G20 初の成長目標、5年間で2%超底上げ 日銀総裁「より高い成長で貢献」

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[シドニー/東京 23日 ロイター]

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[シドニー 23日 ロイター]

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[シドニー 23日 ロイター]

日銀とアベノミクスの軌跡 画像で見るニュース
2013/8/19 TPP交渉、自由化率は85%で交渉へ(01 of74)
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環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)の交渉会合で、日本政府は、関税をなくす品目数の割合を示す「貿易自由化率」は最大で85%程度とする一方、関税を守りたいコメなどの農産品は、態度を明らかにしない「留保」とすることがわかった…続きを読む (credit:時事通信社)
2013/8/19 日銀の資産買い入れ、拡大する確率は60%=調査(02 of74)
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ロイター調査によると、日本の景気は、公共プロジェクトや堅調な消費者支出を背景に年内は回復軌道を維持すると見込まれるものの、来年度には消費税増税が予定されており、回復のペースは鈍くなる見通しだ…続きを読む (credit:Reuters)
2013/8/17 自民党が『タクシー事業適正化・活性化特別措置法改正案』(03 of74)
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安倍首相が官房長官だったときに行われた“タクシーの規制緩和”が、再び規制強化に戻されようとしている。タクシーの台数を減らす『タクシー事業適正化・活性化特別措置法改正案』の全容が8月16日に判明した。この法案は自民党がまとめたもので、1台当たりの売り上げが落ち込む都市部のタクシー事業者に対し、台数減らしを事実上義務付ける内容だとされる…続きを読む (credit:時事通信社)
2013/8/12 GDP予想下回り「消費増税見送り派の勢いが強まりそう」との見方も(04 of74)
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8月12日、朝方発表された日本の4─6月期実質国内総生産(GDP)1次速報が市場予想より下振れたことで、株安・円高が進行。景気回復への期待がやや後退したほか、消費税増税の判断など政策不透明感が強まったことも嫌気されている…続きを読む (credit:Getty)
2013/8/10 政府の借金、利払費が急増(05 of74)
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政府の借金が1千兆円を超えた。財務省は8月9日、国債や借入金などを合計した額が、6月末時点で1008兆6281億円になったと発表した。デフレ脱却に向けて、補正予算で大型の国債増発を行ったことが影響している。2013年3月末より17兆円以上増えており、2014年3月末には、1,107.1兆円になる見込みだという…続きを読む (credit:財務相データよりHuffPost Japan作成)
2013/8/5 TPP、次回交渉での「重要5項目」の例外主張は見送りか(06 of74)
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政府の環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)対策本部は、ブルネイで22日から始まる第19回目のTPP交渉会合において、コメなど「重要5項目」を例外と主張することを、見送る方向で調整に入った。具体的な名前を出さずに、10年以内に関税を無くす品目の割合を示す「自由化率」だけを提案するという…続きを読む (credit:Getty)
2013/07/30 甘利明経済再生担当相「よほどの外的要因がない限り、消費税上げない選択肢はない」(07 of74)
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甘利明経済再生担当相は7月30日夕、経済財政諮問会議終了後の会見で、消費税引き上げについて、リーマンショックのようなよほどの外的要因がない限り、消費税を引き上げないとの選択肢はないと述べた…続きを読む (credit:Reuters)
2013/7/29 黒田東彦日銀総裁「消費税率の引き上げでも成長は大きく損なわれず」(08 of74)
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黒田東彦日銀総裁は29日都内で講演し、4月に導入した異次元緩和の最大のリスク要因として海外経済の下振れを挙げる一方、財政への信認の重要性を強調。消費増税が予定通り来春以降実施されても経済成長は大きく損なわれないとの見方を示した…続きを読む (credit:Reuters)
日銀金融政策決定会合 2013年07月11日(09 of74)
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日本銀行本店で開かれた金融政策決定会合=11日午前、東京・日本橋本石町の日銀本店)[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
記者会見する日銀大阪支店長 2013/07/04(10 of74)
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記者会見する櫛田誠希日銀大阪支店長=4日午後、日銀本店\n撮影日: 2013/07/04 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀支店長会議 2013/07/04(11 of74)
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日銀本店で開かれた夏の支店長会議=4日午前、東京・日本橋本石町\n撮影日: 2013/07/04 (credit:時事通信社)
国会・質問に答える黒田日銀総裁 2013/06/19(12 of74)
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衆院財務金融委員会で質問に答える黒田東彦日銀総裁。左は麻生太郎財務・金融相=19日午後、国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/19 (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/06/13(13 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相(左から2人目)。正面右は黒田東彦日銀総裁=13日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/13 (credit:時事通信社)
記者の質問に答える日銀の黒田総裁 2013/06/13(14 of74)
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安倍首相との会談後、記者の質問に答える黒田東彦日銀総裁=13日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/13 (credit:時事通信社)
会見する黒田日銀総裁 2013/06/1(15 of74)
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金融政策決定会合後、記者会見する日銀の黒田東彦総裁=11日午後、日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/11 (credit:時事通信社)
質問を聞く黒田日銀総裁 2013/06/11(16 of74)
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記者の質問を聞く日銀の黒田東彦総裁=11日午後、日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/11 (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/06/06(17 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相(左から2人目)。右端は黒田東彦日銀総裁=6日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/06 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN-BANK-KURODA 2013/05/29(18 of74)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda (R) smiles next to Maurice Obstfeld, University of California, Berkeley before delivering an opening speech at the conference hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economy Studies and Bank of Japan at the BOJ headquarters in Tokyo on May 29, 2013. Kuroda said on May 29 the global economy has not shaken off the effects of the financial crisis in a speech to academics and officials. AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNO\n\n撮影日: 2013/05/29 (credit:AFP=時事)
JAPAN-ECONOMY-FORUM-BOJ 2013/05/24(19 of74)
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Governor of the Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda answers a question after delivering his speech during the two-day International conference on the Future of Asia in Tokyo on May 24, 2013. The 19th conference was held with a theme of \"Asia\'s Search for Steps toward Stronger Ties and integration.\" AFP PHOTO / TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/24 (credit:AFP=時事)
JAPAN-RATE-BANK 2013/05/22(20 of74)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor Haruhiko Kuroda speaks during a news conference at the BOJ headquarters in Tokyo on May 22, 2013. Kuroda held a news conference after the central bank concludeded a two-day policy meeting by announcing its latest monetary policy decisions. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/22 (credit:AFP=時事)
JAPAN-RATE-BANK 2013/05/22(21 of74)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor Haruhiko Kuroda speaks during a news conference at the BOJ headquarters in Tokyo on May 22, 2013. Kuroda held a news conference after the central bank concluded a two-day policy meeting by announcing its latest monetary policy decisions. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/22 (credit:AFP=時事)
日銀本店に入る黒田総裁 2013/05/22(22 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため日銀本店に入る黒田東彦総裁=22日午前、東京・日本橋本石町[代表撮影] \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/22 (credit:時事通信社)
BRITAIN-G7-ECONOMY-GROWTH 2013/05/10(23 of74)
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Finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of Seven pose for a family photo on the sideline of their meeting in Aylesbury, southern England, on May 10, 2013. The Group of Seven top economies kick-started fresh talks on spurring growth amid US-Europe divisions over the scale of austerity and renewed market focus on \"currency wars\" after the yen hit new dollar lows. AFP PHOTO / POOL / ALASTAIR GRANT\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/10 (credit:AFP=時事)
経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍首相 2013/05/20(24 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相(左端)。右端は黒田東彦日本銀行総裁=20日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/20 (credit:時事通信社)
G7・麻生財務相と黒田日銀総裁 (25 of74)
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先進7カ国財務相・中央銀行総裁会議(G7)終了後、記者会見する麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相(左)と黒田東彦日銀総裁=11日午後、イギリス・ロンドン近郊 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/11 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN-RATE-BANK 2013/05/22(26 of74)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor Haruhiko Kuroda holds a news conference at the BOJ headquarters in Tokyo on May 22, 2013. Kuroda held a news conference after the central bank concluded a two-day policy meeting by announcing its latest monetary policy decisions. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/22 (credit:時事通信社)
参院予算委・言葉を交わす安倍首相と黒田総裁 2013/05/08(27 of74)
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参議院予算委員会の開会前に言葉を交わす安倍晋三首相(右)と黒田東彦日銀総裁=8日、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/08 (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/05/07(28 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相。右端手前は黒田東彦日銀総裁=7日、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/07 (credit:時事通信社)
記者会見する麻生副総理ら 2013/05/03(29 of74)
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日本と東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)による初めての財務相・中央銀行総裁会議などを終え、記者会見する麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相(中央)と黒田東彦日銀総裁(右)ら=3日、インド・ニューデリー近郊 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/03 (credit:時事通信社)
ASEANと日中韓の財務相・中央銀行総裁 2013/05/03(30 of74)
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東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)と日本、中国、韓国の財務相・中央銀行総裁会議でのフォトセッション。最前列の右から黒田東彦日銀総裁と麻生太郎副総理兼務財務・金融相=3日、インド・ニューデリー近郊 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/03 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る佐藤委員 2013/04/26(31 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る佐藤健裕審議委員=26日午前7時56分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る木内委員 2013/04/26(32 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る木内登英審議委員=26日午前7時56分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る宮尾委員 2013/04/26(33 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る宮尾龍蔵審議委員=26日午前7時55分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る森本委員 2013/04/26(34 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る森本宜久審議委員=26日午前7時55分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る石田委員 2013/04/26(35 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る石田浩二審議委員=26日午前8時6分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀本店に入る白井委員 2013/04/26(36 of74)
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金融政策決定会合のため、日本銀行本店に入る白井さゆり審議委員=26日午前7時41分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/26 (credit:時事通信社)
参院予算委・答弁する黒田日銀総裁 2013/04/22(37 of74)
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参院予算委員会で答弁する黒田東彦日本銀行総裁=22日、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/22 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀支店長会議に臨む黒田総裁ら 2013/04/15(38 of74)
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日本銀行支店長会議に臨む黒田東彦総裁(左から5人目)ら=15日午前、東京・日本橋本石町の日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/15 (credit:時事通信社)
講演する黒田日銀総裁 2013/04/12(39 of74)
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講演会の質疑応答で笑顔を見せる日銀の黒田東彦総裁=12日午後、東京都内のホテル \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/12 (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/03/26(40 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相(左端)。右端は日本銀行の黒田東彦総裁=26日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/26 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN ECONOMY 2013/04/04(41 of74)
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Newly appointed Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda reacts to questions from reporters during his first regular press conference at the central bank\'s headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, 04 April 2013. The Bank of Japan new governor Haruhiko Kuroda decided to intensify its monetary easing to pull the world窶冱 third-largest economy out of 15 years of deflation. The central bank declared it will \'enter a new phase of monetary easing\' to reach a 2 percent inflation target within 2 years. Followin \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/04 (credit:EPA=時事通信社)
上昇した日経平均株価を示す株価ボード 2013/04/04(42 of74)
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日銀の追加金融緩和決定を受けて、上昇した日経平均株価を示す株価ボード=4日、東京都中央区 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/04 (credit:時事通信社)
記者会見する麻生財務相 2013/04/04(43 of74)
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日本銀行の金融政策決定を受け、記者会見する麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相=4日午後、東京・霞が関の財務省 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/04 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀金融政策決定会合 2013/04/04(44 of74)
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日銀の金融政策決定会合に臨む黒田東彦総裁(中央)、甘利明経済財政担当相(中央右)ら=4日午前、東京・日本橋本石町[代表撮影] \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/04 (credit:時事通信社)
衆院予算委・黒田総裁と岩田副総裁 2013/04/02(45 of74)
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衆議院予算委員会に参考人として出席する日銀の黒田東彦総裁(中央右)と岩田規久男副総裁(同左)=2日、国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/04/02 (credit:時事通信社)
物価問題に関する関係閣僚会議 2013/03/29(46 of74)
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物価問題に関する関係閣僚会議に出席する菅義偉官房長官(正面中央)ら。左端は黒田東彦日銀総裁、右端は公正取引委員会の杉本和行委員長=29日午前、国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/29 (credit:時事通信社)
国会・逢沢氏にあいさつする黒田総裁 2013/03/26(47 of74)
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衆院財務金融委員会前に自民党の逢沢一郎氏にあいさつする黒田東彦日銀総裁=26日午前、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/26 (credit:時事通信社)
国会・衆院財務金融委で答弁する黒田総裁 2013/03/26(48 of74)
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衆院財務金融委員会で答弁する黒田東彦日銀総裁。後方右は岩田規久男副総裁、右の女性はマイクの位置を直そうとする職員=26日午前、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/26 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN BANK OF JAPAN 2013/03/21(49 of74)
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Newly appointed Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda (C) smiles with Vice Governors Kikuo Iwata (L) and Hiroshi Nakaso (R) after his first news conference as the governor at its headquarters in Tokyo Japan, 21 March 2013. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/21 (credit:時事通信社)
退任の記者会見で笑顔を見せる日銀の白川総裁 2013/03/19(50 of74)
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退任の記者会見で笑顔を見せる日銀の白川方明総裁=19日午後、日銀本店(了) \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/19 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀総裁を退任する白川氏 2013/03/19(51 of74)
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笑顔で手を振りながら日銀本店を後にする白川方明総裁=19日午後6時7分、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/19 (credit:時事通信社)
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Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa smiles as he speaks during his farewell news conference at its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, 19 March 2013. Shirakawa held the press conference to mark the end to his five year terms. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/19 (credit:EPA=時事)
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The Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor Masaaki Shirakawa answers a question during a press conference in Tokyo on March 7, 2013. BOJ wrapped up its last policy meeting under governor Shirakawa, making way for a new leadership team that could herald a new era for the central bank. AFP PHOTO / TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/07 (credit:AFP=時事)
国会・所信を述べる中曽氏 2013/03/05(54 of74)
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衆院議院運営委員会で所信を述べる日銀副総裁候補の中曽宏日銀理事=5日、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/05 (credit:時事通信社)
国会・日銀副総裁候補の岩田氏と中曽氏 2013/03/05(55 of74)
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衆院議院運営委員会で所信を述べる日銀副総裁候補の岩田規久男学習院大教授(左)。右は同候補の中曽宏日銀理事=5日、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/05 (credit:時事通信社)
国会・所信を述べる黒田アジア開発銀行総裁 2013/03/04(56 of74)
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衆院議院運営委員会で所信を述べる次期日銀総裁候補の黒田東彦アジア開発銀行総裁=4日午前、東京・国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/03/04 (credit:時事通信社)
あいさつする安倍首相 2013/02/28(57 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍晋三首相(中央)。背中は日銀の白川方明総裁=28日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/28 (credit:時事通信社)
衆院の議院運営委員会理事会 2013/02/28(58 of74)
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次期日銀総裁の人事案について話し合う衆院の議院運営委員会理事会=28日午前、国会内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/28 (credit:時事通信社)
G20・記者会見する麻生財務相と白川日銀総裁 2013/02/16(59 of74)
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20カ国・地域(G20)財務相・中央銀行総裁会議の閉幕後に記者会見する、麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相(左)と白川方明日銀総裁=16日夕、ロシア・モスクワ市内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/16 (credit:時事通信社)
G20集合写真 2013/02/16(60 of74)
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モスクワで開かれていた20カ国・地域(G20)財務相・中央銀行総裁会議の出席者。白川方明日銀総裁(2列目左端)と麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相が並んでいる(ロシア・モスクワ) \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/16 (credit:時事通信社)
笑顔の白川日銀総裁 2013/02/14(61 of74)
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金融政策決定会合終了後の記者会見で笑顔を見せる、日銀の白川方明総裁=14日、日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/14 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN-BANK-BOJ-SHIRAKAWA 2013/02/05(62 of74)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor Masaaki Shirakawaspeaks to the press at the BOJ headquarters in Tokyo on February 5, 2013. The head of the Bank of Japan has offered to step down about three weeks before his term ends, reports said on February 5, after the BOJ and Japan\'s new government butted heads on policy matters. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/05\n (credit:AFP=時事)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/02/05(63 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議に臨む安倍晋三首相(左から2人目)。正面右は日本銀行の白川方明総裁=5日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/02/05 (credit:時事通信社)
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Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Masaaki Shirakawa speaks before the press in Tokyo on January 25, 2013. Shirakawa said that the two-percent target is hard to achieve because it needs various efforts including those by the government in reforms in regulations that could be politically difficult. AFP PHOTO / RIE ISHII\n \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/25 (credit:AFP=時事)
経済財政諮問会議であいさつする安倍首相 2013/01/24(65 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議の集中審議であいさつする安倍晋三首相。背中は日銀の白川方明総裁=24日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/24 (credit:時事通信社)
記者会見する白川総裁 2013/01/22(66 of74)
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融政策決定会合後、記者会見する日銀の白川方明総裁=22日午後、東京・日本橋本石町の日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
JAPAN ECONOMY 2013/01/22(67 of74)
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Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa (L) speaks to Japan\'s Finance Minister Taro Aso (C) and Economics Minister Akira Amari (R) at the prime minister\'s official residence in Tokyo, Japan, 22 January 2013. The government and the Bank of Japan reached an agreement to instill inflation in order to boost the economy. The central bank agreed on working towards a 2 percent inflation objective to fight against the deflation. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
金融政策決定会合の白川日銀総裁ら 2013/01/22(68 of74)
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金融政策決定会合に臨む日本銀行の白川方明総裁(中央)ら=22日午前、東京・日本橋本石町の日銀本店[時事通信社代表撮影] \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22\n (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議 2013/01/22(69 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議に出席する安倍晋三首相(左から2人目)ら。正面右は日本銀行の白川方明総裁=22日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
白川総裁の記者会見 2013/01/22(70 of74)
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金融政策決定会合後、記者会見する日本銀行の白川方明総裁=22日午後、東京・日本橋本石町の日銀本店 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
甘利経済財政担当相に話しかける麻生副総理 2013/01/22(71 of74)
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日銀金融政策決定会合後の安倍晋三首相との会談前、甘利明経済財政担当相(中)に話しかける麻生太郎副総理。左は白川方明日銀総裁=22日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
共同声明文書を受け取る安倍首相 2013/01/22(72 of74)
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日本銀行の金融政策決定会合後、(左から)白川方明日銀総裁、甘利明経済財政担当相、麻生太郎副総理兼財務・金融相から共同声明文書を受け取る安倍晋三首相=22日午後、東京・首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/22 (credit:時事通信社)
日銀支店長会議 2013/01/15(73 of74)
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日銀支店長会議に臨む白川方明総裁(中央)ら=15日午前、東京・日本橋本石町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/15 (credit:時事通信社)
経済財政諮問会議に臨む安倍首相 2013/01/09(74 of74)
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経済財政諮問会議に臨む安倍晋三首相(左側手前から2人目)。奥右は日銀の白川方明総裁=9日午後、首相官邸 \n\n撮影日: 2013/01/09 (credit:時事通信社)
G20首脳会合 画像集
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(01 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, world leaders attend the first working meeting at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(02 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the first working meeting at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(03 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and South African President Jacob Zuma attend the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(04 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, South Korean President Park Geun-hye attends the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(05 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin greets U.S. President Barack Obama at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(06 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono arrive for the first working meeting at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(07 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, US President Barack Obama, left, and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev speak at the working dinner for G20 Leaders\' Summit participants at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Ramil Sitdikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(08 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde is shown before the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(09 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and British Prime Minister David Cameron (R) talk before the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(10 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and South Korean President Park Geun-hye talk at the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(11 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attends a working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(12 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah, representing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), attends the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(13 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso speaks at a news briefing at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Roman Yandolin/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(14 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(15 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron attend the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(16 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner talk before the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(17 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Sergei Ivanov, chief of the Russian presidential executive office, attends the opening of the cultural program for journalists at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(18 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, (L-R) Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam representing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Enrico Letta, President of the Italian Council of Ministers arrive for the family photo at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(19 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin attends the signing of joint agreements at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Mikhail Kireev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(20 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud arrives for the family photo at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(21 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, (R) and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe meet at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(22 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin attends the meeting of the BRICS delegation heads at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(23 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, (C) attends the meeting of the BRICS delegations\' heads the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(24 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, A fireworks display by the Grand Cascade in Peterhof during the musical fountain show for the G20 Summit participants on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(25 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, A fireworks display by the Grand Cascade in Peterhof during the musical fountain show for the G20 Summit participants on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(26 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, A fireworks display by the Grand Cascade in Peterhof during the musical fountain show for the G20 Summit participants on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(27 of101)
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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, British Prime Minister David Cameron and President of South Africa Jacob Zuma are seen at the musical fountain show for the G20 Summit participants by the Grand Cascade on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Vladimir Astapkovich/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(28 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Anton Siluanov, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation attends the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexey Maishev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(29 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Bob Carr, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Australia, gives an interview at the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Alexey Maishev /Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(30 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Brazil Dilma Vana Rousseff (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend the meeting of the heads of BRICS delegations at the G20 Summit September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Igor Russak/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
RUSSIA-G20-SUMMIT(31 of101)
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US President Barack Obama (C-R) is greeted by Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) as he arrives for a bilateral meeting in Saint Petersburg on September 6, 2013 on the sideline of the G20 summit. World leaders met at the G20 summit in Russia as tensions over the Syrian conflict threatened to torpedo the work plan of the summit. Pleas for Washington to step back from a war path grew louder, with China, the United Nations and even the pope chiming in. AFP Photo/Jewel Samad (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(32 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(33 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(34 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles during a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(35 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Enrico Letta, president of the Italian Council of Ministers, attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(36 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, British Prime Minister David Cameron attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(37 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Enrico Letta, president of the Italian Council of Ministers, attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(38 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Maxim Topilin attends the briefing \'Employment on the G20 Agenda. Outcomes of the Labour Ministers\' Meeting\' at the G20 Summit on day two on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed during the two-day summit. (Photo by Anatoly Medved/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(39 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(40 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(41 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Alexey Mordashov, Chair of the Trade as a Growth Driver Task Force of Business 20, CEO of OAO Severstal, attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(42 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, (L-R) Chairman of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(43 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Alexey Mordashov, Chair of the Trade as a Growth Driver Task Force of Business 20, CEO of OAO Severstal, attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(44 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(45 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) attends a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(46 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(47 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) attends the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(48 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, (L-R) Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a meeting with Business 20 and Labour 20 representatives at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(49 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen prior the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(50 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(51 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, (L-R clockwise) Enrico Letta, President of the Italian Council of Ministers, U.S. President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande talk during the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations. attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(52 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(53 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian Foreign Minster Sergei Lavrov (R) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meet in Constantine Palace at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Roman Yandolin/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(54 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Enrico Letta, President of the Italian Council of Ministers and U.S. President Barack Obama chat before the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations. attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(55 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim (R) is seen prior the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Valeriy Melnikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(56 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto attend the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(57 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande is seen prior the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(58 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Valeriy Melnikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(59 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper attend the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by AGrigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(60 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Spain Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(61 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, South African President Jacob Zuma attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Valeriy Melnikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(62 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(63 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (R) and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto attend the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(64 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(65 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, a general view is pictured during the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(66 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, South Korean President Park Geun-hye attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(67 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Valeriy Melnikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(68 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(69 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(70 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Jose Angel Gurria, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Grigoriy Sisoev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(71 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other leaders pose for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(72 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Enrico Letta, President of the Italian Council of Ministers and U.S. President Barack Obama attend the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(73 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, British Prime Minister David Cameron attends the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(74 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, (L-R) Enrico Letta, President of the Italian Council of Ministers, U.S. President Barack Obama, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Bob Carr and British Prime Minister David Cameron attend the second working meeting of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(75 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout photo provided by the German Government Press Office (BPA) German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron (R) meet with Saudi Arabia\'s Finance Minister Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al-Assaf during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Guido Bergmann/Bundesregierung via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(76 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrive to pose with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(77 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrive to pose with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(78 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) poses with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(79 of101)
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PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives for the family group photo of the G20 heads of state and government, heads of invited states and international organizations at the G20 Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(80 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin poses next to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (R) with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(81 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Russian President Vladimir Putin pose with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(82 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of South Africa Jacob Zuma, (L) shakes hands with Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta as President of France, Francois Hollande, (C) looks on at the official group photo session at the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf /Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(83 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of South Africa Jacob Zuma, (L), President of France, Francois Hollande, (C) and President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye (R) attend the official group photo session at the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit.(Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(84 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Brazil, Dilma Vana Rousseff, (C) and President of Mexican, Enrique Pena Nieto pose for the official photo at the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(85 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev arrive at the working lunch during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Valeriy Melnikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(86 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: British Prime Minister David Cameron and Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrive to pose with other leaders for a group photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict as they enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Filippov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(87 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrives in a SMART for a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(88 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrives in a SMART for a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(89 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Maishev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(90 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(91 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(92 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexey Maishev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(93 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anatoly Medved/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(94 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, President of Russia Vladimir Putin helds a press conference on the outcomes of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Alexander Vilf/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(95 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(96 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, French President Francois Hollande speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Anton Denisov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(97 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, British Prime Minister David Cameron speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict during enter the final day of the Russian summit. (Photo by Ramil Sitdikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(98 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, South Korean president Park Geun-hye attends a meeting with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin (not pictured) during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the of the Russian summit. (Photo by Iliya Pitalev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(99 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(100 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit(101 of101)
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SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 06: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders\' Summit on September 6, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Leaders of the G20 nations made progress on tightening up on multinational company tax avoidance, but remain divided over the Syrian conflict at the of the Russian summit. (Photo by Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)