安倍首相が「読んでいない」ポツダム宣言 現代語訳だとこうなる







  1. 我々、アメリカ合衆国大統領、中華民国主席とイギリス首相は、我々の数億の国民を代表して協議した結果、この戦争終結の機会を日本に与えることで意見が一致した。
  2. アメリカ、イギリス、そして中国の陸海空軍は、何度も陸軍、航空編隊の増強を受けて巨大になっており、日本に対して最後の一撃を加える体制が整っている。この軍事力は、日本が抵抗をやめるまで同盟国によって維持できるものだ。
  3. 世界中の自由な人々は立ち上がった。それに対してドイツが採った無益かつ無意味な抵抗の結果は、日本の人々に対しても極めて明快な例として示されている。現在日本に向かって集中しつつある力は、ナチスの抵抗に対して用いられた力―全ドイツ民の生活、産業、国土を荒廃させるのに必要だった力―に比べると、測り知れないほど大きいものだ。決意をもって、我々の軍事力全てを投入すれば、日本軍は壊滅し、また、日本の国土は焦土と化すだろう。
  4. 日本が決断する時は来ている。知力を欠いた身勝手な軍国主義者によって制御され続け、滅亡の淵に至るのか。それとも、理性の道を選ぶのか。
  5. 我々の条件は以下の通り。条件からの逸脱はないものとする。代替条件はない。遅延も一切認めない。
  6. 日本の人々をだまし、間違った方向に導き、世界征服に誘った影響勢力や権威・権力は、排除されなければならない。無責任な軍国主義が世界からなくなるまでは、平和、安全、正義の新秩序は実現不可能である。
  7. そのような新秩序が確立されるまで、また日本の戦争遂行能力が壊滅したと明確に証明できるまで、連合国軍が指定する日本領土内の諸地点は、連合国軍がこれを占領するものとする。基本的目的の達成を担保するためである。
  8. カイロ宣言の条項は履行されるべきものとし、また、日本の主権は本州、北海道、九州、四国及びわれわれの決定する周辺小諸島に限定するものとする。
  9. 日本の軍隊は、完全に武装解除されてから帰還を許し、平和で生産的な生活を営む機会を与えることとする。
  10. 我々は、日本を人種差別し、奴隷化するつもりもなければ国を絶滅させるつもりもない。しかし、われわれの捕虜を虐待した者を含めて、全ての戦争犯罪人に対しては厳重なる処罰を行うものとする。日本政府は、日本の人々の間に民主主義的風潮を強化しあるいは復活するにあたって、障害となるものは排除する。言論、宗教、思想の自由及び基本的人権の尊重が確立されなければならない。
  11. 日本は産業の維持を許される。そして経済を持続し、正当な戦争賠償の取り立てに充当する。しかし、戦争を目的とする軍備拡張のためのものではない。この目的のため、原材料の入手はこれを許される。ただし、入手と支配とは区別する。世界貿易取引関係への日本の事実上の参加を許すものとする。
  12. 連合国占領軍は、その目的達成後そして日本人民の自由なる意志に従って、平和的傾向を帯び、かつ責任ある政府が樹立される限りにおいて、直ちに日本より撤退するものとする。
  13. 我々は日本政府に対し日本軍の無条件降伏の宣言を要求する。かつ、誠意を持って実行されるよう、適切かつ十二分な保証を求める。もし拒否すれば、日本は即座にかつ徹底して撃滅される。
American Landing Ships Sailing To Iwo Jima(01 of27)
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JAPAN - FEBRUARY 18: American landing ships sailing to Iwo Jima island protected by a cruiser warship on the left on February 18, 1945 in Japan. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)
WWII Iwo Jima 1945(02 of27)
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An attack on one of the caves connected to a three-tier blockhouse destroys the structure on the edge of Turkey Nob, giving a clear view of the beachhead toward the southwest on Iwo Jima, as U.S. Marines storm the island, April 2, 1945. (AP Photo/W. Eugene Smith/Pool) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Iwo Jima Prisoners(03 of27)
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8th March 1945: Three Japanese prisoners of war surrounded by American soldiers after they were captured during fighting on Iwo Jima. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images) (credit:Central Press via Getty Images)
The Pacific War, 1945. American Marines With Japanese Flags At Iwo Jima(04 of27)
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JAPAN - FEBRUARY 01: After February 1945, date when the island of Iwo Jima was taken by the Americans during the Pacific War, American marines show the Japanese flags which they took from the enemy when they conquered the island. Since February 23, 1945, American soldiers were involved in a fierce battle to capture the island which was an ideal trampoline from which to launch B-29 bomber raids against Japan. During the war, this island was one of the Japanese air bases. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)
WWII Iwo Jima(05 of27)
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In this image provided by the U.S. Navy, the cross of the church flag flies over the Stars and Stripes atop grim Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima, Japan, as divine services are conducted on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945, by a Navy chaplain. Covered by a poncho a small organ (center) provides music. Ships ride at anchor below the mount where U.S. Marines raised American flag, as photographed by Joe Rosenthal, Associated Press photographer with the wartime still picture pool, after bloody fighting. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Iwo Jima(06 of27)
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Graves of 5th Division Marines killed during bitter fighting are marked by simple white crosses in this cemetery on Iwo Jima, Japan on March 23, 1945. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WWII Battle of Iwo Jima(07 of27)
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In this handout from the U.S. Navy, Navy and Coast Guard landing parties attempt to square away two \"ducks\" that were battered Japanese fire, on Iwo Jima, March 27, 1945. The landings were made even more difficult by the heavy, grinding surf, which wreaked havoc with many a landing craft. The \"ducks\" are shown rapidly filling with water on the blackened sands of the volcanic island fortress. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WWII Battle of Iwo Jima(08 of27)
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In this handout from the U.S. Army, three 7th Fighter Command ground crew members perched atop a weapons watch anxiously as a P-51 Mustang fighter approaches for a landing on a treacherous landing strip on Iwo Jima, March 28, 1945. Soft spots, cross winds and roving clouds of volcanic dust make the airstrip one of the toughest to land at in the Pacific. (AP Photo/U.S. Army) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WWII Iwo Jima(09 of27)
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In this image provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, a series of foxholes scooped in the volcanic ash serve as press and photo headquarters for the men covering the battle for Iwo Jima, Japan on March 27, 1945. From these crude shelters, the Coast Guard combat photographers operated after landing with the assault waves from Coast Guard-manned invasion transports and LSTâS. They ducked for a few minutes rest between shots of battle action. Here writers pounded out stories on typewriters set on empty ration boxes. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
World War II. Pacific front.(10 of27)
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MICRONESIA - FEBRUARY 19: World War II. Pacific front. Battle of Iwo Jima. Landing of marines on D. Day. Febuary 19, 1945. (Photo by Roger Viollet/Getty Images) (credit:Roger Viollet via Getty Images)
World War Two(11 of27)
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Injured US marines of the 4th Division at the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War Two, Japan, February 20th 1945. (Photo by US Marine Corps/Getty Images) (credit:FPG via Getty Images)
Marine In Iwo Jima Foxhole(12 of27)
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Inland shot taken at 0900, D-Day plus 1, Iwo Jima, February 20, 1945. Marine in foxhole. (Photo by PhotoQuest/Getty Images) (credit:PhotoQuest via Getty Images)
Flying The Flag(13 of27)
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23rd February 1945: View of marines planting a US flag on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, Japan, World War II. This was the second flag raised that day, being larger than the first. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Hulton Archive via Getty Images)
Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.(14 of27)
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Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima is a historical photograph taken on February 23, 1945. It depicts five US Marines and a US Navy corpsman raising a US flat atop Mount Suribachi, during the Battle of Iwo Jima in WW2. (Photo by: Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty images) (credit:Universal History Archive via Getty Images)
The Pacific War The Battle Of Iwo Jima 1945(15 of27)
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JAPAN - MARCH 01: A Soldier Of The American Marine Infantry Wounded While Landing On The Island Of Iwo Jima In Japan Is Transported On An Armoured Vehicle On March 3, 1945. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)
The Pacific War The Battle Of Iwo Jima 1945(16 of27)
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JAPAN - MARCH 01: The American Soldiers Fighting Against The Japanese In Iwo Jima On March 1945. The Marines Climbing Up Along A Slope Under The Ennemy\'S Assault. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)
Sleeping Marine(17 of27)
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27th March 1945: A United States Marine sleeps under an army blanket in his foxhole, dug in the sand at the beach at Iwo Jima during World War II, Japan. The camouflaged roof of the dugout has been reinforced with metal to protect against shrapnel. (Photo by R. Gates/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:R. Gates via Getty Images)
The Pacific War The Battle Of Iwo Jima 1945(18 of27)
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JAPAN - APRIL 25: The American Cemetery On The Island Of Iwo Jima In Japan On April 25, 1945 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)
Iwo Jima(19 of27)
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March 1945: Full-length image of members of the US Navy and Coast Guard arriving on the shores of Iwo Jima hours after the Marines had succeeded in capturing the island from the Japanese, Japan, Pacific Front, World War II. (Photo by US Coast Guard/Getty Images) (credit:U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images)
WWII Battle of Iwo Jima(20 of27)
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In this handout from the U.S. Marine Corps, a Japanese soldier surrenders after being wounded at a cave position during fighting at the northern end of Iwo Jima, in 1945. Enemy prisoners are amazed at the humane treatment accorded them by their captors. They are well fed, clothed given the best of medical care and interned in sanitary camps. exact date of photo is unknown. (AP Photo/U.S. Marine Corps) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WWII Battle of Iwo Jima(21 of27)
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In this handout from the U.S. Marine Corps, A Catholic chaplain of the Fifth Marine Division conducts mass on Mt. Suribachi Yama, on the island of Iwo Jima, March 1, 1945. the leathernecks don\'t leave their weapons out of reach, even while they worship. The two Marines wearing helmets hold a poncho to break the wind and prevent the chalice, candles and book from being blown over. (AP Photo/U.S. Marine Corps) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Invasion Of Iwo Jima(22 of27)
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Aerial view of the US Sixth Fleet during the invasion of Iwo Jima, February 14, 1945. Mt Suribachi is in the background. (Photo by PhotoQuest/Getty Images) (credit:PhotoQuest via Getty Images)
World War Two(23 of27)
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US marines of the 27th Division at the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War Two, Japan, 1945. (Photo by US Marine Corps/Getty Images) (credit:FPG via Getty Images)
Beach On Iwo Jima(24 of27)
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American landing craft and armoured vehicles on a beach during the Battle of Iwo Jima, February 1945. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:FPG via Getty Images)
Advance On Iwo Jima(25 of27)
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circa 1945: The Fifth Division Marine invaders make their way up the beach of Iwo Jima. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) (credit:Keystone via Getty Images)
WWII Asia Volcano Island Iwo Jima Japanese(26 of27)
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Near a truck on an Iwo Jima road in Japan on Feb. 20, 1945, Jap soldiers with field packs scatter for cover, as an American plane comes in low to strafe the enemy during pre-invasion softening-up. Japs at left dive into a gully; those at right head for a ravine; and others hide under the truck. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WWII Iwo Jima(27 of27)
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Landing craft of all descriptions, loaded with American marines, churn the waters off Iwo Jima Island, Japan on Feb. 22, 1945, as they head for the beach to begin the invasion. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)