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南カリフォルニア大学の研究チームが、1カ月のうちたった5日間カロリーの摂取量を抑えるだけで、体重が減るだけでなくガンや心疾患、糖尿病のリスクが低下する可能性があるという研究結果を発表した。「Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD)」(絶食風ダイエット)と名づけられたこの食事法は次の通りだ。











※今回の研究は学術誌『Cell Metabolism』に6月18日付けで掲載された。



グラノーラ(01 of10)
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実際には糖分が多く繊維質は少ない (credit:avlxyz/Flickr)
寿司(02 of10)
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実際には塩分と糖分が多く、タンパク質はそれほど多くない。 (credit:avlxyz/Flickr)
ドライフルーツ(03 of10)
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生のフルーツより糖分が多い。 (credit:dreyboblue/Flickr)
フローズンヨーグルト(04 of10)
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ヘルシーなスナックというよりは、アイスクリームのようなデザートとして考えたほうがいい。 (credit:naokomc/Flickr)
スムージー(05 of10)
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非常に糖分が多い場合もある\n (credit:ginnerobot/Flickr)
全粒粉のパン(06 of10)
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本物の全粒粉ではなく、精製された粉を使っている場合がある (credit:chocobos/Flickr)
シリアルバー(07 of10)
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糖分と飽和脂肪酸がたくさん含まれている。\n (credit:theimpulsivebuy/Flickr)
煮豆(08 of10)
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食物繊維は多いが、多くの料理では糖分も多い。加工品の場合は食品添加物にも注意。\n (credit:lynn.gardner/Flickr)
プレッツェル(09 of10)
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塩分が多いので、食べ過ぎないほうがいい。 (credit:anaulin/Flickr)
低脂肪ピーナッツバター(10 of10)
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「低脂肪」と書かれていても、カロリーは普通のピーナッツバターと同じだ。 (credit:green.thumbs/Flickr)


10 Healthy Foods That Are In Fact Quite Bad For You...
Granola(01 of10)
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Granola is not as nutritious as it may appear. Not many people know that it contains a lot of sugar and very little fibre. (credit:avlxyz/Flickr)
Sushi (02 of10)
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Whilst rice and vegetables seem healthy, sushi (especially the cheap kind) is high is salt and calories and low in protein. (credit:avlxyz/Flickr)
Dried Fruit(03 of10)
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Dried fruit may be a convenient snacking option, but the truth is it contains more sugar than fresh fruit. (credit:dreyboblue/Flickr)
Frozen Yoghurt(04 of10)
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You can pile on as many fresh fruit topping as you like, but frozen yoghurt itself is as bad as eating ice-cream. Have this as a dessert, not a healthy snack. (credit:naokomc/Flickr)
Smoothies(05 of10)
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Smoothies may seem like a healthy option but they are packed full of sugar, some even contain more sugar than fizzy drinks. \n\n (credit:ginnerobot/Flickr)
Multi-Grain Bread(06 of10)
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Don\'t be fooled by multi-grain and wheat breads. Read the label, as they are often made with ‘refined grains’ which reduce its nutritional value. (credit:chocobos/Flickr)
Cereal Bars(07 of10)
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You may think that cereal bars are an ideal alternative for breakfast, especially when you\'re on the go - but beware, as they are full of saturated fats and sugars. (credit:theimpulsivebuy/Flickr)
Baked Beans(08 of10)
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Whilst baked beans are high in fibre, most tins contain lots of sugar and additives. (credit:lynn.gardner/Flickr)
Pretzels(09 of10)
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Pretzels make for a great snack, but eat them in moderation, as they are often high in sodium. (credit:anaulin/Flickr)
Reduced Fat Peanut Butter (10 of10)
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Don\'t let the name deceive you. Reduced fat peanut butter actually contains the same amount of calories as the normal kind. (credit:green.thumbs/Flickr)