







■「ETV特集 よみがえる色彩 ~ 激動の20世紀 アーカイブ映像の可能性 ~」




そして、現在NHKでは、フランスの制作会社の協力を得て、世界一の大都市・東京に関わる白黒映像をカラー化し、東京の100年を復元する番組を制作中です(2014年秋、放送予定)。 そこでETV特集では、色彩を復元するための最新のデジタル技術や、フランス人スタッフの試行錯誤、色彩がよみがえった東京の映像の一部を紹介します。さらに、ヨーロッパで続々と制作されるカラー化した番組を2本紹介し、その魅力を堪能しながら、白黒のアーカイブ映像の色彩を復元する意味について考えます。

出典:NHK 「ETV特集」のホームページ









































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1945年2月23日に硫黄島で撮影された報道写真。硫黄島は当時、東京都の一部であったことから、同島の占領は連合軍による最初の日本本土占領となることを意味していた。\n\nYou\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
アルバート・アインシュタイン(02 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ジョン・F・ケネディ大統領(03 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN) (credit:John F. Kennedy)
マーチン・ルーサー・キング牧師とジョン・F・ケネディ大統領(04 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
エリザベス・テイラー(05 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
エイブラハム・リンカーン大統領(06 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
チャーリー・チャップリン(07 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
チェ・ゲバラ(08 of27)
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キューバの革命家、1967年に39歳で銃殺刑に処された。\n\nYou\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ジョン・F・ケネディ大統領とその妻、ジャクリーン(09 of27)
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ジャクリーンは、ケネディ大統領が1963年に暗殺された後、ギリシャの海運王アリストテレス・オナシスと再婚した。\n\nYou\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
オードリー・ヘップバーン(10 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ジム・ヘンソンとセサミストリートのパペットたち(バートとカーミット)(11 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
カーネル・サンダーズ(12 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ロバート・レッドフォードとポール・ニューマン(13 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
マーチン・ルーサー・キング牧師(14 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
マハトマ・ガンジー(15 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
アルバート・アインシュタイン(16 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
エイブラハム・リンカーン大統領(17 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ジェームズ・ディーン(18 of27)
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1955年に自動車事故で死亡(24歳)\n\nYou\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
初期の防弾チョッキのテスト(19 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
アルバート・アインシュタイン(20 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ウィンストン・チャーチル英国首相(21 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
オードリー・ヘップバーン(22 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
エリザベス・テイラー(クレオパトラ役)(23 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
アドルフ・ヒトラー(24 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
ニール・アームストロング(25 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
マーロン・ブランド(26 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)
クリント・イーストウッド(27 of27)
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You\'ve seen Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain - but never quite like this. Mads Madsen, a Danish artist and full-time English and history student, has perfected the art of adding colour to old black and white portraits - bringing history vividly to life. (Credit: WENN)