



FBIは2日、サンフランシスコの公共図書館にいたウルブリヒト容疑者を逮捕し、彼のウェブサイト「Silk Road」を閉鎖したと発表した。このサイトは、違法な薬物のほか、コンピューターをハッキングするためのツール、その他の違法な製品およびサービスを取り引きできる市場として賑わっていた。

Silk Roadは世界中の麻薬売人が利用していた闇市場で、大量のマリファナ、ヘロイン、LSD、およびコカインが匿名で売られていたと、FBIは告訴状の中で説明している。

9月の時点で、このサイトにはおよそ1万3000の違法な麻薬リストが、「幻覚剤」、「興奮剤」、「大麻」などのカテゴリに分けて掲載されていたと告訴状には書かれている。告訴状によれば、FBIは捜査の過程で、おとり捜査官を使って、10ヵ国のSilk Roadの売人から100回以上麻薬を購入したという。

さらに、サイバー犯罪者らはSilk Roadを利用して、偽りの身元情報を作る方法の解説書、コンピューターをハッキングするためのツール、盗み出したNetflixやAmazonのアカウントを販売していた、と当局は述べている。現在このサイトは閉鎖され、FBIなどによって差し押さえられているというバナーが掲示されている(リンク先にスクリーンショットあり)。


当局はSilk Roadの存在を数年前から知っていた。チャールズ・シュマー上院議員(ニューヨーク州選出、民主党)は2011年の段階でこのサイトについて、「違法なドラッグのワンストップ・ショップ」であり、「これまで見られたことのない規模で堂々と違法ドラッグ等を販売している」と指摘していた。

FBIによれば、ウルブリヒト容疑者は、自分自身、およびSilk Roadユーザーの身元を隠すために、インターネット・トラフィックを世界中のコンピューターに経由させることで匿名化するネットワーク「Tor」を使用していた。また、事実上追跡が不可能な電子マネーである「Bitcoin」ですべての取り引きを行わせることで、匿名性をさらに高めていた。

ウルブリヒト容疑者は、ある人物からSilk Roadユーザーの名前を暴露すると脅された際、他のSilk Roadユーザーに、お金と引き換えにその人物を殺害するよう依頼したとされる。ただしFBIによれば、この委託殺人が実際に行われたことを示す証拠はないようだ。




Satellite Connections(01 of05)
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Satellite dish on the roof? You might be in luck. Satellite modems will still connect to the Internet during a blackout. Small, portable satellite modems, says Applebaum, are incredibly expensive; telecom companies charge as much as $7 per megabyte for service. Still, that technology is likely being smuggled over the border, and Syrians who bought satellite modems before the current conflict started might already have them plugged in. \n\nMore common -- and less expensive -- are connections via satellite dishes. Connecting to satellites with a dish may be less expensive, but it’s also more conspicuous. Applebaum says that if he were in Syria, he might use one to get online, but he wouldn’t sit under a roof with one on it. Applebaum said he suspects Syrian officials are likely on the lookout for obvious satellite connections and may raid or shell buildings with visible dishes on their roofs. (credit:Getty Images)
Dial-Up Internet Connections(02 of05)
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Though landline connection in Syria is reportedly intermittent, Syrians with dial-up modems may still be able to connect to the Internet via landline. \n\nHactivist group Anonymous has focused on the dial-up option, posting and pastebinning a number of potential dial-up connections for civilians in Syria to use. (credit:Flickr:Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)
Leased Lines & Other Phone Lines(03 of05)
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\"As long as you have phone lines, you have the Internet,\" said Applebaum, and it\'s very hard to completely cut off the phones. Even with mobile service down and landline service intermittent (and probably monitored), there are ways to call out -- if you know where to find them. \n\nIn a blackout, Applebaum recommends looking for leased lines, which are lines directly connected \"from point A to point B,\" usually without a telephone number. Banks tend to have them, says Applebaum, as well as other large corporations that need to transmit data to and from geographically distant locations without worrying about quality of service. Applebaum says these connections shouldn\'t be affected by an IP and telecommunications blackout, and many of them provide Internet as well as traditional telephone services. \n\nThe intermittent Syrian landlines may also be of help, says Applebaum, for more than just those with dial-up modems: \"If the phone line works, you can get on the Internet. You can call someone else and bridge to the Internet.” In an attempt to sidestep the Internet blackout, Google and Twitter have also reactivated speak2tweet, a service whereby telephone users can tweet sans Internet by calling in voice tweets. (credit:Flickr:Roshan Vyas)
X.25 & Legacy Systems(04 of05)
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Before today\'s Internet protocol (IP) standard existed, people used more limited methods of connecting computers and sending data back and forth. Systems now considered \"legacy,\" like the X.25 system, connected distant universities, telephone offices and air traffic control towers. These systems haven\'t gone away, and, being pre-IP, they\'re not at all affected by the IP blackout.\n\n\"If I were in Syria, I\'d start looking for an X.25 PAD,\" said Applebaum, referring to a gateway device that allows a computer to access the X.25 network.\n\nX.25 services have been replaced in many parts of the world, but are still a common connection protocol in the aeronautical industry. Additionally, X.25 services are still widely used in amatuer packet radio. (credit:Flickr:GollyGforce)
Sneakernet & Radio(05 of05)
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If all else fails, there are also low-tech solutions like short-wave radio and the \"sneakernet,\" which have been used in permanently blacked-out countries like North Korea and Burma. Cutting off the Internet won\'t jam the radio, and clandestine shortwaves are a tried-and-true method of getting information in and out of blacked-out countries. The sneakernet, a pun on the word ethernet, is even lower-tech: It\'s used to describe information-smuggling done the old-fashioned way (via USB drives, videotapes or letters that are simply carried out of a blacked-out country by hand). (credit:Flickr:brettneilson)

[Gerry Smith(English) 日本語版:佐藤卓/ガリレオ]