ナスカの地上絵に落書き グリーンピースにペルー政府が法的措置へ【画像】

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Greenpeace activists stand next to massive letters delivering the message


時事ドットコムなどによると、12月8日の早朝に活動家12人が地上絵のある平原に侵入。「変化する時が来た!未来は再生可能 グリーンピース」と、黄色の布でつくったメッセージをハチドリの地上絵の近くに置いたという。温暖化対策の新たな枠組みを協議する国連の会議「COP20」が、ペルーの首都リマで12月9日から始まる前に各国の閣僚へのメッセージを届けるのが狙いだった模様だ。



【UPDATE】グリーンピース・ジャパンの広報担当者はハフポスト日本版の取材に対し、「ペルー政府が処罰することを発表したという一部報道は事実ではなく、法的措置を取る方針というのが正しい。『未来は再生可能』というのは、『未来は再生可能エネルギーが主力になる』という意味だ」と話した。世界遺産の周辺にメッセージを書いた理由については「本部に問い合わせる」と答えた。(2014/12/10 20:02)

【UPDATE2】 グリーンピース・ジャパンはハフポスト日本版の取材に対し、「地上絵には一切触れていない」とするコメントを出した。(2014/12/10 22:08)



プレスリリース: COP20開催中における、グリーンピースの「ナスカの地上絵」付近での活動について | 国際環境NGOグリーンピース 2014/12/10)


Peru Climate Change Conference(01 of07)
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Greenpeace activists stand next to massive letters delivering the message \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Peru Climate Change Conference(02 of07)
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Greenpeace activists stand next to massive letters delivering the message \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Peru Climate Change Conference(03 of07)
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Greenpeace activists stand next to massive letters delivering the message \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Peru Climate Change Conference(04 of07)
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Greenpeace activists arrange the letters delivering the message \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca, Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the countries cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Peru Climate Change Conference(05 of07)
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Greenpeace activists gather next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable,\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Peru Climate Change Conference(06 of07)
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Greenpeace activists stand next to massive letters delivering the message \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable,\" next to the hummingbird geoglyph in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Peru Climate Change Conference(07 of07)
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Greenpeace activists walk towards the historic landmark of the hummingbird in Nazca in Peru, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria displayed the message, \"Time for Change: The Future is Renewable\" which can be viewed from the sky, during the climate talks in Peru, to honor the Nazca people, whose ancient geoglyphs are one of the country\'s cultural landmarks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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