilauea Volcano flows across the ground on October 30, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(12 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 30: Lava from the Kilauea Volcano flows across the ground on October 30, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(13 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 30: Lava from the Kilauea Volcano flows across the ground on October 30, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(14 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 30: Lava from the Kilauea Volcano flows across the ground on October 30, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(15 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 30: Lava from the Kilauea Volcano flows across the ground on October 30, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(16 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 29: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), The June 27th lava flow moves toward structures October 29, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Hawaii Lava Flow Threatens Dozens Of Homes(17 of35)
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PAHOA, HAWAII - OCTOBER 29: In this handout provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), The June 27th lava flow covers view of the flow over Cemetery Rd./Apa\'a St.on October 29, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Scientists of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by USGS via Getty Images) (credit:Handout via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(18 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(19 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(20 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(21 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(22 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(23 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(24 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(25 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(26 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(27 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(28 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(29 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(30 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(31 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(32 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(33 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(34 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Homes In Pahoa, Hawaii Threatened By Lava Flow From Kilauea Volcano(35 of35)
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PAHOA, HI - OCTOBER 28: The June 27th lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano moves along he ground October 28, 2014 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Observatory conducted ground and air observations of the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano and determined that it was 510 meters (560 yards) upslope from Pa-hoa Village Road and the flow width was about 50 meters (55 yards) at the leading edge. Molten rock from the flow is inching its way towards homes in the town of Pahoa on Hawaii\'s Big Island where close to a thousand people live. (Photo by Andrew Hara/Getty Images) (credit:Andrew Hara via Getty Images)
Hawaii In Photos
Napali coast, Kauai(01 of97)
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Bamboo forest, Maui(02 of97)
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Surfer in Maui(03 of97)
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Diamond Head, Honolulu(04 of97)
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Pearl Harbor(05 of97)
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Kailua Trail, Kauai(06 of97)
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Mt Haleakala on Maui(07 of97)
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Pu'u O'o Crater, Big Island(08 of97)
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Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu(09 of97)
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Polynesian Dancer(10 of97)
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Kailua Bay(11 of97)
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Acai bowl (12 of97)
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Yoga (13 of97)
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Hula festival, Big Island(14 of97)
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Kelly Slater competes in the Billabong Pipe Masters, Oahu(15 of97)
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Laysan albatross, Kaena Point, Oahu(16 of97)
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Sheraton Hotel, Waikiki Beach(17 of97)
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Puu Oo crater, Big Island(18 of97)
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Hula dancer, Kauai(19 of97)
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Oahu(20 of97)
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View from Haleakala crater, Maui(21 of97)
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Honolua Bay, Maui(22 of97)
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Lanikai, Oahu(23 of97)
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Honolulu and Waikiki from Diamond Head(24 of97)
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USS Arizona Memorial (25 of97)
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Maui(26 of97)
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Oahu(27 of97)
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Hula dancer(28 of97)
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The largely submerged volcanic crater of Molokini, Maui(29 of97)
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Coral reefs at Waimando Bay(30 of97)
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Lone house in the Kilauea volcano lava flow, Big Island(31 of97)
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Wailua Falls(32 of97)
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Billabong Pipe Masters in Haleiwa, Hawaii(33 of97)
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Kauai(34 of97)
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Surfboards, Maui(35 of97)
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Kalaeloa Harbor, Molokai(36 of97)
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Yoga stretch(37 of97)
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Reef Hawaiian Pro in Haleiwa, Hawaii(38 of97)
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The Na Pali Coast, Kauai(39 of97)
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Kauai (40 of97)
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Hawaii sunset(41 of97)
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Makena Beach, Maui(42 of97)
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Humpback whale, Hawaii(43 of97)
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A bowl of 'ahi' or 'tuna poke' with limu (seaweed), green onion, chili pepper and shoyu (soy sauce).(44 of97)
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Waialae Country Club, Oahu(45 of97)
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Manini fish in Hanauma Bay(46 of97)
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The Napali Coastline, Kauai (47 of97)
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Ahi Poke(48 of97)
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Banzai Pipeline, Oahu(49 of97)
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Hawaiian picnic(50 of97)
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Pearl Harbor(51 of97)
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Ft. DeRussy Beach, Waikiki(52 of97)
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Kailua sun rise(53 of97)
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A food truck in Waimanalo, Oahu(54 of97)
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Barack Obama at the USS Arizona Memorial(55 of97)
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Ahi tuna (56 of97)
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Picasso Triggerfish, Hanauma Bay, Oahu(57 of97)
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Acai bowl(58 of97)
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Wok seared ahi at Merriman's Restaurant, Waimea(59 of97)
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Kauai(60 of97)
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Kilauea Coast Entry(61 of97)
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Banzai Pipeline on Oahu's North Shore(62 of97)
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Ala Wai Canal, Waikiki(63 of97)
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Hawaiian picnic(64 of97)
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Kauai(65 of97)
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Cracked coconuts (66 of97)
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Wild Spinner Dolphins, Maui(67 of97)
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Manini fish, Hanauma Bay(68 of97)
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Maui(69 of97)
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Green sea turtle, Maui(70 of97)
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Kalani Beach, Molokai (71 of97)
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Haleakala crater, Maui(72 of97)
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USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor(73 of97)
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Ka'apoko Tunnel linking Wailua and Hanalei Valleys, Kauai(74 of97)
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Acai bowl(75 of97)
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Peacock Flounder(76 of97)
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Wainapanapa Coastline, Maui(77 of97)
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Kuli'ou'ou Trail, Oahu(78 of97)
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Nualolo Valley, Kauai(79 of97)
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Wetlands and taro patchwork fields, Hanalei Valley, Kauai(80 of97)
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Waimea Canyon(81 of97)
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Queens Bath salt water pools, Kauai(82 of97)
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Poke with macadamia nuts and Hawaiian seaweed(83 of97)
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Waimoku Falls, Haleakala National Park, Maui(84 of97)
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Halemaumau trail(85 of97)
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Oahu(86 of97)
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Kailua Trail(87 of97)
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Acai berries(88 of97)
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Akule baitball, Kona, Hawaii(89 of97)
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Hana, Maui(90 of97)
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Waianapanapa state park in Hana, Maui(91 of97)
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Chinatown, Honolulu (92 of97)
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Acai sorbet(93 of97)
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First Lady Michelle Obama & White House social secretary Jeremy Bernard (R), Kualoa Ranch, Oahu(94 of97)
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2011 APEC Summit, Honolulu(95 of97)
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Maui (96 of97)
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Honolulu and Waikiki(97 of97)
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