台風26号、福島第一の汚染水は大丈夫? 東電に聞く

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(朝日新聞デジタル「福島第一、汚染水タンク周囲の水放出 台風で緊急措置」より 2013/09/16)



(時事ドットコム「5、6号機の廃炉要請=安倍首相が東電社長に-福島第1原発」より 2013/09/19)






朝日新聞デジタルの報道によると、10月16日早朝、福島第一原発の汚染水タンクを囲む堰内にたまった雨水があふれるとして、排出を始めた。排出したのは午前11時現在で9カ所のタンクの区画。含まれる放射性物質の濃度を調べ、15日深夜にまとまった暫定基準値未満であることを確認したという。 (2013/10/16 11:58)


福島原発 地下汚染水の視察
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察(01 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で行われている、地下汚染水の対策現場を視察する茂木敏充経産相(中央)=8月26日午後2時45分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・視察する廃炉安全監視協議会(02 of12)
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放射能汚染水漏れを受け、東京電力福島第1原子力発電所を視察する廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー=4月24日午後、福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察(03 of12)
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汚染水の漏えいが見つかったタンク(正面)周辺を視察する茂木敏充経済産業相(右)=8月26日午後、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原子力発電所[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・説明を受ける廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー(04 of12)
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放射能汚染水漏れがあった東京電力福島第1原子力発電所の配管について、東電の担当者から説明を受ける廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー=4月24日午後、福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察 (05 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で、地下汚染水の対策現場を視察する茂木敏充経産相(右手前)ら。中央の円柱状のものは遮水壁=8月26日午後2時41分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・第1原発敷地内の汚染水タンク(06 of12)
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東京電力福島第1原子力発電所の敷地内に立ち並ぶ汚染水タンク(手前)=3月5日(時事通信社チャーター機より撮影) (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵するタンク(07 of12)
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敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵するタンク=3月1日午後0時6分、福島県大熊町[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵する大型タンク(08 of12)
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敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵する大型タンク=3月1日午後0時24分、福島県大熊町[代表撮影] \n (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・海側で行われている地下汚染水の対策(09 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で行われている地下汚染水の対策。手前は地下水のくみ上げ設備。中央奥に遮水壁がある=8月26日午後2時49分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・下汚染水の対策現場で地下水のくみ上げを行っている設備 (10 of12)
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1・2号機の海側で行われている、地下汚染水の対策現場で、地下水のくみ上げを行っている設備=8月26日午後2時48分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・汚染水を入れるG6タンク増設エリア(11 of12)
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汚染水を入れるG6タンク増設エリア=6月11日午前11時28分、福島県大熊町の福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・汚染水流出防止の護岸工事 (12 of12)
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汚染水の海洋流出防止のため、東京電力福島第1原発2号機の取水口付近で行われている護岸の地盤改良工事=22日午後7時[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
台風26号/不明者を捜索する消防団員(01 of16)
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台風26号による土砂崩れで倒壊した家屋から、行方不明者を捜索する消防団員=2013年10月18日、東京都大島町 (credit:時事通信社)
台風26号/泥をかき出すボランティア(02 of16)
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釣具店で泥をかき出すボランティアの男性=2013年10月21日午後、東京都大島町 (credit:時事通信社)
台風/住宅に倒れかかった巨大な岩(03 of16)
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台風26号の大雨で崩れ、住宅に倒れかかった巨大な岩=16日午前9時、神奈川県鎌倉市植木 (credit:時事通信社)
台風/運転本数の減少を伝える張り紙 (04 of16)
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台風26号の影響による運転本数の減少を知らせる張り紙=16日午前、JR東京駅 (credit:時事通信社)
台風/風雨の中歩く人たち (05 of16)
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台風26号による強い風雨の中、傘を差して歩く人たち=16日午前、JR東京駅前 (credit:時事通信社)
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epa03911999 After the passing of Typhoon Wipha, a Japanese farm woman walks over flooded land on her farm, some 80 km east of Tokyo in Isumi city, Chiba prefecture, Japan, 16 October 2013. At least eight people died in eastern Japan as a powerful typhoon bringing torrential rains and strong winds lashed the region early 16 October. Seven residents died and about 50 people remained unaccounted for after dozens of homes were washed away by a swollen river on Izu Oshima island, 120 kilometres south of Tokyo, broadcaster NHK reported, citing local authorities. EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03912000 After the passing of Typhoon Wipha, a Japanese man observes a swollen river, some 80 km east of Tokyo in Isumi city, Chiba prefecture, Japan, 16 October 2013. At least eight people died in eastern Japan as a powerful typhoon bringing torrential rains and strong winds lashed the region early 16 October. Seven residents died and about 50 people remained unaccounted for after dozens of homes were washed away by a swollen river on Izu Oshima island, 120 kilometres south of Tokyo, broadcaster NHK reported, citing local authorities. EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03912001 After the passing of Typhoon Wipha, a Japanese farmer collects fallen rice bundles on his flooded farm, some 80 km east of Tokyo in Isumi city, Chiba prefecture, Japan, 16 October 2013. At least eight people died in eastern Japan as a powerful typhoon bringing torrential rains and strong winds lashed the region early 16 October. Seven residents died and about 50 people remained unaccounted for after dozens of homes were washed away by a swollen river on Izu Oshima island, 120 kilometres south of Tokyo, broadcaster NHK reported, citing local authorities. EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911934 A woman walks under strong winds generated by typhoon Wipha near Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911935 A woman walks under strong winds generated by typhoon Wipha near Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911931 A young couple struggle to walk under strong winds generated by typhoon Wipha near Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911932 A young couple struggle to walk under strong winds generated by typhoon Wipha near Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911930 A screen displays railways information at Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911933 A commuter looks at a screen displaying railways information at Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911936 A screen displays typhoon informations at Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON\n (credit:EPA=時事)
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epa03911937 A screen displays typhoon informations at Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 2013. Powerful typhoon Wipha lashed eastern Japan, bringing torrential rains and strong winds to the Tokyo metropolitan area as it headed for north-eastern Japan. Typhoon Wipha, the 26th of the season, could come close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station later in the day. On Izu Oshima island, 100 kilometres south of Tokyo, a record precipitation of 122 millimeters per hour was registered and three people are reported dead after homes were washed away by a swollen river. The storm also disrupted transport in wide areas of eastern and north-eastern Japan as about 500 domestic flights were cancelled and many train services were suspended. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON (credit:EPA=時事)
(01 of19)
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epa03869480 Strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, damages a woman\'s umbrella in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and will bring heavy rains. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(02 of19)
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epa03869481 Strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, damages a woman\'s umbrella in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and will bring heavy rains. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(03 of19)
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epa03869482 Strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, damages a woman\'s umbrella in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and will bring heavy rains. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(04 of19)
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epa03869483 A woman holding an umbrella broken by strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and will bring heavy rains. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(05 of19)
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epa03869485 Strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, damages an umbrella in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and will bring heavy rains. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(06 of19)
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epa03869491 Pedestrians hold umbrellas broken by strong wind caused by Typhoon Man-yi, which is approaching to Japanese capital of Tokyo, in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and bring many flood of rivers. Special warnings are issued in western and central Japan2 EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(07 of19)
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epa03869500 People clean up after water left a flooded street of Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bullet-train services were temporarily suspended in centr \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(08 of19)
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epa03869501 People walk through a flooded street of Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bullet-train services were temporarily suspended in central and wester \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(09 of19)
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epa03869502 A police officer deploys a \'keep-out\' tape on the flooded riverbed of the Katsura river in Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bullet-train servic \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(10 of19)
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epa03869504 A flooded playground is seen on the riverbed of the Katsura river in Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bullet-train services were temporarily su \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(11 of19)
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epa03869505 A police officer and a city worker deploy a \'keep-out\' tape on the flooded riverbed of the Katsura river in Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bu \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(12 of19)
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epa03869506 A \'keep-out\' tape is seen on the flooded riverbed of the Katsura river in Kyoto city\'s Arashiyama district, Kyoto Prefecture, western Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. Man-Yi made landfall in central Japan at around 8 am as the agency warned residents to expect flooding, mudslides and high waves in western, central and eastern Japan. Bullet-train services were temporari \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(13 of19)
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epa03869507 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and bring many flood of rivers. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa Rivier EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(14 of19)
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epa03869508 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon Man-yi, 18th typhoon of the season, is running from western through eastern Japan and bring many flood of rivers. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa Rivier EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(15 of19)
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epa03869510 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa River. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(16 of19)
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epa03869510 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa River. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(17 of19)
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epa03869511 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa River. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(18 of19)
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epa03869512 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa River. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)
(19 of19)
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epa03869513 Passengers are waiting for restart of Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train over Mishima Station at JR Tokyo shinkansen station in Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2013. Typhoon \'Man-Yi\', the 18th typhoon of the season, is crossing Japan bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas of the country. The Tokaido Sinkansen bullet train is suspending over Mishima station for Nagoya, central Japan and Osaka, western Japan for hours due to flood warning on Fujigawa River. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/16 (credit:EPA=時事)